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An initiative that serves to gather and synthesize research on the urban design, landscape, preservation, and planning issues facing the region with the aim of generating a holistic understanding of shared questions and opportunities.
An initiative that aims to uncover key questions, issues, and opportunities for architectural design in the context of embodied energy.
An initiative that proposes that the historical institution of the museum, forged by the culture of the Enlightenment, is no longer sufficient to describe the expanded territory in which the practices of artists, collectors, curators, and architects now operate.
This collaborative project of the Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CSUD), Columbia GSAPP, and The American Assembly, examines historic preservation as a sustainable and socially-inclusive urban policy tool. It has been generously funded by the New York Community Trust. The initiative engages researchers, government officials, and practitioners in a series of three symposia and related publications, to advance the collaborative processes needed to inform the next generation of preservation policy.