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External Funding Sources

Many financial resources exist in addition to those offered by Columbia University, and we encourage students to use the listing on this page as a beginning in researching outside scholarships and awards.

Current students may also browse a dynamic Google Sheet listing of external scholarship opportunities (link active for LionMail users).

Students are also encouraged to use the Columbia iGrad tool and to consult the Student Financial Services’ Outside Awards page for more information and additional opportunities.

AAHD Frederick J. Krause Scholarship on Health and Disability

The AAHD Frederick J. Krause Scholarship on Health and Disability is awarded annually to deserving students with a disability who are pursuing undergraduate/graduate studies (must be at least enrolled as a sophomore in college) in an accredited university and who are pursuing studies related to the health and disability, to include, but not limited to public health, health promotion, disability studies, disability research, rehabilitation engineering, audiology, disability policy, special education and majors that will impact quality of life of persons with disabilities.

Funds are limited to under $1,000. The AAHD Board of Directors Scholarship Committee will evaluate each of the applicants and make a decision in December of each calendar year. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Aga Khan Foundation

The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies in order to develop scholars and prepare them for employment, primarily within the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant : 50% loan basis. Applications for short-term courses are not considered; neither are applications from students who have already started their course of study.

Eligibility: The main criteria for selecting award winners are: l) excellent academic records, 2) genuine financial need, 3) admission to a reputable university and 4) relevance of the field of study to AKDN’s focus areas. Candidates are also evaluated on their extra-curricular interests and achievements, potential to achieve their goals and likelihood to succeed in a foreign academic environment. Applicants are expected to have some years of work experience in their field of interest. Preference is given to students under 30 years of age.

The Foundation accepts applications from nationals of the following countries: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar and Mozambique. In France, Portugal, UK, USA and Canada, applications are accepted from those who are originally from one of the above developing countries, are interested in development-related studies and who have no other means of financing their education.

Applications generally open in January and are due in March each year. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Alpha Epsilon Phi Foundation Scholarship

Since its founding in 1959, the Alpha Epsilon Phi Foundation has been enriching the lives of AEPhi members by awarding scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate studies.

All applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and will be scored based on academic performance; chapter, campus and community activities and need. Graduate applicants must have completed at least one year of graduate studies by June 30th. All recipients must be full-time students in the U.S. for the entire academic year.

Applications generally open in January and are due April 1st. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Abbvie Immunology Scholarship

The AbbVie Immunology Scholarship is designed to provide financial support to exceptional students living with the following inflammatory diseases as they pursue goals of higher education:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
  • Crohn’s disease (CD)
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)
  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
  • Psoriasis (Ps)
  • Psoriatic arthritis (PsA)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Ulcerative colitis (UC)
  • Uveitis (UV)

With this scholarship, AbbVie hopes to further empower students to pursue an independent life defined by bold decisions and unyielding determination. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation
The mission of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation is to promote lifelong learning. This is accomplished by awarding scholarships, fellowships and grants based on both academic merit and financial need. Applicants need not be members of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Minimum GPA required: 3.0. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Against the Grain Artistic Scholarship

The Against The Grain Artistic Scholarship provides financial assistance and promotion of Asian American college students pursuing a major in the performing, visual arts, journalism and/or mass communications. General Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be of at least 25% Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity
  • Must be a citizen, national or legal permanent resident of the U.S.
  • Must be either a high school senior or a college student currently enrolled full time at an accredited U.S. vocational, junior college, or four-year college/university and must be a full- time, associate/bachelor/master degree seeking student by the upcoming academic calendar year and pursuing a major in the visual/performing arts (film, theatre, fashion, photography, graphic design, dance, music, journalism, mass communications, etc.)
  • Have demonstrated leadership abilities through participation in community service, extracurricular, or other activities
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (unweighted)

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Allwork Scholarship

Financial aid for students seeking their first architectural degree from a NAAB-accredited school (Allwork) or first design degree (CFA Design) with a high level of academic performance and financial need. Student portfolios, each containing three projects, should be judged in terms of the following additional criteria:

  • Concept: Demonstrates a clear and focused line of inquiry
  • Artistry: Demonstrates a sensitive aesthetic ability
  • Skill: Demonstrates an a high level of aptitude

Students seeking their first degree in architecture from an NAAB-accredited school in the State of New York are eligible. The dean or chair of the architectural school shall nominate up to two students from their respective college or university to apply. Nominated students will have a high level of academic performance and evidence of financial need. The financial need of each student shall be determined by the guidelines of the Financial Aid Officer of the school nominating the candidate. Students need not be U.S. citizens. Please check the link below for up to date information.

American Association of University Women (AAUW)

Since 1888, AAUW has been one of the largest funders of women’s graduate education, investing in women who go on to change the world. Due to the longstanding, generous contributions of AAUW members, a broader community of women continues to gain access to educational and economic opportunities — breaking through barriers so that all women have a fair chance.

Fellowship and grant recipients perform research in a wide range of disciplines and work to improve their schools and communities. Their intellect, dedication, imagination, and effort promise to forge new paths in scholarship, improve the quality of life for all, and tackle the educational and social barriers facing women worldwide.

Multiple scholarships available, application deadlines vary. Please check the link below for up to date information.

AAUW’s International Fellowship program

AAUW’s International Fellowship program has been in existence since 1917. The program provides support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the U.S. who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. A limited number of awards are available for study outside of the U.S. (excluding the applicant’s home country) to women who are members of Graduate Women International (see the list of GWI affiliates). Preference is given to women who show prior commitment to the advancement of women and girls through civic, community, or professional work.

Up to five International Fellowships for master’s/first professional degrees will be renewable for a second year; fellows will receive application information for this competitive program during their fellowship year. Please check the link below for up to date information.

American Council of the Blind (ACB) Scholarship Program

The American Council of the Blind (ACB) Scholarship Program was established in 1982 and annually awards approximately twenty scholarships.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Students who are legally blind
  • Enrolled at a post-secondary institution or a vocational/technical school
  • Applications generally open in November and are due in February.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

American Indian College Fund Full Circle Scholarship

Requirements for the American Indian College Fund Full Circle Scholarship include:

  • U.S. citizen or Canadian eligible to attend college in the U.S. under the Jay Treaty
  • Enrolled full-time in a graduate program at an accredited public, private (non-profit), or tribal college or university.
  • Registered as a member of a federal or state recognized tribe, or a descendant of at least one grandparent or parent who is an enrolled tribal member. (Alaska Natives may use Native Corporation membership.)
  • Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 2.0
  • Applications are generally open between January 1st and May 31st.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) Fellowship

The American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) Fellowship program provides approximately $1,200,000 in fellowships to over 400 American Indian and Alaska Native graduate and professional students each year.

Basic eligibility for scholarships include the following:

  • Pursuing a post-baccalaureate graduate or professional degree as a full time student at an accredited institution in the U.S.;
  • Able to demonstrate financial need through submission of the AIGC Financial Need Form (FNF), and;
  • Able to demonstrate tribal affiliation through the submission of a Tribal Eligibility Certificate.
  • Please see the website for more information about the fellowship opportunities, specific instructions, and deadlines.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

American Jewish Historical Society Prizes & Fellowships

The American Jewish Historical Society encourages interested students and scholars to apply for the following prizes and fellowships. The AJHS Academic Council is responsible for all selections. Awards include The Henry L. Feingold Graduate Student Essay Prize, the Ruth B. Fein Prize, The Sid and Ruth Lapidus Fellowship and the Pokross/Curhan Family Fund Prize.

Award amounts and application deadlines vary. Please check the link below for up to date information.

American Water Works Association Scholarships
The American Water Works Association provides a number of scholarships for students pursuing careers related to water supply and related fields. Please check the link below for up to date information.
American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) Scholarship
The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers over $500,000 in funding to Scandinavians to undertake study or research programs (usually at the graduate level) in the United States for up to one year. Candidates for awards are recommended to the ASF by our cooperating organizations. In order to apply, submit applications to the appropriate cooperative organization (see website for more info). Awards are made in all fields. Applicants must be citizens of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Army Women’s Foundation Legacy Scholarship

The Army Women’s Foundation recognizes the importance of education and the role it plays in personal, professional and economic fulfillment. The Army Women’s Foundation Legacy Scholarship Program provides grants to women soldiers, past and present, and their lineal descendants to help them attain their educational goals. The Legacy Scholarship Program offers financial support in four areas: Certificate programs, Community College coursework, Undergraduate Degrees, and Graduate Degrees. Scholarships are awarded only for coursework from accredited institutions. Scholarships are based on merit, academic potential, community service, letters of recommendation, and need. College, University, and Graduate Program Legacy Scholarships will be awarded up to $2,500.


  • Applicants must be a woman who has served or is serving honorably in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve, Army National Guard or the child of a woman who served honorably in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard.
  • College and University Legacy Scholarships: Applicants must be currently enrolled at an accredited college or university and have completed 30 credit hours of course work with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.
  • Graduate Program Legacy Scholarships: Applicant must have achieved an undergraduate degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must be enrolled in or accepted into a Graduate level program — Masters or Doctoral.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Allogan Slagle Memorial Scholarship

The Association of American Indian Affairs (AAIA) has a long history of providing scholarships to college students. Over the years the scholarship program has grown to the current seven scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students from federally recognized and unrecognized tribes. Applicants enrolled in non-federally recognized tribes are only eligible for the Allogan Slagle Memorial Scholarship.

All applicants must:

Be enrolled with his or her respective Tribe, either federally recognized or non-federally recognized Tribe, from the continental US or Alaska. Submit a copy of Tribal enrollment (there is no minimum blood quantum requirement for eligibility). This can be a copy of the student’s Tribal I.D. card or a copy of an official letter from the Tribe.

  • Be enrolled as a full-time student.
  • Have a minimum 2.5 out of 4.0 GPA.
  • Submit a current class schedule and transcript.
  • Attend an accredited institution and be seeking an Associate’s Degree or higher (the Association does not fund certificate programs or seminaries).
  • Fill out the Association’s Application.
  • Provide a 3-5 page essay described in the Application.
  • Please see the fellowship website for details on specific graduate scholarships available.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Black Heart Scholarship program
In 2013 The Foundation launched The Black Heart Scholarship Programme. The Programme represents the formal development of some of The Foundation’s previous initiatives. The Scholarship Programme awards several annual bursaries to qualified candidates to advance their educational goals and life aspirations. The Scholarship Programme supports candidates with their educational endeavours primarily in the UK and US but is open to considering work in other education resource limited geographies. The demand for scholarships is high and therefore submissions that are closely aligned to the aims of The Foundation have the highest chance of successful application. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Beinecke Scholarship

The Beinecke Scholarship program was established in 1971 and seeks to encourage and enable highly motivated students to pursue opportunities and to be courageous in the selection of a graduate course of study in the arts, humanities and social sciences.

Each scholar receives $4,000 immediately prior to entering graduate school and an additional $30,000 while attending graduate school. There are no geographic restrictions on the use of the scholarship, and recipients are allowed to supplement the award with other scholarships, assistantships and research grants. Scholars are encouraged to begin graduate study as soon as possible following graduation from college, and must utilize all of the funding within five years of completion of undergraduate studies.

Applications are limited to one of 125 participating undergraduate colleges and require a nomination from their undergraduate school. See the program website for a listing of participating schools. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Belgian American Educational Foundation

The Belgian American Educational Foundation Inc. is the leading independent philanthropy in the support of exchanging university students, scientists and scholars between the U.S. and Belgium. Awards are available to Belgian citizens pursuing their Master’s degree in the U.S.

The fellowship for students pursuing an initial two-year Master’s in the US is a non-renewable grant of up to $60,000 for the first year ($40,000 for tuition and health insurance and a $20,000 stipend). For the second year, the award is up to $40,000 for tuition and health insurance. Fellows are expected to stay in the US for two full academic years.

For students pursuing a complementary Master’s degree in the US, the award amount is up to $58,000 which includes $40,000 towards tuition and health insurance and a stipend of $18,000. Fellows are expected to stay in the US for a full academic year (nine months). Please check the link below for up to date information.

BEST (BUNAC Educational Scholarship Trust) Scholarships

The BEST (BUNAC Educational Scholarship Trust) scholarships offer financial assistance to eligible applicants who are looking to undertake postgraduate study in the USA or Canada. They are funded by the BEST Scholarship Trust which is an independent trust administered by BUNAC on behalf of the BEST trustees.

Applicants must:

  • Be UK passport holder
  • Be currently, or have been engaged in full-time tertiary education at a university or college of higher education in the United Kingdom
  • Have already applied for, but not yet started a post-graduate course in the US or Canada. The postgraduate qualification must be awarded by a US or Canadian institution
  • Not be permanent employees of BUNAC Travel Services Ltd.

At the judging stage, preference is given to those whose proposed study in North America is likely to do most to further transatlantic understanding and/or to those who are required to go to the US or Canada to do a specific course. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Boren Fellowships

Boren Fellowships, an initiative of the National Security Education Program, provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded.

Boren Fellowships provide funding to US graduate students to add an important international and language component to their graduate education through specialization in area study, language study, or increased language proficiency. The program focuses on geographic areas, languages, and fields of study deemed critical to U.S. national security. NSEP draws on a broad definition of national security, recognizing that the scope of national security has expanded to include not only the traditional concerns of protecting and promoting American well-being, but also the challenges of global society, including sustainable development, environmental degradation, global disease and hunger, population growth and migration, and economic competitiveness. Boren Fellows commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation.


  • U.S. citizen
  • Planning an overseas program that meets home institution standards in a country outside of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand.
  • Either matriculated in or applying to an accredited graduate degree program at a U.S. college or university located within the United States. Boren Fellows must remain matriculated in their graduate programs for the duration of the fellowship and may not graduate until the fellowship is complete.

Note: Boren Fellowships are not for study in the U.S. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Bush Foundation Fellowship

The Bush Foundation Fellowship is intended to help fellows strengthen and develop their leadership. Up to 24 Bush Fellows are selected each year. Selection criteria is based on the combination of an extraordinary track record of success, a Fellowship plan that reflects the ability to dream big about what is possible and the skills and potential to bring the plan to life.

Applicants to the Bush Fellowship Program:

Must be at least 24 years old at the time of the application deadline. Must have lived for one continuous year immediately prior to the application deadline in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, or one of the 23 Native nations that shares the same geographic area with these states. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Byron Hanke Fellowship

The Foundation for Community Association Research (FCAR) awards its Byron Hanke Fellowship to selected graduate students to implement research projects related to the development, management and governance of common interest communities and their community associations. Find out more about Byron Hanke.

Applicants must be enrolled, at time of application and through the research period, in a graduate level program (masters, doctoral, legal) at an accredited higher education institution in the United States or Canada. Students from any relevant discipline may apply for the Hanke Fellowship, provided their research project relates to community associations and/or common interest communities. Please check the link below for up to date information.

CACP Scholarship Program

The Chinese American Construction Professionals (CACP) Scholarship Program was established to provide aid to students who are pursuing their career in architecture, engineering, design, or construction-related fields.

The goal of this program is to create a conduit between CACP and the most promising students with design and construction related majors in local universities. The program recognizes students with the highest academic achievement and encourages them to thrive and to pursue professional excellence. In some cases, the program provides students with financial assistance. Among local universities and with professional communities, the scholarship program well-represents CACP as a recognized professional organization and its scholarship recipients as top students in their field benefiting CACP as well as those top students. CACP is committed to support future young professionals and will offer each scholarship applicant a free year of student membership ($35.00 value) to our organization. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Callahan Incentive Grant

The Callahan Incentive Grant is made possible by a generous grant from Barbara and Les Callahan, longtime supporters of the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, in order to provide funding for historic preservation projects in the state of Georgia. Up to $10,000 is available per calendar year for nonprofit or governmental organizations and may be granted to one or more projects, depending on the quality of the applicants in a given year.

Criteria for Eligibility

  • Grants are only available to sites listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
  • Grant funding shall be used for capital –“bricks and mortar” – improvements to a historic site.
  • Applications for planning, consultants, speakers, or overhead expenses will not be considered.
  • Grant funds will require a dollar for dollar match. The match may be in the form of cash or documented volunteer hours. Volunteer hour value shall be calculated at minimum wage per hour rate for actual work performed to the historic site.
  • Grant funds shall provide significant impact towards a full rehabilitation or restoration of the historic site.
  • The project shall demonstrate significant community impact. Support for the project should include a wide range of stakeholders, including community organizations, community leaders, and individuals.
  • Projects should also exhibit a sustainable plan for long term use and maintenance, including economic self-sufficiency to the extent possible.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Catching the Dream Scholarship
CTD’s objective is to recognize and reward outstanding student achievement. This Supplemental award is intended to help Native American Indian students who are ¼ or more degree American Indian, and an enrolled member of a U.S. tribe. “U.S. Tribe” is defined as federally recognized, state recognized or terminated. All awards are based on merit, academic achievement and ambition. Students must attend a college or university on a full time basis, seeking a BA or higher. CTD does not fund students studying out of the country or attending non­accredited institutions, vocational, technical institutions, distance learning or online programs. Catching the Dream scholarships are awarded for life. If you win, you will never have to apply again.However, if you are not selected for scholarship with CTD, you cannot apply again. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Chairish Scholarship
Chairish is offering a scholarship designed to support students from diverse backgrounds and students who are majoring in design-related fields such as architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, and engineering fields. Each year, we will award up to $5,000 in college scholarships to two deserving students. Please check the link below for up to date information.
David Barrett Memorial Scholarship

The David Barrett Memorial Scholarship is awarded biennially to recognize the work of an outstanding undergraduate or graduate student who demonstrates an interest and ability in utilizing classical design elements and traditional materials in their work.

Classical design is aligned with Greek and Roman design principles. Please be creative and innovative in how this is translated in your work. All project types will be accepted, including, but not limited to, workplace, civic, residential, hospitality, and historical restoration. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Design Educates Awards
The Design Educates Awards recognize, showcase, and promote globally the best ideas and implementations of architecture and design that can educate. We look for an additional benefit with long-term implications that takes into account the increasing complexity of our lives, both now and in the future. Something that will have a lasting influence beyond the everpresent effects of design and architecture. Each year, the esteemed panel of judges selects the outstanding ideas and implementations in the categories of architectural design, product design, universal design, and responsive design. So far, the awards have been joined by more than 500 participants from 176 cities, 35 countries and 5 continents, 40 members of the judging panel. 80 laureates have been selected. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Diversity Advancement Scholarship

The Diversity Advancement Scholarship was created in 1970 with an initial grant from the Ford Foundation, after civil rights leader Whitney Young Jr. challenged architects in 1968 to create a more responsible and equitable field. We’re looking for minority students whose imagination and design thinking will influence the future of the built environment and the architecture profession. Eligible students must be a US citizen, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, and be:

  • a high school student planning to enroll in a NAAB-accredited architecture degree program;
  • a rising second-year college student in a NAAB-accredited architecture degree program; or,
  • a technical school or community college student who has completed high school or its equivalent and intends to transfer to a NAAB-accredited architecture program.

NAAB-accredited degree programs may be a five-year Bachelor of Architecture degree, or a four-year pre-professional bachelor degree followed by a Master of Architecture degree. Scholarships may be renewed for up to 5 years (up to a $20,000 total award—multiple scholarships are available). Please check the link below for up to date information.

Edward Blakely Award

The Planners of Color Interest Group (POCIG), a group affiliated with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), is pleased to have established the Edward Blakely Award. This achievement award will be given to a worthy honoree who has supported the cause of social justice, particularly in urban planning or development, for communities of color.

This award is in honor of Edward Blakely, who has offered extraordinary service as both scholar and practitioner following examples from his family, including in particular his father Edward Blakely, his mother Josephine Carter Blakely, and all of his uncles and aunts and cousins who lived and worked for social justice in communities of color, particularly during the years of legally-enforced racial segregation.

Blakely, currently resident in Australia, was present for the announcement of the award’s establishment on October 13, 2011, at POCIG’s annual meeting at the ACSP Annual Conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah. He also helped present the first award to Boston activist and author Mel King on November 2, 2012.

This award may go to planning or related academics or to professionals who have supported the cause of social justice for communities of color in their work. Such awardees will not be limited to residents of the U.S. or to faculty of ACSP member schools.

Winners will be introduced at the ACSP Annual Conference Faculty Awards Luncheon. Profiles and media announcements of winners and their accomplishments will follow the conference. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Ehrlich Rominger Scholarship

The future of the architectural profession resides with the next generation of architects. The AIA Silicon Valley Scholarship program has three scholarships available for students who meet legal residence requirements and are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program leading to a career in architecture. The scholarship committee, board of directors, and members at large feel a student’s decision to study architecture should be determined by talent and perseverance and not limited by financial status. The Ehrlich Rominger Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. Joseph Ehrlich and Mr. Jack Rominger to assist with the education of future architectural professionals.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Currently enrolled in a college or university program leading to a degree in architecture
  • Current resident of Santa Clara County and legal resident of the United States

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Elizabeth Lyon Fellowship

The Elizabeth Lyon Fellowship of up to $5,000 will be awarded to a student, an intern or a professional. Funds will be distributed as reimbursement upon submission of invoices for eligible expenses.

The fellowship will be announced at the Georgia Trust’s Annual Meeting. The winner will be notified beforehand. The fellowship should be used within one calendar year of being received.

Students and emerging professionals are encouraged to apply. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Enid W. & Bernard B. Spigel Architectural Scholarship

College scholarships are a mainstay at the Hampton Roads Community Foundation. Since 1950 charitable people have established more than 90 scholarship endowments. As a result, the Hampton Roads Community Foundation is southeastern Virginia’s largest scholarship provider, awarding more than $21 million since 1950 to more than 4,400 students – most of them for four years of study. For the 2020-21 school year alone, we provided nearly $1.5 million to help 446 students go to college.

If you are a student looking for financial help, we encourage you to read the list of scholarships that are relevant (e.g. undergraduate vs. graduate) and how to apply online. We may well have something for your special talents.

If you are one of our current scholarship recipients, please check out Information and Forms for Current Recipients for rules and information on requesting scholarship renewal, deferral, transfer or study abroad. Please check the link below for up to date information.

F. Lammot Belin Arts Scholarship

In 1964, Peter Belin established the Belin Arts Scholarship, in memory of his father, F. Lammot Belin. The scholarship was endowed with funds provided by the Belin family and has become a prestigious annual award. Peter and Mary Belin were both prominent philanthropists, active in the Washington DC performing arts community.

The Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to artists of outstanding aptitude and promise in the fine arts. It is intended to aid the recipients in their development into professional artists. The recipient may use the money for formal or informal study or travel conducted according to an individual program or proposal which has had the prior approval by the Selection Committee through the application process. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Gay Asian Pacific Alliance Scholarships
Prism Foundation provides scholarships to empower outstanding students who are making a positive impact on the Asian & Pacific Islander and LGBTQ+ communities. Our scholarships range from $1000–$5000, and our portfolio of recipients have included both undergraduates and graduates across a spectrum of ages, gender identities, sexual orientation, racial and ethnic background, and more. We have funded artists, activists, researchers, lawyers, therapists, and hope to continue highlighting and empowering our student community. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Gensler Diversity Scholarship
Gensler is committed to the education of emerging design talent. The firm has awarded nearly $300,000 in academic scholarships to students and graduates over the last 20 years. Gensler offers two U.S. scholarship opportunities annually for architecture and interior design students and one UK Bursary with Micro Prizes. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Golden West Plumbing and Heating Scholarship

Golden West Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning is fully committed to the communities we serve and the development of local families. We have developed a program to help students pursue their educational goals. This program is open to students throughout the U.S.A. At Golden West Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning we feel strongly about supporting the communities we serve throughout Denver and Lakewood with our plumbing services and are equally proud to help students across the country.

We are offering one $1000.00 scholarship each year to help with college or trade school tuition. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Homelight Scholarship

HomeLight is a small team of talented people in San Francisco looking to change the face of real estate. We use actual sales data and client reviews to find the best real estate agents for homeowners across the United States. We’re passionate about making real estate better, we build the best new way to find a real estate agent, and it works by matching our customers with agents based on their skills and experience.

We want to support like-minded students who share our passion for improving the world of real estate. That’s why we’re offering a $1,000 scholarship to talented students who hold an interest in homes and homeownership. If you’re interested in designing homes, building homes, placing people in homes, combatting homelessness, or studying the housing market, we want to help fund your education. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Higher Education Funding Opportunities in the Arab Region
“Higher Education Funding Opportunities in the Arab Region” is an online Directory aiming to help students and higher education institutes to learn about existing local and regional donors supporting higher education in 12 Arab countries. The opportunities available cover scholarships, fellowships, training, loans and grants. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Houzz Scholarship Program

The Houzz Scholarship Program, launched in 2016, supports the next generation of students studying architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, construction management, or skilled trades.

We welcome all students 17 years of age or older at interior design, architecture, landscape architecture, architectural engineering schools, or skilled trade schools in the U.S. and Canada to apply for one of our five scholarships. The Women in Architecture, Residential Design, Sustainable Design and Construction Management scholarships are open to students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program. The Skilled Trades Residential Construction Scholarship is open to students enrolled in a certificate program or A.S. degree program applicable to the residential construction industry. Please check the link below for up to date information.

HSF Scholarship

As an HSF Scholar, you will have access to HSF’s invaluable Scholar Support Services and be eligible to receive a scholarship, depending on available funds. HSF Scholars have access to a full range of invaluable Scholar Support Services, including career services, mentorship, leadership development, knowledge building, and wellness training.

Who is eligible to be an HSF Scholar?

  • Graduating high school seniors
  • Undergraduate students (all years)
  • Community college students transferring to four-year universities
  • Graduate students (law school, medical school, MBA, and all other full-time masters or PhD programs)

Please check the link below for up to date information.

ICMA-RC Scholarship

The ICMA-RC Public Employee Memorial Scholarship Fund (ICMA-RC Memorial Scholarship Fund) was founded in 2001 to honor the lives of our nation’s police officers, firefighters, and other local and state government employees who died while in service to their community. In 2020, the ICMA-RC Memorial Scholarship Fund expanded its reach to include employees in the mission-adjacent education, healthcare and not-for-profit industries. The fund provides financial assistance to the surviving spouses and children of employees who have died in the line of duty and are planning to attend an accredited two-year community college, four-year accredited university, or vocational school full-time.

Each year, scholarships are awarded to selected students. Since its inception, the ICMA-RC Memorial Scholarship Fund has awarded more than $900,000 in scholarships to hundreds of recipients. The ICMA-RC Memorial Scholarship Fund is a Section 501© (3) public charity. The fund’s Board of Directors manages and oversees the eligibility and award selection process. Scholarships are managed and administered through Scholarship America, National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) and the Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS). Please check the link below for up to date information.

ICSC Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded directly by the ICSC Foundation and ICSC Foundation Canada and are for students within the United States and Canada. All scholarship recipients receive an industry mentor, a trip to RECon for U.S. recipients or Canadian Conference for Canadian recipients, and complimentary ICSC student membership. Please check the link below for up to date information.
J. Neil Reed Prize

Honoring the legacy of Neel Reid, this is awarded annually to an architecture student, an architect intern or a recently registered architect to study architecture anywhere in the world.

The J. Neel Reid Prize of up to $4,000 will be awarded to a student, an intern or a recently registered professional in the field of architecture or landscape architecture for study travel that honors the legacy of Neel Reid. Applicants are encouraged to propose an independent study, but participation in an existing program is acceptable. Priority will be given to those applicants with a connection to Georgia (a Georgia resident, a student in a Georgia academic institution or an employee of a Georgia firm).

The recipient will be required to provide a report to The Georgia Trust within six months of returning from the study travel experience. Travel may be to any location in the world where the objectives of the program can be met.

The Prize will be announced at The Georgia Trust’s Annual Meeting in the spring. The winner will be notified beforehand. The study travel should be completed by January of the following year. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship

The Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship recognizes the significant contributions of emerging professionals at early stages in their careers and helps defray the costs associated with the Architect Registration Examination (ARE). Developed by the AIA National Associates Committee, the scholarship honors the memory of late friend and colleague, Jason Pettigrew. Assoc. AIA.

Applicants must:

  • Be a current Associate AIA member
  • Hold an active National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) record
  • Be eligible to sit for the Architect Registration Examination (ARE)

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Jim Boyce Memorial Scholarship

This memorial scholarship is in honor of Jim Boyce, and all of our former APA members and supporters, who made a lasting impact in the field of accessibility compliance. By encouraging students to make accessibility part of their career development, we hope to further promote accessibility in the built environment.

Students who wish to apply must be currently pursuing a degree in architecture, landscape architecture, civil engineering, construction management, interior design or other degree program closely related to accessibility/universal design at an accredited United States institution of higher learning. Students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA and demonstrate a strong interest in accessibility in both design portfolio and future career interests. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Joel Polsky Prize

Given annually, the Joel Polsky Prize recognizes outstanding academic contributions to interior design through print or digital communication. This year, the ASID Foundation is seeking submissions focusing on the impact of design on health and wellness. Submissions should address the needs of the public, designers, and students on topics such as, educational research, behavioral science, business practice, design process, theory, or other technical subjects. Types of entries can include, but are not limited to, books, whitepapers, blogs, and videos. Entries will be judged on innovation of subject matter, comprehensive and original coverage of topic, organization, graphic presentation, bibliography, and references.

Application Requirements:

  • Description of the publication or visual communication (250 word maximum)
  • Copy of publication or visual communication
  • Biographical statement
  • Headshot

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Kenneth W. Payne Student Prize
The Kenneth W. Payne Student Prize is presented each year by the Association for Queer Anthropology (AQA) to a graduate or undergraduate student in acknowledgement of outstanding anthropological work on 1) a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender topic, or 2) a critical interrogation of sexualities and genders more broadly defined. Papers are judged according to the following criteria: use of relevant L/G/B/T/Q and/or feminist anthropological theory and literature, potential for contribution to and advancement of queer studies and our understanding of sexualities worldwide, attention to difference (gender, class, race, ethnicity, nation), originality, organization and coherence, and timeliness. Please check the link below for up to date information.
La Unidad Latina Foundation

La Unidad Latina Foundation first launched a national scholarship program for Latino students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate institutions across the United States, and then evolved to include Y Tu También as its signature college access program for high school students in New York City.

As an organization we financially support dozens of students nationwide through our annual scholarship program and help hundreds of high school students in New York City achieve admission to elite colleges and universities across the country. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Landscape ASLA-NY Designing in the Public Realm Scholarship

LAF scholarships help diversify the pool of talent and increase academic opportunity for new generations of designers. These awards are made possible through funds established by our generous sponsors.

Eligible candidates are undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada. Additional requirements vary by scholarship. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Landscape Forms Scholarship

The Landscape Forms scholarship is named in memory of Peter Lindsay Schaudt, FASLA (1959-2015) and his over 30-year career as a landscape architect. A leader and visionary in the profession, Peter was one of the founding principals of the award-winning firm, Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architecture in Chicago, Illinois and a dedicated member of the Board of Directors for Landscape Forms. Peter was widely admired for his incredible talent, dedication, generosity, and integrity. Distinguished by his focus on the “art of design,” professional stewardship, and social responsibility, Peter’s body of work has left a lasting legacy.

The Landscape Forms Scholarship in Memory of Peter Lindsay Schaudt, FASLA is open to landscape architecture students in their final two years of full-time undergraduate study in a LAAB- or LAAC-accredited program in the U.S. or Canada.

Applicants must demonstrate passion, commitment, and competence in creating artfully-designed places for people. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic accomplishment and creative design ability. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Leo and Trinidad Sanchez Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established by Gil Sanchez in memory and honor of his parents, Leo and Trini Sanchez, who emigrated from Mexico to the United States in the 1910s. They found work throughout Central California picking crops until World War II when they both found employment in Richmond, building “Liberty” cargo ships for the war effort. Leo eventually became a body and fender worker in San Jose, California, where he and his wife raised five children. Because of moving around for work, Leo did not have the opportunity to finish high school, but he passed on to his children a strong work ethic and respect for education. The estate he and Trini left behind, allowed his son, Gil, to establish a scholarship to memorialize their dedication to hard work and family, and their desire to be good citizens. Gil’s hope is that this scholarship will encourage and help further the education of young people seeking to become architects.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Hispanic American student (with at least one parent of Hispanic or Hispanic American heritage)
  • Current resident of Santa Clara County or Santa Cruz County
  • Current graduating high school senior or undergraduate at West Valley College enrolled in a program leading to a degree in architecture, or in any architectural school on a full-time or part-time basis

Please check the link below for up to date information.

McAslan Fellowship

The Architects Foundation / McAslan Fellowship funds academic travel opportunities for top graduating students and provides mentor relationships with international architects for these students. The Fellowship will be a traveling and study scholarship, funding undergraduate seniors and graduate students for a summer of travel and study.

To be eligible for the Architects Foundation/McAslan Fellowship, students must meet the following criteria: * GPA of 3.0 or higher * US Citizen * Undergraduate student matriculating from a NAAB-accredited architecture program; OR graduate student attending a NAAB-accredited architecture program * Able to travel internationally

Please check the link below for up to date information.

NAIOP and Prologis Inclusion in CRE Scholarship

NAIOP and Prologis are partnering to provide scholarships for rising CRE professionals, helping prepare a pipeline of women and minorities for careers in development and operations.

Women or other underrepresented minorities who are demonstrating leadership and responsibility in the CRE profession are invited to apply for this program that will advance your industry knowledge and connect you with leaders across North America. Please check the link below for up to date information.

NEWH Green Voice Design Competition
An objective of the NEWH By-laws is to promote scholarship, education and interest within the Hospitality Industry. NEWH, Inc. and its chapters fundraise to provide scholarships to students pursuing a career within Hospitality related fields (Interior Design, Hospitality Management, Culinary, Architecture, Senior Living, etc.). There are multiple scholarships available each academic year. Please check the link below for up to date information.
PREA Scholarship Program
In keeping with our educational mission, the Pension Real Estate Association awards scholarships on an annual basis to promising students studying real estate at the undergraduate and graduate levels. These scholarships are awarded through our own scholarship program and financial need is considered in determining the amount of each award. Potential recipients who demonstrate no need will be eligible to receive the minimum award. PREA is also a longstanding corporate donor to the Robert A. Toigo Foundation and their fellowships for minority and women students. Please check the link below for up to date information.
ProNet David W. Lakamp AIA Scholarship

The a/e ProNet David W. Lakamp scholarship is awarded annually to two students who demonstrate a strong interest in practice and risk management in the field of architecture. Each student receives a $5,000 award.

To be eligible for the a/e ProNet David W. Lakamp AIA Scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:

  • GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Fourth-year student in a NAAB accredited degree program; OR
  • Fourth-year student of a four-year pre-professional degree program in architecture accepted for direct entry to a two-year NAAB accredited M.Arch program; OR
  • First-year student in a NAAB accredited M.Arch degree program for students with undergraduate degrees in another discipline.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

QualityBath Scholarship Program
At QualityBath, we celebrate the beauty in our world and a belief in an even more beautiful future. Every year, we grant a $1,000 scholarship to a talented student, so that he or she can pursue a dream career. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Richard Morris Hunt Prize

The Richard Morris Hunt Prize is an intensive and curated six-month fellowship, divisible in two or three periods, that carries a $20,000 award for registered architects to pursue cutting-edge research on emerging trends in historic preservation. As part of the RMHP experience, the Fellow benefits from guidance and access to a network of the leading historic preservation professionals in France and the United States.

The Richard Morris Hunt Prize (RMHP) has been fostering and supporting cross-cultural professional exchange between France and the United States since 1990. U.S. design professionals study in France, and French design professionals study in the U.S. during alternating years.

In years where the applicant pool demonstrates exceptional merit, the runner-up receives a $5,000 scholarship for a shorter five-week specialized course of research and study.

The travel and research program for the American honorees will be guided by the managing team in France. The Fellow must submit a final report within one year of the last month of the Fellowship; the Scholar within six months. The reports must respond to the laureate’s research topic regarding an emerging trend in historic preservation. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Sir James Lougheed Award of Distinction

The Sir James Lougheed Award of Distinction provides Alberta students with the opportunity for advanced study at institutions outside of Alberta. Applicants must be Canadian Citizens or Landed Immigrants, be Alberta residents, and be enrolled or planning to enroll full-time in a graduate program at an institution outside of Alberta.

Applicants must:

  • be a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident or Protected Person (visa students are not eligible),
  • be an Alberta resident, and to be considered an Alberta resident one of the following conditions must apply:
  • - Alberta is the last place the student has lived for twelve (12) consecutive months prior to commencing post-secondary studies, or
  • - Was/Is married to an Alberta resident immediately prior to commencing post-secondary studies.
  • be enrolled as a full-time student in a graduate program at an institution outside Alberta.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Samuel H. Kress Grant for Research and Publication in Classical Art and Architecture
The Samuel H. Kress Grant for Research and Publication in Classical Art and Architecture funds publication preparation, or research leading to publication, undertaken by professional members of the AIA. Its purpose is to assist scholars in preparing, completing and publishing results of their research in Graeco-Roman Art and Architecture, and the broader Mediterranean world of Classical antiquity. Awards may be used for research leading to the publication of an art historical monograph or for costs associated with publication, such as image licensing. Grants are open to scholars of all nations. To be eligible, applicants must be AIA members (Professional level) in good standing at the time of application. In the case of multi-authored or multi-edited publications, the AIA membership requirement applies only to the primary author/principal investigator. Applicants still in the research stage must have a publication contract in place with either a non-profit or commercial publisher. Research may be undertaken at domestic or international universities, libraries or study centers, or through excavation or preservation projects of Classical sites. Proposals must include a timetable for completion of the manuscript, specific plans for publication including budget information, and a description of how the grant will be utilized. Please check the link below for up to date information.
Shade Sail Design Challenge Scholarship

At Tenshon® we have the interesting and challenging task of merging form and function, creativity with practicality…and we employ valued individuals who glorify these tasks on a daily basis. Whether we are working on large commercial projects, such as stadiums and corporate offices, or taking on more intimate residential spaces, our designers must learn to adapt quickly, perform creatively and think practically.

With that, we are extending that same challenge to college students everywhere, who are interested in the fields of architecture, design and/or engineering to create a unique shade sail structure using our standard sized shade sails. The purpose of this scholarship design contest is to ultimately expand your mind to the possibilities found in the tensile fabric industry and reward the stand-out students who best display an aptitude for shade sail design. You may access details of this scholarship through scholarships.com.

Sho-Ping Chin Women’s Leadership Summit Grant 2019

In honor of Sho-Ping Chin, FAIA, we are thrilled to offer a grant opportunity for recipients to attend the AIA Women’s Leadership Summit. Sho-Ping was a principal at Payette and in 2009 the founding leader of the inaugural AIA Women’s Leadership Summit. Tragically Sho-Ping succumbed to cancer in 2015, but her legacy of women’s leadership continues. The memorial fund established in her name is focused on funding the development of future women leaders in architecture. Grants are available for mid-career women architects who are advancing towards leadership roles.

Recipients of the grant will receive:

  • Registration for the AIA Women’s Leadership Summit
  • Travel and expense reimbursement of up to $700

Please check the link below for up to date information.

SmithGroup Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Scholarship

We have created the SmithGroup Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Scholarship Program to support and mentor students from historically underrepresented demographics in architecture, interior design, planning, landscape architecture and engineering.  The program’s mission is to provide these students with the opportunity to attain their professional goals while advancing the architecture/engineering/construction (AEC) industry and improving the built environment.

This scholarship includes a one-time award of $6,000 to offset the student’s tuition at their current academic institution (5 scholarships are awarded each year). Additionally, the scholarship recipients serve as paid summer interns at SmithGroup offices across the United States (internship is a program requirement). Since the scholarship program’s inception, we have awarded $120,000 in tuition aid to 20 recipients across the country. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Support Creativity Scholarship
The Support Creativity Scholarship is for passionate creatives in specific majors, who wish to develop their skills at higher education institutions in the New York area (NY, NJ, CT, or PA). There are multiple scholarships available. Please check the link below for up to date information.
TCAA 2021 Architecture/Interior Design Scholarship

The Tile Contractors’ Association of America (TCAA) is a national trade association representing ceramic tile and stone installation companies throughout the United States, who are signatory with the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers. TCAA established a merit based scholarship program in the year 2001:

  • TCAA will award a $5,000 scholarship to a qualifying student who at the time of application is working toward an undergraduate or graduate level professional degree in Architecture or Interior Design; and a $5,000 scholarship to a qualifying family member of an employee of a TCAA contractor member company, in accordance with eligibility criteria and application instructions.
  • TCAA has sole authority for granting the scholarship awards. TCAA members serving on the Scholarship Committee select the winners. All decisions are final.
  • Applications and attachments become the property of TCAA.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

The Elevator Consultants Scholarship

Here at The Elevator Consultants, we value the importance of education and realize how crucial it is to succeed in contemporary society. Concurrently, we understand how costly a proper education can be. Between the cost of tuition, textbooks, lodging, meal plans and the like, the overall price of learning can be almost too much to bear for many people. Therefore, The Elevator Consultants (TEC) are pleased to offer a $1000 scholarship to any students currently enrolled in college (undergraduate or graduate school) or about to enroll. We would like to extend a helping hand and work to relieve some financial stress off the shoulders of a committed, hard-working student. In order to qualify for the TEC Annual Scholarship, candidates must:

  • Be currently enrolled or about to enroll in undergrad or graduate school.
  • Majoring in a technical degree, such as science, engineering, architecture, physics, computer, and the like.
  • Submit your name, school, major, and concise “About Me” section with your essay.
  • All submissions should be sent to info@theelevatorconsultant.com.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Thomas J. Henry Leadership Scholarship

The Thomas J. Henry Leadership Scholarship rewards students who show skills in motivating others inside and outside of the classroom. We look to leaders for advice, direction, inspiration, and to keep us moving forward when things get tough. To be eligible, each student must be enrolled in, or planning to enroll in, an accredited college or university. Applicants currently enrolled in a college or university must have a minimum GPA of 2.8 to qualify for the scholarship.

The scholarship is available to all students ages 18 and over, at all levels from high school senior to graduate school. To be considered for the Thomas J. Henry Leadership Scholarship, students must submit an original essay explaining the importance of leadership. All essays should be between 750 and 1,000 words. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Tillman Scholarship

The Pat Tillman Foundation selects remarkable service members, veterans and military spouses as they look to begin their next chapter as public and private sector leaders. As a Tillman Scholar, you have the opportunity to earn more than a military scholarship; you are part of a network of leaders making an impact. The Tillman Scholar program is open to applicants who meet the following criteria:

  • Veteran and active duty military service members from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces including the National Guard who have served in both pre-and post-9/11 eras.
  • Current Spouses of veteran or active service members, including surviving spouses

Spouses, veterans and service members who apply must be a full-time* student pursuing one of the following degrees at a public or private, U.S.-based, accredited institution for the upcoming fall/spring academic year:

  • An undergraduate degree (Bachelor’s or above)
  • A graduate or professional degree
  • You do not need to be attending a University Partner school to apply.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Vectorworks Design Scholarship (Round 1) / Richard Diehl Award (Round 2)

The Vectorworks Design Scholarship invites undergraduate and graduate students in major disciplines related to the architecture, landscape architecture, entertainment, and interior design fields to submit their recent, finished work.

Our scholarship is your unique opportunity to take the next step in your journey of professional development. In submitting work to the Vectorworks Design Scholarship, designers are given the opportunity to win scholarship prizes that will help you (and your classmates) continue to develop your creative designs.

Vectorworks Design Scholarship

  • $3,000 USD for tuition, fees, housing, textbooks, study abroad, conference registration, and other educational purposes.
  • Free Vectorworks design software for your school’s lab.
  • Free virtual or in-person training for faculty and students.

The Richard Diehl Award

  • $7,000 USD for tuition, fees, housing, textbooks, study abroad, conference registration, and other educational purposes.
  • Benefits for you and your school including Vectorworks lab licenses and virtual or in-person training provided by a Vectorworks expert.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Volume Zero Competition

An international platform for showcasing works of upcoming designers, we at Volume Zero offer a unique perspective to young architects and design enthusiasts. Our innovative magazine presents exclusive insights and information about various projects spanning the fields of architecture, interior décor, product design and landscape spaces from around the world, motivating design enthusiasts and dreamers.

As a part of this initiative, we have been hosting various open design and idea competitions to encourage and inspire young, talented designers and students from around the globe. Our team of young architectural professionals from Mumbai, India aspires to create a dais for young design talent that will motivate and embolden them to think differently, beyond their boundaries and showcase their work on this global forum. We intend to be a frontrunner in the field of architectural competition platforms and design magazines in India and on an international level. We aim to revolutionize the dynamics of design competition formats and the user demands all round the clock. Please check the link below for up to date information.

Wellroot Family Services Scholarship

Wellroot Family Services has established a scholarship program to assist applicants who plan to continue their education in college or university.

This program is administered by Scholarship America®, the nation’s largest designer and manager of scholarship, tuition assistance and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations, and individuals. Awards are granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability, or national origin.

If you are an applicant who would like to discover more scholarship opportunities you might qualify for, please continue to the Scholarship America Hub and sign up! Please check the link below for up to date information.

Wisconsin Architects Foundation

The Wisconsin Architects Foundation is pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships to outstanding Wisconsin students who are pursuing architectural studies out-of-state at a NAAB or CACB-accredited School of Architecture within a First Professional Degree or Postgraduate Degree Program. The number of scholarships and amounts will be based on the availability of current funding. Historically, awarded scholarships have been in the range of $1,000 to $1,500 each.

The selection committee will consider the student’s GPA, financial need, likelihood of graduating, leadership abilities, and community involvement. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate a commitment to the discipline of architecture and are completing the terminal years of their education (i.e. upperclassmen). The committee encourages minority, female, and disabled students to apply.

The Wisconsin Architects Foundation confers these grants with an understanding that the recipients will support the WAF when he/she is financially able to do so. The criteria for eligibility are defined below:

  • The student must have received his/her high school diploma from a Wisconsin high school.
  • The student must be currently attending or planning to attend a NAAB-accredited school of architecture within a First Professional Degree or Postgraduate degree program.
  • As scholarship funds are limited, preference will be given to those candidates who have not previously been awarded a Wisconsin Architects Foundation scholarship.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Worldstudio AIGA Scholarship

Since its inception in 1995, more than $1.25 million dollars has been awarded to 750+ college students of art and design. Our primary aims are to increase diversity in the creative professions, and to foster social and environmental responsibility in the artists, designers, and studios of tomorrow. Scholarship recipients are selected not only for their talent and their need, but also for their demonstrated commitment to giving back to the larger community through their work.

Basic scholarships are awarded in amounts of $2,000–$3,000. One or two top awards may be given in an amount up to $5,000 at the jury’s discretion. Honorable mention prizes in the amount of $500 cash are also awarded. Each scholarship is paid directly to the recipient’s school and applied toward tuition. Recipients also receive a one-year AIGA membership.

Each year, the application cycle opens in February and closes in April. Applicants must be citizens of the United States or be in possession of a Green Card (formally known as a Permanent Resident Card or Form I-551). Applicants must be matriculated (or planning to matriculate) at accredited colleges and universities in the United States for the Fall 2021/Spring 2022 academic year and must maintain full-time status for the entire year.

Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA. Applicants must be pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees in one of the following disciplines:

  • Graphic design
  • Illustration
  • Photography

Please check the link below for up to date information.

WX Scholars

The WX Scholars Program encourages and supports bright and talented young women pursuing careers in real estate and related professions in the New York metropolitan area. Since the program was launched in 2004, scholarships have been awarded to 352 women at 18 schools totaling approximately $1.71 million in full scholarships.

Benefits WX Scholars benefit from education and informative programming and networking events, all of which help them develop productive relationships as they enter the workforce.

  • WX Mentoring Program: designed to match scholar recipients with WX mentors and provide them with specific programs and networking opportunities as they enter the workforce.
  • WX-hosted events: no-cost admission for up to two years to many WX events, such as monthly breakfasts and the WX Woman of the Year Gala.
  • Financial Assistance: applicants in need of financial assistance may receive a monetary scholarship for up to $10,000 to help offset tuition costs.

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Yann Weynouth Graduate Scholarship

The Yann Weymouth Graduate Scholarship supports a graduate student whose work demonstrates an exemplary focus at the design intersection of sustainability, resilience, wellness and beauty. The scholarship recipient receives $5,000 and mentorship from Yann Weymouth, FAIA for the scholarship year.

To be eligible for the Yann Weymouth Graduate Scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:

  • GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • US Citizen
  • Graduate student attending a NAAB-accredited architecture program

Please check the link below for up to date information.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Awards
The ZNEF Foundation annually provides financial assistance to worthy students pursuing higher education both at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels. Select scholarship awards are offered to members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, and are paid to the college or university and not directly to the student. Please check the link below for up to date information.