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Faculty Appointments

Required Forms

Below is a list of required forms to complete and return before access is given to the various University systems and payment can be issued from Columbia University. You may not work at Columbia GSAPP until all required forms have been submitted to the Dean’s Office.

The forms should be completed in blue or black ink with your original signature and original hard copies submitted to Cee Major, Assistant Director, located at 405 Avery Hall, 1172 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027. Should you have any questions or concerns, you may email him at cm3853@columbia.edu. Please note that copies of appointment paperwork may not be emailed.

  1. I-9 Form – To be completed in person in the I-9 Office, 210 Kent Hall, on or before your first day of work. You will not be allowed to work or be paid if this form is not completed. For instructions and the list of acceptable documents click here.

  2. Employee Information Form

  3. W-4 (Federal Tax Form)

  4. Other tax forms as applicable
    a. IT-2104 (New York State Tax Form, for NY residents only)
    b. IT-2104.1 (NYS Non-resident Tax Form, for non-NY State residents only)
    c. New Jersey tax forms (if applicable)
    d. Tax treaty forms (Form 8233, for Nonresident Aliens [NRA], if applicable)

  5. Visa Documents as applicable:
    Nonresident Aliens
    a. Copy of passport identification page
    b. Visa / Visa Stamp in passport
    c. I-20 / DS-2019 / I-797 (Visa Certificate)
    d. I-94 (US Customs Arrival record)
    Permanent Residents
    a. Permanent Resident Card

  6. Race/Ethnicity Form – This form is required. If you choose not to identify your race, please write “No response.”

  1. Offer letter (Issued by the Dean’s Office) – Sign at the bottom and return one of the two original letters you receive.

  2. Curriculum Vitae (A copy of your current CV including your degrees with month/year received.)

  3. Proof of PhD (if applicable)

  4. Conflict of Interest Disclosure – The University requires each faculty member to complete a conflict of interest disclosure annually. Click here for the online form. If you do not yet have a UNI, please complete the disclosure once you receive it. See University Email section below for instructions.

University Email, ID Card, Library Privileges

Once your appointment has been processed by the University, a “UNI” (University Network ID) will be generated for you. You can find your UNI by searching for your name on the Columbia website home page.

To activate your UNI, follow the instructions here. Your UNI becomes your Columbia email address.

Once you have activated your UNI, you may proceed to the ID office in 204 Kent Hall to get a University ID Card which will give you access to the Libraries.

Note that your paperwork must be fully processed before your UNI is assigned/reactivated, and processing your appointment involves numerous University offices.


Columbia issues semi-monthly checks (on the 15th and last day of every month). Please see below for payment schedule:

  • Summer pay period is June 1 – August 31
  • Fall pay period is September 1 – December 31
  • Spring pay period is January 1 – May 31

The University pay calendar is found on the University’s Human Resources page.

It is strongly suggested that you sign up for direct deposit.

How to Set Up Direct Deposit

  1. Log into the MyColumbia portal with your UNI and password
  2. Click the “Faculty & Staff Tab”
  3. Under Self Service, choose “View Your Direct Deposit Information” Resources:

Video: Setting Up Direct Deposit in PAC

Note: when you click on the video link, you will be asked to sign in with your UNI and password. Once on the page, simply click the blue “Enroll” button to begin.

If re-appointed, you may need to sign up again for direct deposit as the University periodically removes this information from the system.

Paper checks can be picked up mid-month and the last business day of the month in the Finance Office, 406 Avery Hall.

Checks that are unclaimed will be returned to Columbia University Human Resources, 615 West 131st Street, Studebaker Building, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10027, tel: 212-851-2888.

Course Information and Grading

An active UNI (see previous section) is required to access the sites needed to manage your courses. Canvas/Courseworks is the University’s system for managing course materials, syllabi, course rosters, student emails, student face books, etc.

Please post your syllabus online in Canvas. The main Columbia University Directory of Classes as well as the GSAPP Course Schedule will link to Canvas, so that students shopping for classes will be able to access the course syllabus. If you are having difficulty posting your syllabus in Canvas, please contact studentaffairs@arch.columbia.edu.

Grading is done by logging on to SSOL (Student Services On Line) and choosing web grading.

All students registered in GSAPP courses are graded as described below:

  • HP (high pass) = a superior level of work
  • P (pass) = an acceptable level of work
  • LP (low pass) = work that meets minimal standards
  • F (fail) = work that is unsatisfactory

You may not use IN (Incomplete- for medical situations only), CP (Credit Pending) or UW (Unofficial Withdrawal) without first getting approval from Danielle Smoller, Associate Dean.

Course evaluations are completed online by students at the end of the semester. After grades have been submitted, faculty can access their individual course evaluations in EvaluationKit, the University’s evaluation system, by logging into Canvas/Courseworks. For more detailed instructions, please see: https://cuit.columbia.edu/online-evaluations.

Classroom Equipment and Printing

Classroom equipment, such as laptops and projectors, are available from GSAPP AV. Please see the AV Office webpage for details on classroom technology and equipment rentals or if you need support for borrowed equipment or classroom AV.

For GSAPP computer access, please request an account by emailing gsappit@arch.columbia.edu. Once your request has been received, the IT staff will provide you with access which will allow you to login to the GSAPP computers (this includes the digital classrooms - 113, 114, 115, etc.) and other GSAPP electronic resources. Specific software requests for your class should be made well in advance of the start of the semester (July 1 for the Fall semester & January 1 for Spring semester) by emailing gsappit@arch.columbia.edu.

All other IT support for faculty can also be requested by emailing gsappit@arch.columbia.edu.

Printing and laser cutting are done at the Output Shop. If you are giving an assignment requiring a significant amount of printing or laser cutting, or any amount of 3-D printing, please discuss scheduling solutions with Carlito Bayne, Assistant Director of Output Shop, at tito@arch.columbia.edu.

Please consult the GSAPP schedule and Academic Calendar for all important dates including grading deadlines and ADD/DROP dates as the University’s dates may differ.