AIA CES Credits
AV Office
Abstract Publication
Academic Affairs
Academic Calendar, Columbia University
Academic Calendar, GSAPP
Admissions Office
Advanced Standing Waiver Form
Alumni Board
Alumni Office
Architecture Studio Lottery
Avery Library
Avery Review
Avery Shorts


STEM Designation
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Skill Trails
Student Affairs
Student Awards
Student Conduct
Student Council (All Programs)
Student Financial Services
Student Health Services at Columbia
Student Organization Handbook
Student Organizations
Student Services Center
Student Services Online (SSOL)
Student Work Online
Studio Culture Policy
Studio Procedures
Summer Workshops
Support GSAPP
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Policies & Resources

Please find a directory of GSAPP Policies and Student Resources below.

An extensive repository of policies applicable to Columbia University can be found at universitypolicies.columbia.edu

Columbia University policy states that absent a clear statement from a course instructor granting permission, using generative AI tools to complete an assignment or exam is not allowed.
GSAPP’s policies on transferring credit are determined by program, and can be reference at arch.columbia.edu/credit-transfer.

Read about details on cross-registration within GSAPP and the University at arch.columbia.edu/cross-registration.

  • The page also provides information for non-GSAPP students on courses open to cross-registration.

Columbia University is committed to providing a learning, living, and working environment free from unlawful discrimination and to fostering a nurturing and vibrant community founded upon the fundamental dignity and worth of all of its members. Persons who feel that they are victims of discrimination may find mechanisms for seeking redress on the Non-Discrimination Policy page at arch.columbia.edu/non-discrimination-policy.

For questions or concerns related to If you are a Student If you are Faculty or Staff
Gender-Based Misconduct (including sexual harassment and assault) Gender-Based Misconduct Office 212-854-1717 or Title IX Coordinator 212-853-1276 Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA) 212-854-5511
Discrimination and Harassment of Any Kind Center for Student Success and Intervention 212-854-6872 or EOAA EOAA
Any of the Above, or Not Sure GSAPP Student Affairs GSAPP Department Chair, Dean, or Supervisor

Doxing (or doxxing) is a dangerous form of intimidation involving the publication of someone’s personal information such as their private email, personal phone number, home address, family address, etc. on various platforms in an attempt to frighten the individual and encourage additional harassment by others. Even if an individual’s personal information is not posted, sharing certain information without permission about an individual may still be a form of online targeting because of the implicit encouragement that others criticize or harass the person being targeted.

Please see the Columbia University doxxing support webpage for information on how to respond to doxxing.

If students have a concern relating to a particular grade or other assessment of their academic work, they may follow the procedures for Grade Appeals listed at www.arch.columbia.edu/grades.
Read the GSAPP statement on academic honesty at arch.columbia.edu/honor-system.

Upon satisfactory completion of one year in the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, a leave of absence may be requested in writing. Requests must be made by December 15 for leaves beginning in January, and by July 15 for leaves beginning in September. Read the full policy at arch.columbia.edu/leave-of-absence.

The policy regarding the ownership of student work, intellectual property rights, and copyright can be found at arch.columbia.edu/ownership-of-work.
Students will be asked to do a great deal of written work while at Columbia: term papers and analytic essays of different lengths. These papers play a major role in course performance. GSAPP’s policies on plagiarism and academic dishonesty are outlined at arch.columbia.edu/plagiarism-policy.

Read about the registration process including add/drop procedures and deadlines, waivers, and withdrawals at arch.columbia.edu/registration.

Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is used to define successful completion of coursework to maintain eligibility for student financial aid. Read the description of the qualitative and quantitative standards used to determine SAP at arch.columbia.edu/satisfactory-academic-progress.

As members of the Columbia University community, all students are expected to uphold the highest standards of respect, integrity, and civility. Read the Student Conduct Policy and related procedures at arch.columbia.edu/student-conduct.

A supportive and collaborative studio environment that fosters design excellence, creativity and critical thinking is an essential aspect of life at GSAPP for students, design faculty, and staff. Read more at https://www.arch.columbia.edu/architecture-studio-culture.
Over the last few decades, GSAPP Student Council has developed the structure and policy guidelines used to conduct the GSAPP Architecture Studio Lotteries. While the administration oversees the processes and checks the final results, Student Council members—two student representatives elected each year from the MArch and MSAAD programs—conduct the lotteries themselves. Read the detailed process at arch.columbia.edu/architecture-studio-lottery.
An overview of the Architecture Studio Procedures including the Lottery and Design Review can be found at arch.columbia.edu/studio-procedures.