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Arch tavares cohaulguohaochen sp23 04

Post War - Adaptive Reuse of Military Installations

In the current constructed environment, which already has many buildings that are either obsolete or in a state of neglect and disrepair, the issue of preservation should not be disregarded. Especially when considering the current global climate emergency, which has been exacerbated by wastefulness. The built environment is a major contributor to these challenges, so it should be part of the solution. Demolishing reusable buildings and constructing new ones in their place will only add to stresses on our planet’s finite natural resources. As one of the biggest sectors in the field of architecture, the US military has built and maintained numerous military bases across 80 countries, totaling around 750 bases. The US has significantly more bases than all other nations combined, with an annual estimated cost of $55 billion for construction and maintenance. Ford Ord, one of the biggest military bases on the west coast, was added to the EPA’s list of the most polluted places in the United States in 1990, four years prior to its closure as an active military training base. By taking Ford Ord as a case study, this project assesses and investigates a new approach to reconsider the post-military life of military bases.