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Abstract Publication
Academic Affairs
Academic Calendar, Columbia University
Academic Calendar, GSAPP
Admissions Office
Advanced Standing Waiver Form
Alumni Board
Alumni Office
Architecture Studio Lottery
Avery Library
Avery Review
Avery Shorts


STEM Designation
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Skill Trails
Student Affairs
Student Awards
Student Conduct
Student Council (All Programs)
Student Financial Services
Student Health Services at Columbia
Student Organization Handbook
Student Organizations
Student Services Center
Student Services Online (SSOL)
Student Work Online
Studio Culture Policy
Studio Procedures
Summer Workshops
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Events Office

The Events team produces a lively series of lectures, conferences and other activities for students, faculty, colleagues across campus and the general public. Please see the calendar for current listings, or watch past programs on YouTube.
Planning an Event

GSAPP students and faculty interested in organizing extracurricular events in Avery Hall should submit a proposal online:

Please note:

  • Proposals should be sent with generous time and the Events Office will respond within one week. Last-minute requests should be sent no later than 10 days before the proposed event date.
  • If an answer isn’t known or available, please enter N/A.
  • Because rooms are very limited and GSAPP’s event spaces double-function as classrooms, the School always prioritizes academic needs and GSAPP programming.
  • If an event originates externally and involves a non-GSAPP sponsor, it does require a GSAPP host because space can only be reserved if there is a direct connection to the School. In these cases, the hosting GSAPP faculty needs to attend the event in person and play an active role in presenting the event, by introducing and/or responding to the interventions of other speakers.
  • Students may reference the Student Organization Handbook for additional information.
  • Event organizers and hosts are expected to follow University Event Policies.
Promoting an Event and Posting Communications

GSAPP Guidelines for Announcing an Event and Posting Flyers:

GSAPP’s designated bulletin boards are located in the Avery stairs on the 400 and 500 landings, on Avery 100, Buell Hall 100 stairwell, and Fayerweather 200, and can be used for event posters or other communications.

Flyers/Posters may not be taped to other walls, doors, or windows, and will be moved to the bulletin boards.

The following information needs to be included on all materials that are posted:

  • Name of the organizer, author, or sponsor (individuals or organizations).
  • For event announcements, additionally include the time, date, and location of the event.

Flyers/Posters that use the Columbia University or Columbia GSAPP names must be approved by the GSAPP Communications Office (communications@arch.columbia.edu) in advance.

Flyers/Posters must be removed by the organizers within 24 hours of the completion of the event.

The front doors of Avery Hall, Buell Hall, Fayerweather, and Schermerhorn; the Avery Hall elevator box; and the screens mounted throughout the buildings at Avery 100, 200, 400, and Fayerweather 200 are only for use by the GSAPP Events and Communications offices for School-wide activities. Please reach out to events@arch.columbia.edu or stop by 415 Avery in advance if you have an important activity that should be posted there.

Flyers/Posters that serve academic functions – room changes, schedule updates, review room assignments, etc. – may be temporarily posted on adjacent walls to indicate room locations when approved by the Academic Affairs Office.

Bart-Jan Polman, Director of Exhibitions and Public Programs
Kendra Sykes, Director of Internal Exhibitions and Events