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Architecture Studio Lottery
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Avery Review
Avery Shorts


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COVID-19 Resources

This page includes communications, resources, and information for the GSAPP community related to the impact of COVID-19.

Watch the April 14, 2022 Campus Update Forum, which includes up-to-date information regarding COVID-19. Panelists include Wafaa El-Sadr, Donna Lynne, and Gerry Rosberg.

Columbia University Resources

Return to Campus Requirements for Students

COVID-19 Resource Guide for the Columbia Community
Columbia University’s main hub for COVID-19 information, resources, news, and guidelines.

Office of University Life COVID-19 Resources

Public Health Protocols and Health Compact
A commitment to comply with all public health guidance is included in the Columbia Community Heath Compact that all affiliates will be expected to sign as part of the return to campus. In addition, it is strongly recommended that all affiliates follow these guidelines when engaged in social and other activities off campus, including physical distancing, face covering, and hand hygiene.

How Campus Life Will Be Different
The Facilities and Campus Life Working Group has established health and safety protocols for campus operations and created guidelines for use and assignment of space while COVID-19 mitigation strategies are in place.

Enhanced Health and Safety Policy
This document has been established to help protect individuals in the Columbia community and our neighbors as we return to campus. It outlines the expectation that all members of our community will follow specific health and hygiene practices.

Symptom Self-checking
As of June 22, 2020, all faculty, staff, and students will be required to complete a symptom self-check every day before they enter campus premises. This document provides background on the process, information on the ReopenCU app, information about check-in kiosks, and FAQs about the procedure.

Public Health Guidance
This document outlines Columbia’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for all its faculty, staff, students, and visitors. It also contains helpful information about COVID-19 symptom screening, testing, and tracing.

Columbia University Communications
Read all relevant University updates including letters from President Bollinger.

GSAPP Website Links

This page addresses frequently asked questions related to the impact of COVID-19 and the return to on-campus learning in Fall 2021.

Hybrid Pedagogy Resources
This page serves as a resource for both faculty and students to learn more about remote learning and teaching best practices.

Making Studio Update
The Making Studio will open in the Fall 2021 semester. Read about new required safety training and how to schedule shop time.

Avery Library Update
Since the start of Fall 2021, all libraries have reopened for Columbia faculty, students, and staff for general use and study, including the Avery Library. Check the University Libraries page for the latest updates.

GSAPP Emergency Fund

Established and funded by the Dean’s Office, the GSAPP Emergency Fund was initially created in 2020 to support the student community facing hardships resulting from the impact of COVID-19. In order to meet the students’ financial needs during that period, the School expanded the original $250,000 budget to provide a total of $290,743 in emergency aid to 195 students in the 2020-2021 academic year. The Fund was renewed in the 2021-2022 academic year to provide continued support, and a total of $272,366 in emergency aid was awarded to 206 students.

Columbia GSAPP has committed to continued funding through the Emergency Fund in the 2022-2023 academic year to assist students with unexpected financial needs. Application process and deadlines will be communicated at the start of the Fall 2022 semester.

In the University Life series of Student Voices, GSAPP student Ochuko Okor explains why following the Columbia Community Health Compact is so important to the well-being of our entire community. You can hear additional Student Voices on #KeeptheCompact.

International Students & Scholars Office

Columbia University and the ISSO are committed to supporting our international students and scholars. Review these pages for ISSO operations, FAQs, updates, and resources.


ISSO News and Announcements

ISSO Newly Admitted Student FAQ

ISSO Continuing Student FAQ