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Fall Semester Update

August 17, 2020

Dear Students,

In his message of Friday, August 14, President Bollinger shared important updates on the University’s planning including the decision that Columbia’s undergraduate education for Fall 2020 will be virtual. He also reiterated that the University’s graduate and professional schools, including GSAPP, are moving forward with plans to offer a hybrid model allowing students to attend a mix of in-person classroom and studio-based teaching alongside remote instruction.

GSAPP is dedicated to realizing our highest aspirations for the next academic year while providing the best and safest experience for our students, faculty, and staff. Over the past months and weeks, we have worked tirelessly to transform countless aspects of the School, from adapting our existing spaces and their uses to the way courses are offered in dynamic and engaging ways. We are looking forward to welcoming all of you in just a few weeks to engage with us across this exciting variety of formats and platforms. Whether you plan to join us on campus or remotely, we remain committed to supporting you and are filled with excitement about the return of the lively discussions, creative work, and thoughtful engagements that define GSAPP.

In the coming days you will receive additional details regarding the course registration process, which will take place September 1–3. Please also be sure to make a note of the dates for our upcoming online orientation sessions listed below, and continue to reference the Columbia COVID-19 Resource Guide to prepare for a safe return to campus.

I send all of you my very best wishes for these final weeks of the summer and, once again, look forward to personally welcoming you at the All-School Orientation on September 9.


Amale Andraos

Dates to remember (also reference the Event Calendar):

  • Tue, September 1:
    • MSCCCP Orientation
    • Visual Studies Sequence Presentation
  • Wed, September 2:
    • Building Science and Technology Sequence Presentation
  • Wed, September 2 & Thu, September 3:
    • MSUP Orientation
  • Thu, September 3:
    • MSHP Orientation
  • Fri, September 4:
    • MARCH, MSAAD, and MSAUD Orientation
  • Tue, September 8:
    • First Day of Classes
    • MSRED Orientation
  • Wed, September 9:
    • All-School Orientation
    • Architecture Studio Presentations and Lottery