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After You’re Admitted

We invite admitted students to follow the chronologically organized next steps below on your journey to Columbia. Please also see the Admitted Student FAQ or contact the Admissions Office with any remaining questions.

Students admitted to one of the School’s non-degree programs — Intro to Architecture or New York/Paris — should refer to this page for the next steps on your journey to Columbia.


This timeline is for students enrolling in the Master of Architecture; M.S. Critical, Curatorial, and Conceptual Practices; M.S. Historic Preservation; and M.S. Urban Planning programs beginning with the Fall 2025 Semester.

Please note that the first day of classes is Tuesday, September 2, 2025. See the Academic Calendar for additional dates.

Open House and FAFSA
Step 1

Join Online and In-Person Open House Events for Admitted Students:

Online events for admitted students will be held throughout March and April, including sessions with each academic Program Director, Columbia’s ISSO and Student Financial Services teams, and more. Please see the Admitted Student Welcome page for details and registration links.

Register to join the In-Person Open House taking place on Columbia’s Morningside campus on Monday, March 31, 2025

Step 2
Students who have completed a FAFSA and are eligible for Federal Financial Aid should expect a notice from Student Financial Planning (SFP) to view the Federal aid package. Eligible students will be instructed to view the financial award through a system called NETPARTNER sent by sfp@columbia.edu. If you do not have a current FAFSA on file, please be sure to complete the FAFSA prior to scheduling a meeting with SFP. Please note, it will take 7-10 business days after receiving your admissions decision for SFP to access the FAFSA information.
Submit Enrollment Decision, apply for Visa, activate UNI, and apply for housing
Step 3

April 15 is the deadline for submitting your enrollment decision on the Application Portal and paying the $700 non-refundable deposit fee.

  • The deposit fee requires a credit card payment (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover).
  • If you’ve been admitted and plan to enroll in an approved GSAPP dual degree program, you will need to confirm enrollment in each program but you only need to submit one deposit.
  • Please contact GSAPP Admissions at arch_admissions@columbia.edu for further instructions.
Step 4

International Students: Apply for a visa immediately after submitting your enrollment decision.

  • Contact the International Students & Scholars Office (newintlstudent@columbia.edu, 212-854-3587) to coordinate your visa application as soon as possible.
  • You will need your Columbia University Identification Number/Personal Identification Number (CUID)/(PID). This number will arrive by email after you’re admitted.
  • The visa application is located on the ISSO website.
  • ISSO can provide a confirmation that your application has been received.
Step 5

April 15: Activate your UNI, an ID number that will allow you to access all of Columbia University’s electronic resources.

  • For more information including instructions, visit Columbia University Information Technology (CUIT). The activation process requires you to submit your name, birth date, and social security number (if applicable).
  • After you activate your UNI, please login to your Columbia University email account at LionMail.
  • All communication from the Office of Student Affairs will be sent to the email that you listed on your application until the first day of classes. After that point, all communication will be sent to your Columbia email address.
Step 6

April 30 is the deadline to apply for Columbia Residential Housing to be included in the first round of the housing lottery.

  • Create and submit an application on the Housing Portal.
  • You will need your Columbia University Identification Number/Personal Identification Number (CUID)/(PID) and your Activated UNI
  • GSAPP conducts a lottery in order to fairly distribute University Housing allocations among applicants (priority is given to students traveling long distances).
  • If you do not receive an allocation in the lottery, you are advised to seek an alternative (see suggestions below). You will automatically be moved to the waitlist unless you decide to withdraw your application. Not all students on the waitlist will be housed.
  • For more information, visit Columbia Residential, which includes a Student Housing Essentials page.
  • You can also view your Housing Wait List status online.
  • For housing alternatives, visit Columbia Off-Campus Housing Assistance (OCHA), and International House.
Submit Official Transcripts, Fulfill Immunization Requirements, Certify Health Insurance decision
Step 7

Credentials Verification: All enrolling students must provide official final transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended, even if a degree was not awarded.

  • For a transcript to be considered official, it must be sent from the Registrar’s Office directly to the GSAPP Office of Admissions via secure electronic delivery or as a completed WES evaluation (if applicable).
  • Incoming students awaiting diplomas from former institutions should deliver a certification letter to GSAPP confirming that all coursework is completed within the first two weeks of school.
  • Bachelor’s degrees completed outside the United States require a Course by Course International Evaluation to accompany the official verified transcript.

Please see the Credentials Verification webpage for detailed instructions on how to submit official transcripts.

Step 8

Fulfill the immunization requirements as soon as possible to avoid delays in registration. Certify your meningitis vaccination decision and provide documentation of immunity to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) after you have activated your UNI. A registration hold will be placed on your account until your immunization requirements have been fulfilled.

You will need your CUID/PID and UNI to submit these documents:

  • Meningitis Vaccination:

    • Submit your meningitis vaccination decision online.
  • MMR Immunity:

    • For the MMR form located here, you will need to fill out the student section and your doctor/physician will need to fill out the remaining portion.
    • Submit MMR Documentation to Immunization Compliance through the online portal.

GSAPP cannot confirm the receipt of your immunization documents. If your immunization documentation has been successfully processed, your immunization hold will be lifted. You can check this in the Holds section in SSOL. Students can check their compliance at any time by visiting the Medical Clearances section of the patient portal.

For more information on immunization compliance requirements, please visit Columbia Health or contact immunizationcompliance@columbia.edu.

Step 9
Certify your health insurance decision online after you have activated your UNI.
Apply for assistantships, submit photo ID
Step 10
Apply for assistantships on the GSAPP website. Notifications with instructions and deadlines are sent by email to enrolling students.
Step 11

Submit a photo for your University Photo ID online no later than two weeks before the start of classes.

  • You will need your UNI to complete the photo submission process.
  • The Student Service Center can confirm the receipt of your ID photo.
Complete Pre-Orientation Tutorial and Register for Classes
Step 12

Complete the mandatory Pre-Orientation Tutorial no later than one week before the start of classes. You will receive an email from the Office of University Life with instructions on how to complete this requirement.

  • You will need your UNI to complete the tutorial.
Step 13

Tuesday, August 26 – Thursday, August 28, 2025: Class registration

  • You will need your UNI.
  • You will be randomly assigned a registration appointment in Vergil.
  • Course information can be found on the GSAPP website. Additional information, including detailed instructions for how to complete your registration, will be sent by the Office of Student Affairs prior to registration.
  • Contact studentaffairs@arch.columbia.edu for questions regarding the course registration process.
Step 14

Arrive to New York City no later than 1-2 days before the orientation held on the first day of classes.

Thursday, August 28 – Friday, August 29, 2025: MSUP Orientation
Thursday, August 28, 2025: MSHP Orientation
Friday, August 29, 2025: M.Arch Orientation

Step 15
Tuesday, September 2, 2025: First day of classes.
Step 16
Wednesday, September 3, 2025: All-School Welcome and Lunch.
Step 17
Friday, September 12, 2025: Last day to add classes and drop with refund; finalize all changes to your course registration by this date.
Step 18

Pay the E-bill for your tuition and fees for the semester on Student Services Online (SSOL) at the end of the Add/Drop period.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:

Useful Links