AIA CES Credits
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Abstract Publication
Academic Affairs
Academic Calendar, Columbia University
Academic Calendar, GSAPP
Admissions Office
Advanced Standing Waiver Form
Alumni Board
Alumni Office
Architecture Studio Lottery
Avery Library
Avery Review
Avery Shorts


STEM Designation
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Skill Trails
Student Affairs
Student Awards
Student Conduct
Student Council (All Programs)
Student Financial Services
Student Health Services at Columbia
Student Organization Handbook
Student Organizations
Student Services Center
Student Services Online (SSOL)
Student Work Online
Studio Culture Policy
Studio Procedures
Summer Workshops
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The Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation has historically resolved that maintaining academic integrity is the preserve of all members of our intellectual community—including students, faculty and staff. As a consequence, all GSAPP community members must abide by the principles of academic honesty. In this way, we seek to build an academic community governed by our collective efforts, diligence, and Code of Honor. These principles are the cornerstone of educational integrity at Columbia. They also reflect GSAPP’s professional obligations of self-regulation. As such each member of this community is expected to uphold such standards and abide by all policies set forth (e.g. plagiarism and appropriate acknowledgment of sources, prerequisites, mandatory workshops, etc.). Academic dishonesty—attempted or actual—will not be tolerated.