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The thesis is a requirement of the Masters of Science in Urban Planning Program. In its simplest description, a thesis is an individually-researched and analyzed answer to a planning question. The goal of a thesis is to teach students to carry out independent research – whether using interviews, statistical analysis, literature review, or other types of fieldwork (or some combination of all of these) – and to hone their professional writing skills in presenting their research.

Starting in Fall 2019, a new parallel option is offered. Professional Capstone, also a 6-point, two-semester requirement, will be supervised closely by a UP faculty member. It requires students to apply knowledge and skills gained from the curriculum to address important planning issue(s). It provides an opportunity to demonstrate understanding of the dynamics of the issue(s), constrains, and potential solution(s). It should focus on an applied, real-world project for an actual client; the only exception is a project conducted under close faculty supervision in a research setting.

Theses produced in recent years by graduates of the Urban Planning Program are listed below. Theses produced prior to 2012 include the title and abstract for each thesis; these titles are housed in Special Collections, Avery Library, and may be requested through the library. Theses produced since 2012 are available digitally through Academic Commons, the University’s digital research repository, and can be accessed by clicking on the titles below. Graduating students have the option of deferring the publication of their thesis on Academic Commons for up to two years and therefore theses from the past 2 years may not yet be available.

Alumni who are interested in posting their thesis to Columbia’s online Academic Commons repository should submit a completed Author Rights Agreement form, and a digital version of their thesis to the Urban Planning Program Office.

Alyana Acacio

Beneath the Brooklyn Bridge: Cultivating and Connecting Communities through the Transformation of Residual Spaces (Capstone)

Aroosa Ajani

Equity in and Equity For: An exploration of real estate practices and equitable development possibilities, case study of West Oak Cliff in Dallas, Texas

Ana Maria Arpi Palacios

Socio-economic impact of zoning and policy changes within the community of Long Island City

Soda Bizimana

Affordable Housing Units Shrinking in the Shadow of Urban Development: A Case Study of Morningside Heights Neighborhood in The City of New York (Capstone)

Camila Botero Echeverri

Water Governance in Colombia: The Case Of The Cauca River And The Pescadero - Ituango Dam

Will Cao

Polycentricity, Percolation, Planetarity: What They Reveal about Migration and Urbanization

Zhiyang Chen

The Mechanism of Formation and Dynamics of Evolution of The Innovation Zone: A Case Study of New York City

Capucine Chesnier

Climate Justice in Red Hook, Brooklyn - Hurricane Sandy’s Aftermath

Teonna Cooksey

How to Invest: A Neighborhood Development Tool (Capstone)

Andrew Cronson

The Future Involves the Past: Adaptive Reuse for Offices in Chelsea As a Strategy For Urban Revitalization (Capstone)

Yuchen Dai

Rethinking On-Street Parking Alternative from Policy and Facility Perspectives: A Case Study of New York City

Donatella Donato

Area Median Income: Perception, Power, and Political Will (Capstone)

Nina Farahanchi

NYCHA PACT in Focus: Evaluating the Evolution and Implementation in New York City’s Public Housing

Ethan Floyd

New York Chic: High-Fashion Retail Experiences as Provocation for Urban Placemaking

Soichiro Harada

Studying Gentrification Around Sports Stadiums Neighborhood Through Machine Learning Technique

Garryth Hoal

Unlocking Potential: Economic Development Options for Coney Island

Alissara Niew Holmes

Unraveling Gendered Barriers To Micromobility Adoption in New York City

Shannon Onlam Hui

Designing New York: Nightscapes for Wellness (Capstone)

Olivia Jia

The Interstitial City: A Toolkit for Reclaiming New York City’s Privately Owned Public Spaces (Capstone)

Ruju Joshi

The Impacts of Economic Development Strategies on Urbanizations in India: A case of Deli-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) and Dholera Smart City

Valentine Kalei

“REWIRE"Redefining New York City’s Landscape in face of climate change (Capstone)

Jae Hyun Kim

Examining the impact of Socioeconomic Status on Transit Usage and Accessibility for Seoul’s Elderly

Claudia Kahn

Exploring Public Space Recovery through Community Engagement Approaches in Quito, Ecuador

Dhwani Laddha

Living With Water: A Nature-Based Solutions Toolkit For The Rockaway Pennisula (Capstone)

Jinxin Li

The Interplay of Urbanization, Climate Change, Green Infrastructure, and Biodiversity Preservation in Los Angeles

Gertie Ma Siyao

Playing Around Town: Site Selection Study for Play Residencies in New York City (Capstone)

Mariam Mahmoud

The City as Exhibition: Contesting Memory, Space, and National Identity in Cairo’s Maspero Triangle Abstract

Sharon Sabu Mathews

Making Wind Work for Everyone: Driving the Equitable Distribution of Benefits from Offshore Wind Port Projects

Fukunda Mbaru

Creating Place: A Central Brooklyn Cultural District (Capstone)

Luke McNamara

Planning for Equity in Honolulu TOD: An Analysis

Chelsea Mullen

Gender-Responsive Mobility Planning: Evaluating Considerations of Women’s Mobility in New York City Transportation Planning

Emily Samantha Padilla-Chicas

School Streets: A Path to Environmental Stewardship and Climate Awareness in Washington Heights Schools (Capstone)

Rachel Edith Padilla Garcia

Understanding remote work in the post-pandemic world: An exploration of lived experiences. How remote work is shaping our quotidian and how it can shape our cities.

Daniela Perleche Ugas

Women Asylum Seekers, Care Infrastructures, and the Violence of Finding Shelter in New York City

Lance Mikhail Roldan Punay

Activating Jerome Plaza through the NYC Plaza Program (Capstone)

Inneke Rizky Rachmawati

Managing Climate and Disaster Riskin Jakarta: The Struggle of Kampung Kota Residents to Co-Producing Planning

Kavyaa Rizal

Geographies of Disadvantage: Assessing Multiscalar Urban Climate Risk Mapping Methods for Cumulative Impacts

Albert Rosario-Pichardo

Soft Site Analysis Tool (Capstone)

Jillian Solomon

Exploring Access to Life’s Necessities, a Study of Spatial Justice in Fresno, CA (Capstone)

Marcell Subert

“America’s Next Great City:” Placemaking and Urban Development in Tysons, Virginia

Yuting Sun

Bonding with Communities as A Third Place - A Post-Occupancy Evaluation of The Privately Owned Public Space of Lincoln Center, New York City (Capstone)

Amalia Sutherland

Exploring the Eradication of Single-Family Zoning and its Ties to the Housing Crisis in Vancouver, Canada

Felipe Urrutia

The Value Effects of Community Land Trusts: Determining the Value Influence of CLT Properties on Market-Rate Real Estate in Durham, North Carolina

Catharina Utami

Women-led Participatory Planning in Indonesia: Actions with Impact from Lombok Island

Shuyu Wang

Walking Towards Recovery: Exploring the Relationship between Walkability and Post-COVID-19 Recovery in New York City

Eric Xia

Planning and Designing Efficient and Resilient Rail Transit Hubs in New York City

Wei Xiao

Participatory Decarbonization: Exploring Community Engagement in Residential Building Retrofit Electrification in New York City

Haoxiangyu Zheng

Elevating Urban Landscapes: Policy Strategies for Advancing Green Roof Integration in New York City

Zekun Zhou

Enclave Urbanism and Cross-border Governance in Hengqin Cooperation Zone

Ziying Zhu

From Zones to Jobs: Analyzing New York City’s Industrial Shifts and Future Pathways


Kirthi Balakrishnan

Computer Vision for Ethnographic Research

Zhihao Bao

Parking Future of New York City with Deployment of Shared Autonomous Vehicles: A Discrete Event Simulation Model

Natalie Bartfay

Offshore wind ports and the Just Transition: Community-based planning and power in New York City’s industrial waterfront communities

Sebastian Bielski

Centro Francesco Datini Prato (Capstone)

Ariana Bon-Hodoyan

Caring for Abolition (Park): The Spatial Politics of Care

Christian Budow

Shinkansen versus InterCity Express, which Net-work is more suitable for Texas?

Jidong Cai

Hudson Yards for Whom: Analysis of the Contribution of Hudson Yards in High-quality Public Space to New Yorkers

Tomas Carrillo

“Policies in Concrete: A Tale of Two Mayors and Their Inclusionary Housing Legacies in New York City”

Michelle Chen

Alerting the Masses: Examining San Francisco’s Emergency Public Warning Ecosystem

Kimberly Cheung

Preserving Chinatown: The Impact of Borough-Based Jails on Manhattan’s Chinatown

Sean Chew

Inclusive Transportation Planning: Empowering the Public via Digital Tools in Bus Planning (Capstone)

Kit Nga Chou

Aging in place: planning for intergenerational play

Gabrielle Coleman

Preserving Place Identity & Place Attachments: Perceptions on Prioritizing Community Connections Over Urban Redevelopment in Harlem, NY

Rozette De Castro

From Belonging to Being and Becoming: how urban planning can bridge the gap between immigration and a Just Transition, one recipe at a time

Eliza Dekker

Hot Market?! Assessing the Stability of Naturally-Occurring Affordable Housing Via Extreme Heat and Development Pressure in Phoenix, Arizona (Capstone)

Zhaoxuan Duan

Imperialism, Urban Warfare, and Urban Planning: Russia’s Invasion, Governance, Rebuilding and Planning of Mariupol, Ukraine

Margaret Hanson

Playing With/In The City: An Observational Approach to Ludic Public Space Interventions in New York City

Calvin Harrison

Preservation with a Donkey’s Leg: Nostalgia, Neighborhood Identity, and Heritage Preservation in Heliopolis

Nabila Fisra Hawli

Urban Politics of Land in Planning The New Capital City Nusantara of Indonesia

Hilary Ho

Resilient Streets: Cloudburst Management and the Right-of-Way in New York City (Capstone)

HaoChe Hung

Evaluating Dashboards To Enhance Community Engagement For Street Trees (Capstone)

Siyun Ji

Public Space: The Critical Connection in a Sometimes Lonely City (Capstone)

Dmitri Johnson

Exploring the Effectiveness of 311 Data in Disaster Recovery and Response: A Case Study of Hurricane Sandy in New York City

Jim Lammers

Co-Designing Public Spaces with Kids: Building PS32’s Community Fitness Hub (Capstone)

Thiago Lee

The Civic and Political Engagement of the 1.5 and Second Generation of Korean Immigrants in São Paulo

Yea Won Lee

“Evaluating the “Road to Reform” for New York City’s Property Tax System: Considerations for Single-Unit Residential Properties and Predictive Modeling as Practice for Local Governance”

Victoria Lin

No Country for Old Chinatowns: Better Cultural Governance of Toronto’s Chinatown West

Mollye Liu

The Preservation and Expansion of Non-market Rate Housing on the Upper West Side (Capstone)

Moheng Ma

The Relationship Between Infrastructure and Land Use Patterns and Cardiovascular Disease Risk In New York City

Carlos Miranda Pereyra

Shareholder Expectations and Experiences with New York HDFC Cooperatives

Wenqi Ni

Public-Private Partnership in Affordable Housing, Comparing Current Practices in Jinhua, China and New York City

Alisa Nurmansyah

Equity in Visitation of Remote Access Public Green Spaces: Exploring the History, Management, Perceptions of Governors Island

Sebastian Salas

Paths To Urban Regeneration in Chile (Capstone)

Robert Sanchez

Smart Sustainable Cities’ Use of Information and Communication Technologies to Meet the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town

Matthew Shore

Crown Jewel of the Bronx or Nail in the Coffin? Assessing the City’s Public Visioning Process for the Kingsbridge Armory’s Redevelopment and Buy-in for Community Ownership in the Northwest Bronx

Eshwatti Sookram

Braving the Storm Together: Understanding the role of social cohesion in local-level climate adaptation planning in New York City

Sabina Sethi Unni

Non-Resilient Resiliency: Informal Land Stewardship as Climate Counterplanning in Rockaway

Sofia Vala

Curb Space Management Methods for the City of Prague (Capstone)

Mia Winther-Tamaki

Eyes of the Street: Surveillance Urbanism from Above and Below in Prospect Park and Surrounding Neighborhoods

Andrea Wong Magnalardo

Urban Form and Mobility in Guayaquil, Ecuador: An Evaluation of Transit Accessibility in Vía a la Costa

Ya Hsuan Yang

Small Property Ownership in Chinatown (Capstone)

Ruiqi Zhu

Community building and building the community: a case study of the bottom-up community development in Shanghai, China


Shreya Arora

Urban Politics of Death: Memorabilia and Mutual Aid Amid COVID-19 Pandemic In New York City

Derek Brennan

Crisis Management: Bureaucracy, Austerity, and Managing Homelessness in the Temporal Camp

Leila Collins

Hidden Alpha - A Path Towards More Rental Assistance Housing

Boyang Dan

An Interactive Dashboard: Building Energy Efficiency Justice Analysis In New York City (Capstone)

Jianwen Du

Evaluation of Local Zoning Regulation and Policy On Housing Affordability Crisis in New York City

HK Dunston

Wake Up All the Builders: Fatigue and Utopia In Washington Heights and Inwood

Jackson Fordham

Modeling Toll Price Impacts on Traffic Volume in New York City (Capstone)

Sori Han

Developing a New York City Open Streets Economic Impact Study Plan

Gizem Karagoz

Beyond The Flood Maps: Post Hurricane Ida Flood Risk, Housing Informality and Community Based Recovery To Adaptation Narratives

Jean Kim

The New York City Subway: Invisibility, Crisis, Materiality, Fantasy

Hanbo Lei

Are Parks Equitable For New Yorkers? Examining the Equity of Acreage and Safety of Parks

Moses Narayan Levich

Prioritizing Streets for Multipurpose Green Infrastructure: A Spatial Framework for New York City (Capstone)

Ziwei Ling

Evaluating the Street Greenery Equity In New York City, Miami, and Los Angeles

Danging Ma

Flood-Related Climate Risk Resilience In New York City: The Adaptation of Climate Justice After Sandy

Jonathan Marty

The Transfer of the Commons

Sarah Mawdsley

Planning for Whom? How The Bias of Urban Planners Impacts Street Improvements

David McNamara

Managed Retreat In New York City: An Avenue for Climate Justice?

Brady Meixell

Predicting the Point: New York City’s De Blasio Era Neighborhood Rezonings, Points of Agreement, and How Neighborhoods Navigated These Complex Negotiations

Yixuan Ouyang

The Relationship Between Urban Density and COVID Spreading: A Case Study of Wuhan

Eve Passman

Investigating Data-sharing In Hudson County, New Jersey (Capstone)

Mauricio Enrique Rada Orellana

Urban Morphology: A Study of Local Dependencies on Well-Being Metrics In Bogota, New York, and San Francisco

Danielle Roberts

That’s Rad? Nuance, Complexity, and the Future of US Public Housing

Al-Tariq Shabazz

Free The Land: Radical Creative Placemaking In the Time of Black Power

Yining Shen

New York’s Attractiveness to Chinese Home Buyers

Yuanyuan Shen

Informing New York City Subway Flooding Solutions Through Sociotechnical Infrastructure

Katherin Sibel

Deconstructing the Puerto Rican Reconstruction from the Global North and South Perspective

Erik Strand

Subsidizing Gentrification?: Neighborhood Change and the Expansion of the 421a Geographic Exclusion Area

Jiabao Sun

How Environment Colors Shape Neighborhoods: The Case of New York City

Tiffany Vien

Evaluating the Built Environment of Innovation Districts

Yue Wei

Evaluating Bikers’ Experience In Guangzhou, China

Shen Xin

Modeling Containerized Waste Pattern for New York City Housing Authority (Capstone)

Zixuan Zha

The Role of Stakeholders and Their Participation Network in Urban Regeneration Decision-Making In China: A Case Study of Yongqing Area, Guangzhou

Yifei Zhou

The Challenges of Deploying Battery Energy Storage Infrastructure in New York State


Myles Agudelo

Luring Investment through Higher Taxes: Evaluating the Impact of New York City Business Improvement Districts on Property Development

Regina Alcazar

Sandbox: Evaluating Smart City Technologies

Sebastian Andersson

Preserving Modernism in Post-Explosion Beirut

Natalie Baldacci

Examining Affordable Housing Policy Impacts on Local Development Trends in California

Justin Barton

Municipal Annexation, Race, and Local Power: Evidence from Four U.S. Cities

Tihana Bulut

Resilience Planning as a Means for Disaster Risk Reduction, Recovery, and Preparedness in the Rockaways: Insights from Hurricane Sandy & COVID-19

Riley Burchell

Between Essentialisms: An Exploration of Non-binary Racial Identity and Placemaking

Mengqi Cao

How NGO Benefits their Local Communities: a Stakeholder Analysis and Evaluation of Dayu’s Role in the Regeneration Process of Old Residential Compound in Shanghai

Xiyu Chen

Exploring Private Capital’s Approach in the Renovation of Old Urban Residential Areas in China: A Case Study of Jinsongbei Community

Ashley Esparza

Housing Freedom: Navigating Access and Affordability in Search of Home: A Survey of Housing Policy in New York City, 1934 - present

Camille Esquivel

Responsibly Powering the Philippine Islands with Geothermal Energy

Lanier Hagerty

Small Town, Global City: The Changing Landscape in Muscatine, Iowa from 2010 to 2020

Colin Hancock

Enchanting Practices: the Mescalero Apache Nation’s Story of Planning in the State of New Mexico

Sanjukta Hazarika

‘On Reclaiming the Streets for the People’: Understanding Equity in Public Space Planning Strategies Through an Analysis of the Open Streets Program in New York City

Elaine Hsieh

EnhanCE: Assessing the structure and efficacy of public-sector community engagement in New York City

YiYi Jiang

Market Analysis of Rural Tourism in China’s Urbanizing Suburbs: A Case Study of Chengdu SanSheng Hua Village

Jin Hong Kim

Public Private Partnership in Equitable Urban Tech Delivery: LinkNYC

Geon Woo Lee

Crossing Borders: Policy Transfer of Slum Upgrading Practices in Southeast Asia

Hongseog Lee

Implementation of smart mobility policy for metropolitan and medium-sized cities in South Korea

Caili Li

A Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Urban Regeneration: The Case of Battery Park City

Qingyuan Li

How Population Size and Density Affect the Spread of COVID-19 A Quantitative Study of the United States at the County Level

Qi Lin

Urban Building Energy Prediction at Community Scale: A Case Study Using Data-Driven Methods in Jianhu City, China (Capstone)

Hui Lu

The Collaboration Models of Practices of Aging in Place in Different Contexts

Priska Marianne

The Land-Water Nexus in a Sinking City: The Case of Jakarta

Jason Mencher

Renter Protections against Eviction: Identifying and Analyzing Laws, Policies, and Procedures in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and New York City

Juan Moreno

The Urban, Social, and Environmental Impact of Centralized Waste Systems: A Study on Segregation and Local Alternatives for the Doña Juana Landfill in Bogotá, Colombia

Madeline Pena

Investing in the Inner City Through Urban Public Schools: Evaluating California’s Equitable Education Finance Policy

Nicholas Perry

Retrofitting “Edge City”: Lessons From Perimeter Center, Georgia

Zeineb Sellami

Youth-driven action, participatory planning, and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals in Tunisian cities

Jiuyu Wang

Earlier-built Danwei (Unit) Communities: Are They Working Well for the Elderly?

Yifan Wang

The Two Tales of a New Retail Ecosystem: Analyzing How E-commerce Reshapes the Urban Retail Landscape through a Case Study in Shanghai, China

Hanzhang Yang

Outdoor Dining during COVID? Analyzing the Impact of New York City’s Open Restaurants Program

Angel Yin

Envision Spring Creek: Resilience Assessment and Recommendations for Addressing Layered Risks (Capstone)

Shinichi Yoshihara

Rebuilding a Historic City: Post-Disaster Housing Reconstruction in Bhaktapur, Nepal

Haochen Zhang

ESG Disclosure and Sustainability Performance of Residential REITs: Empirical Study on Development Projects in New York City

Haoran Zhang

The Child-Friendly City, Planning Analysis in Beijing: The Case Study of Beijing Shuangjing Community


Conor McKay Allerton

Shared Land in High Demand: Community Land Trusts In New York City

Dare Brawley

Tracing Speculation: Real Estate Geographies in Pre- and Post-Crisis Philadelphia

Alanna Browdy

Creating a Cultural Innovation District at Lincoln Center (Capstone)

Mariya Martha Chekmarova

The Role of Civic Technology In Facilitating Citizen-Government Engagement: A Study Of NYC311

Jacey Chon

Planning For The Next Generation: Composting In New York City

Rebecca Cook

Protest & Public Space: Challenging Notions of Sociospatial Distance in New York City

Grace Dickinson

Mapping Maternal Mortality: Resilient Journeys in the Face of Disparities (Capstone)

Maya Ephrem “Addis Ababa bete (Home)”: Contesting Socio-Spatial Exclusion and/in Suburban Futures

Aline Faiwichow Estefam

The Fallacy of Consensus: How Conflicts Can Be Essential To Determine Community Participation

Emilio Flamenco Slamming Shut That Golden Gate: The Role of New Media & The Unlikely Coalitions Against Regional Planning In The San Francisco Bay Area

Kate Galbo San Francisco Sustainable Neighborhood Dashboard (Capstone)

Yuan Gao Thermal Comfort Design in Public Outdoor Space: The Influence of Spatial Configuration and Implications In Urban Design

Shreya Ghoshal

Urban Juxtaposition: Balancing Heritage and Development through Transfer of Development Rights in New York City Special Districts

Christine Ghossoub Associations of ‘Eyes On The Street’ With The Perception Of Safety In New York City

Jake Mayer Golvin What Is the Range of Impacts Federally Mandated Special Economic Zones Impose On The Socioeconomic Conditions of Low-Income New Yorkers?

Luis Argelis Gonzalez

Stop Filling the World with Trash: A Study of Circular Waste Management Strategies in NYC

Yue Han How to Integrate Traditional Urban Planning Model and Big Data To Conduct Land-Use Survey? -Take Shanghai City For Example

Yingwen He Determinants of Housing Prices: Evidence From Thirty-Five Cities In China

Joy Huang On Fractured Grounds: The Economic Viability Of Planning As a Local Regulatory Tool For Hydraulic Fracturing

Zhengzhe Jia Evaluate The Impact Of Disruptions On New York City Subway System

Ju Hwa Jung The Comparative Cross-Sectional Study on The Affordable Housing Finance Policy For Low-Income Households: Lessons from NYC and Seoul

Emily Junker Preservation Through the Self-Help Housing Movement

Kevin Kim Enhancing New York City’s Online Service Capacity: Citizen-Centric Service Experience

Raissah Kouame Build Operate Transfer: A Model For Maintaining Abidjan’s Markets As Places Of Urban Vitality

Yining Lei The Impact Of Open Spaces On Residential Property Values In New York City

Richard “Ri” Le “Things That Quicken The Heart”: Analyzing The Affective Footprint Of Urban Ambient Media

Lorraine Liao Assessing The Publicness of Pedestrian Plazas Built Under The 2007 NYC Plaza Program

Lingyu (Simon) Li Technologies and Urban Traffic - How New Technologies Impact a Conventional Intersection

Xinyu Liu Stakeholder Analysis of Community Planning in Shanghai: A Case Study of Caoyang New Village

Zheyu Liu Spatial Pattern of Street Vendors: A Case Study of Central Manhattan

Shiyu Ma Residential Planning at Neighborhood Scale: Global Precedents and China’s Neighborhood Life-Circle Planning

Sean Nelsen Testing Durability: Property Restitution and Refugee Return in Post Conflict Bosnia

Tola Oniyangi

Beyond the Blue Dot: A Storytelling Platform for Humanizing Urban Data (Capstone)

Andrea Partenio Retrofitting Resilience in Red Hook: A Roadmap for Neighborhood-Scale Integration of Green Infrastructure (Capstone)

Anish Pendharkar Exploring Correlations Between Groundwater Level Change and Settlement Planning in National Capital Territory of Delhi

James Piacentini Interactive Web Mapping as a Tool for Planning Advocacy: Modeling 21st Century Climate Migration in West Africa (Capstone)

Helen Pierson Equity-Driven Outreach for Bicycle Planning and Beyond: Let’s Bike Oakland as a Case Study

Garrett Riha Heat Vulnerability and Cooling Opportunities: Recommendations for the City of San Diego (Capstone)

Luyun Shao Social Production of Public Space: A Resettlement Neighborhood in Shaanxi, China

Kirthana Sudhakar Food and Farming in Hawaii: A Study of The Obstacles To Establishing Resilient Systems of Local Food Production in Hawaii

Caroline Thompson Renewing Renewal: Community Involvement in Redevelopment After the Expiration of Urban Renewal Plans

Chongyuan Wang Is Parking Essential to Transit-Oriented Development?

Jade Watkins Air Quality Monitoring Along the 14th Street Busway: Public Health Impacts in an Urban Planning Context (Capstone)

Savannah Wu Enablers of Circular Economy at the Urban Scale: A Case Study of The Circular Fashion Ecosystem In New York City

Zheng Xin Design Methods and Planning Strategies to Enhance Street Safety In New York City

Claire Liu Yang

Curb Value Capture: Tech Enabled Infrastructure on Sidewalks for Community Equity Goals

Rawnak N. Zaman Around the World in 40 Blocks: Small Business Perspectives On The Effects of Diversity On The Retail Corridor In Jackson Heights, Queens

Xuantong Zhang Comparison of Affordable Housing Financing Policies Between China and The US


Eddy Almonte

Queer Nightlife as Social Infrastructure: Nightlife Regulation Initiatives in New York and London

Madeline Berry

U.S. Route 1: Catalyst of Maine Corridor Community Planning & Preservation

Suprima Bhele

Solid Waste Management in Kathmandu

Srujana Bhoopanam

Alternative modes of transportation and BART A proposal to integrate competing transportation systems in the San Francisco Bay Area, California

Caitlin Bone

Fragmented + Unequal: A Study on Municipal Incorporation and Spatial Exclusion in St. Louis County, Missouri

Kevin Borja

Planning for Urban Resilience through Biomimicry in the Design of Public Waterfront Spaces

Julie Burros

Exploring Creative Community Engagement

Tyrene Calvesbert Rivera

Municipal Services and Urban Planning in the Context of Puerto Rico Addressing the Impact of Austerity Measures at a Local Level

Yu Chen

Studying on Settlement Patterns and Networking of Low-Skilled Chinese Immigrants in the United States

Wen Cheng

Visitors’ Perception Based Authenticity in Tourism Development Project: A Case Study of Xietang Old Street in Suzhou, China

Pauline Claramunt Torche

Resource-extraction, urban infrastructure, and resilient planning: Addressing the impact of the LNG industry in Soyo, Angola

Nengjing Deng

Exploring Links Between Transit Hubs and Built Environment in Asian Cities

Yue Dong

Exploring the Driving Forces of Urban Expansion in Beijing, 1999-2013

Chaouki El Rassi

Tripoli’s Sustainable Development Strategy

Madeline Entrikin

Bordered: Land Use Development in El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

Guilherme Rocha Formicki

Upgrading Favelas: Funding Schemes and Their Effects on Economic Opportunities, Infrastructure Provision, and Safety

Lu Hao

Walkability in an Aging-Friendly Neighborhood: making of aging-supportive streets in East Harlem

Shuyang Huang

A policy evaluation of green infrastructure plans in the context of reducing stormwater overflow: A case study of Gowanus, Brooklyn

Ethan Hudgins

Urban Planning in Remote, Extreme Environments

Yaxin Jiang

Land Use Control in Beijing and New York City: The Role of Community Level Institutions

Nicholas Kunz

Unsupervised Learning for Submarket Modeling: A Proxy for Neighborhood Change

Boying Li

Exploring the Impacts of Railway Station Accessibility on Property Value: A Case Study of Beijing

Livie Li

Zoning for Wind Energy in New York City

Qinyuan Li

Examining the Extent to which Talent Housing Policy Acts as a Catalyst for Innovation Development in China

Cheryl Lim

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): An analysis of changing political climates, welfare policies, and their subsequent impacts on immigrants and their families in San Diego, California

Yudi Liu

Transit-Induced Urban Transformation: A Comparative Study of Tokyo and Hong Kong

Danting Luo

Changing Roles of Planners in Smart Neighborhood Practice: A Case Study of Sidewalk Toronto Project

Michael Montilla

Observations from Autonomous Vehicle Testing in Phoenix, Noteworthy Ways Existing Political Practices and Commuting Behaviors Will Affect Planning for Self-Driving Vehicles

Timothy O'Grady

Community Planning in 21st Century Los Angeles: Assessing the Effectiveness of LA’s Neighborhood Council System

Shiori Osakata

How has New York City developed as a smart city? Evaluating smart city contributors in New York City

Yichen Ouyang

Fiscal Decentralization and its Influence on Housing Price–A Case Study in China

Laura Postarini

Identifying strategies for multi sectoral partnerships in public space projects for young vulnerable communities

Yufi Priadi

Evaluating Community Advocacy in Response to Mayor de Blasio’s Homeless Shelter Development

Yichun Qiu

Stakeholders and Partnership in Urban Regeneration: The Case of Shanghai West Bund

William Reis

Eminent Domain and Land Disposition: Urban Renewal in Upstate New York

Glòria Serra Coch

Neighborhood Mapping and Neighborhood Planning: Revealing the Relationship in New York City, 1970-2015

Shelby Smith

Going the Extra Mile: An Analysis of energy efficiency City-State Partnerships through the Massachusetts Stretch Energy Code Program

Eunjee Son

Analyzing Vulnerability of Low-income Population to Extreme Heat in New York City, 2013

Anna Stokes

Governance and Transportation in Nairobi, Kenya: Understanding How Policy, Planning, and Levels of Governance Alter Mobility through a Multi-Modal Network Analysis

Chengqi Tian

Challenges and Opportunities of Cultural Planning in China: A Case Study of Tianqiao Performing Arts District Planning in Beijing

Luis Sebastián Ugás

Lima: Planning Implementation Challenges for a Fragmented City

Kenneth Warner

Queerying Neighborhood Change: The Role of Displacement and Historical Narrative in the Urban Form of the West Village, Chelsea, and Hell’s Kitchen

Da Wu

Study on the Resource Curse in Lvliang City

Qianyu Xiang

Impacts of Organizational Structure on the Effectiveness of Emergency Response System

Kun Yang

Dynamics of the Restaurant Industry in Chinatown, Manhattan: A Policy Analysis

Francis Yu

Transforming Our Democracy: Participatory Budgeting and the Importance of Deliberation in Civic Engagement

Jialin Zhai

New Area As A Solution To Urban Congestion: An Assessment of Xiongan New Area Planning Outline Based on the Lessons Learned from London New Town

Liying Zhang

Impact of Policy Promoting Tenant-Owner Right Equality on the Housing Market in Guangzhou

Shulin Zhang

Putting Sharing Economy into Perspectives: An Assessment of Sharing Economy in Mainland China

Junteng Zhao

The Feasibility of the Rockefeller Foundation Engagement in the Chinese Healthy City Programs

Runpeng Zhao

Public Space in Beijing: A Comparative Case Study of Two Riparian Spaces, Beijing South Moat Park and Madrid Rio Park

Jiacheng Zhou

Shaping Urban Resilience: Whether Social Media Data Can Aid in Improving Disaster Management

Jingjing Zhou

Accessibility to Metro of Affordable and Commercial Housing Complexes in Shanghai


Mohammed Al Khalifa

Rethinking Transportation and Land Use in Bahrain

Weijian Bi

Resident Satisfaction of Affordable Housing: The Case of Qingdao, China

Stephanie Yee-Kay Chan

Innovation, Intention and Inequities: Addressing the Potential Social Impacts of Innovation Districts in Post-Industrial Waterfront Zones Upon Working Class and Minority Neighborhoods

Avery Dement

Community Land Trusts: Building Affordable Housing and Community

Jiaohong Du

A Policy-focused Comparative Study for Urban Rail PPP Development Between Japan and China

Emily Fesette

Planning for Humanity: An Urban Planning Perspective on Mental Illness, Deinstitutionalization and Supportive Housing in New York City

Eri Furusawa

Subsidizing the Resilience Commons: A Study on the Community Rating System and CRS Research

Alexander Gallo

Public Private Partnerships: A look inside using private sector expertise to build public sector needs

Maria Garces

Lessons Learned from Chile, Evaluating Strategic Reconstruction Master Plans in Post-Disaster Scenarios

Xin Guo

Parcel Delivery and Urban Form: A Case Study of Greater London

Augustus Haney

Flood Influence & Real Estate Development: How Risk & Incentives Shape the Urban Fabric

Tara Heidger

The Land of One Thousand Villages; Examining Rural Resettlement Planning as a Driver for Poverty Reduction in Post-Conflict Rwanda

Yuan Hua

Geographic Distribution of Urban Retail and its Spatial Relationship with Subway Network: A Case Study of Retail POI Data in Shanghai

Qun Huang

Exploring Real Estate Financing in China and the U.S.: A Comparison Case Study Approach

Faisha Namira Indrakesuma

Maneuvering Mobility: Measuring Multimodality in New York City’s Selected Transit Hubs

Yi Jiang

Signs in Urban Spaces in Ethnic Enclaves: A Case Study of Manhattan Chinatown

Nicholas Johannes

Libertarian-Endorsed Urban Planning Tool: Exploring the Use of Performance-Based Zoning for Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis

Eui Na Kim

Film directors as hubs: how do the social networks of film crews interact with the spatial networks of physical locations?

Tatiana Marie Kopelman Martin

Viajemos Seguras and Mejoramiento Barrial: Institutionalizing the fight against gender-based violence in Mexico City’s public realm

Angela Li

Affordable Housing and Its Impact on Economic Diversity of New York City Neighborhoods

Mengyao Li

Sense of Community in Mixed-income Housing Project in China–Learning from a Case Study in Beijing

Ruoran Lin

Distribution, Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations of Urban Agriculture in New York City

Hui Liu

Place Attachment in rapid urbanization areas-a case study of Zhu Village

Ángel Felix López Zamora

Picturing Poverty: Developing Best Practices in Poverty Research and Map Making

Nanchen Ma

Explore the Complaint Towards Street Vendors in Manhattan: Discussion About Distribution and Influential Factors

Melinda Martinus

Politics and Urban Development Focus on Jakarta’s Shopping Center Trajectory

Lingran Meng

Planning for Improving High-Tech New Towns’ Attraction to Talents - Case Study of Changsha, China

Rebecca Noble

Revitalizing Cemeteries: Interventions for America’s Aging Urban Burial Places

Yashesh Panchal

Developing housing for a changing demography: Analyzing the implications of the regulations governing the development of small-housing unitsy

Eric Pietraszkiewicz

Predictive mapping and its applications for urban planning

Ramya Ramanathan

Repurposing Abandoned Residential Infrastructure in New York City to Curb Homelessness

Wesley Thomas Rhodes

Moving Forward by Retreating: Lessons Learned From the Post-sandy Buyouts on the East Shore of Staten Island for Future Flood Resilience Strategies

Rachel Rizzo

Engaging Anchor Institutions in the 21st Century: An Analysis of Strategies for Sustainable Economic Growth and Health Equity

Carsten Rodin

Broadcasting Exclusion: The Representation of “Illegal Housing” in Rockland County, NY

Charles Romanow

Improving Bus Service in New York

Justin Romeo

A Spatial Equity Survey of Houston’s’ Bus Network

Savannah Ryder

The Effects of Silicon Valley Companies on the Bay Area Housing Crisis

Laura Semeraro

Approaches to Transit Oriented Development: How Existing Infrastructure can lend itself to implementation of Transit Oriented Development Techniques

Shruti Shubham

WATCH THEM SEGREGATE-Analyzing patterns of economic segregation and STEM jobs in commuter zones

Mai Uchida

Associations between Sense of Community and Perceived Recovery from the Deepwater Horizon Explosion

Qigao Wang

Bikeshare Paradigms, User Perceptions, and the Urban Experience: A Comparative Analysis of Mobike Shanghai & Citi Bike NYC

Sheng-Yi Xu

Displacement Within the City: Perceiving Shanghai’s Historic Alley Communities Through Residents’ Perspective

Joan Zhang

Retail Revolution in the Digital Era: Examining the Changes in the Retail Landscape of New York City

Kaiqi Zhang

The Limitation of Multi-criteria Feasibility Evaluations in High-Speed Rail Projects in the US

Junhong Zhou
The Effects of Sharing Economy: Does Airbnb Exacerbate The Rental Housing Market In New York Neighborhoods?

Shaochun Zhou

Are Public Housing Projects More Dangerous Than Their Neighborhood? A study on public housing crime and causative factors with New York as study area


Jahnavi Aluri

Shifting from Driving to Riding: a study of the impacts of on-demand cab services on public transit ridership and vehicle ownership in Hyderabad, India

Vicente Arellano

Is There a Municipal Role in Immigration Policy? Examining Case Studies in Four Cities in the United States To Build A Typology of ‘Immigration Localism’

Rebecca Book

The Geography of Resettlement: Housing and Employment Trajectories in Diverse Urban Destinations

Mingda Chen

Impact of Zhengzhou Subway System on Adjacent Migrant Neighborhoods

Elizabeth Cohn-Martin

Situating Urban Agriculture: What, Where, and Why in New York City

Jessica Cruz

Impact of Gang Violence on “Transporte Colectivo Público Urbano” in Guatemala City

Ubaldo Escalante

There Goes the Barrio: Measuring Gentefication in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles

Yixiao Fang

An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Fiscal Autonomy and Economic Growth - The Case of China

James Gerken

Getting the Wheels Turning: Assessing Strategies for Financing & Advancing Mass Transit Infrastructure in the 21st-Century

Steven Getz

Examining the Extent to which Affordable Housing Development Acts as a Catalyst for Neighborhood Economic Development

Christopher Giamarino

Spatial Ethno-geographies of ‘Sub-cultures’ in Urban Space: Skateboarders, Appropriative Performance, and Spatial Exclusion in Los Angeles

Shahneez Haseeb

Satellite Cities of the Twentieth Century: A Sustainability Analysis of Milton Keynes and Reston

Ying Huang

Evaluating Public Housing for Migrants in China: A Case Study of Public Rental Housing in Dongguan

Jon Tristan Jackson

Cool Roofs as a Municipal Strategy in Zone 5 Climate Cities

Maira Khan

Effect of Local Context on Flood Vulnerability Identification: A comparison between New Orleans’ flood vulnerability assessment tools and globally applicable vulnerability indices

Neha Krishnan

Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Urban Planning - Mumbai’s Disaster Management Plan In A Global Context

Androniki Lagos

Planning to Grow: Progress & Challenges to Implementing Baltimore’s Grow Local Urban Agriculture Plan

Hyun Seung Lee

Creative Small Businesses and Their Economic Imapct on New York City’s Neighborhoods

Jose Lemaitre

Assessing Inclusionary Housing Policy in Santiago, Chile: Residential Segregation by Income, 2006-2016

Patrick Li

Residential Development and Its Impact on School Access in New York City

Melissa Loomis

The Politics and Policies of New York City’s Manufacturing Industry

Dorothy MacAusland

Exporting Expertise? Rotterdam’s Planners and the Flood Adaptation Industry

Richard Martoglio

Uncovering the Effectiveness of Post-Sandy Housing Recovery Efforts in New York City

Madeleine McGrory

Riot: Community Organizations and Public Communication Following Crown Heights and Tompkins Square

Joseph McKenzie

Resilience Planning in a Coastal Urban Environment: An Analysis of climate change planning policy and procedure in Charleston, South Carolina

Sahra Mirbabaee

Vying for Fiber: A Comparative Analysis on Local Government Decision-Making for Fiber Internet

Matthias Neill

Cutting Back the Car - Lessons on Reducing Suburban Automobile Dependence from the US & Germany

Lauren Ossey

Policy Approaches to Energy Use Reduction in Tenant Spaces

Krithika Prabhakaran

Five Years Later: Are We Learning from the Storm? The Importance of Institutional Learning and Community-Centric Approaches to Building Local Resilience

Cameron Robertson

Arts & Cultural Districts and Preservation Policy: A Neighborhood Analysis of the River North (RiNo) Art District

Brandon Robinson

Green Jobs, Green Skills, and the Green Economy: A Survey of New York, with Broader Implications

Lia Soorenian

Land Use and Sea level Rise Vulnerability in New York City: Addressing Environmental Justice Through Zoning

Charles Stewart

Operationalizing the SoHo Effect: An Analysis of Affordable Artist Housing in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Jacquelyne Sunwoo

Aging Population and Slum Resettlement in Guryong Village, Seoul, South Korea

Evan Sweet

Evaluating State Based Economic Development Policy: Learning from Atlantic City

Mengyao Wang

Urban Conservation in China: The reasons and conflicts of historical neighborhood preservation

Mingze Wang

Spatiotemporal Relationships between the Change of Urban Residential Prices and its Driving Factors – A Case Study of Wuhan, China

Maryam Yaghoubi

Policies and Innovation Hubs: Evaluating Policies that Support and Sustain the Tech Industry in New York City

Lina Yin

Analysis of urban expansion and transportation characteristics

Taylor Young

Effect of Complete Streets Infrastructure and Design on Street Life

Amy Zhou

Impacts of Public Art Projects on Underutilized Urban Spaces in NYC

Huitian Zhou

Superblocks in Beijing: a Survey Centric Study for the Feasibility of Opening Up Superblocks and Other Potential Solutions to Alleviate Their Problems


Tyler Atwood

The Good City Sidewalk: Assessing the Impact of Greenmarkets on Food Inequity in NYC

Jorge Casar Rodriguez

Freeing the Invisible Hand: The Unexpected Consequences of Land Deregulation in Queretaro, Mexico

Catherine Chao

Planning for the Unplanned Aging Community

Jiangyu Chen

Regulating Affordable Senior Services - It Shapes Assisted Living Programs in New York State

Veronica Chuah

Beyond the Core: The Role of Co­working Spaces in Local Economic Development

Jay Logan Clark

If You Build It They Will Come: New Bus Ridership Patterns in Connecticut’s Capitol Region Following the Introduction of Bus Rapid Transit

John Robert Darcey

At Home in the City: Refugee Lives in New York - A Case Study of the Park Hill Liberians

Alexandra Paty Diaz

Tweet-Sourcing Caracas: Using E-Participation for Urban Planning in Global South Cities

Yue Dou

Prospect of Using Rail-Plus-Property Model for Transit Financing in China: Based on Comparative Case Studies of Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Timothy Douglas

Exclusion Resolved? A Case Study of Zoning Reform in Pound Ridge, NY

Evelyn Ellis

Optimizing Multifunctional Green Infrastructure as a Societal Co-Benefit Catalyst in New York City Policies for Coastal and Stormwater Management

Aaron Febuary

Tent City: An Analysis of Honolulu’s Homeless Communities

Andrea Forsberg

The Impact of Growth on Urban Form in the Oslo Region

Valentina Gaido

Creating Business Improvement Districts in Chile: Commercial District Strengthening Pilot Program

Shengye Guo

Historic Preservation and Open Space: Mutual Reinforcement of the Dual Characteristics - A Case Study of Yuan Dynasty City Wall Relics Park in Beijing, China

Zhiyuan Han

Integration of Bicycle Commuting to Public Transit in New York City

Bo He

Privatization of NYCHA Public Housing

Patrick Kazyak

Planning for Oppression: Israeli Policies and Palestinian Access to Housing in East Jerusalem

Yuhan Ke

Water Always Flows Downhill: The Strategy of Low Impact Development Practices for Urban Waterlogging Control in Shenzhen, China

Andrew Lassiter

Congestion Pricing: A Step Toward Safer Streets? Examining the Relationship Between Urban Core Congestion Pricing and Safety on City Streets

Sinae Lee

The Effects of Gentrification on Subsidized-Housing Programs in New York City

Seung Whan Lee

The Statistical Relationship Between the Elderly Population and Allocation of Welfare Facilities in Seoul, South Korea

Haolun Li

When is Leaving Preferable to Staying? Exploring the Factors Essential to A Successful Residential Relocation

Xi Lu

Impacts of Environmental Mass Incidents: A Comparative Analysis of Three Cases in China

Yifei Ma

The Implementation of Financing Strategies in Urban Rapid Transit Infrastructure: How Could Chinese Cities Do Better?

Juan Maquilon

Yachay, Knowledge City: An Analysis of Planning, Politics and Citizen Involvement

Mark Meiklejohn

“Residential Segregation and Interracial Economic Disparities” Revisited

Emily Kerns Minogou

Spatial Networks & Housing: An Analysis of Foreign Born West African and Chinese Populations in NYC and LA

Kaylee Moon

North Korean Defectors in South Korea: A Study of the Relationship between Levels and Desirability of Spatial Assimilation and of Other Assimilation Indicators

Isha Patel

Hacking as Adaptation: A New Agenda for Planning Through the Lens of Copenhagen’s Sharing Economy

Briana Peppers

Rising While Black: A Qualitative Study on Black-Led Gentrification and Socioeconomic Mobility in Central Harlem

Michael Perles

The Production of Just Space: Climate Change and the Future of the New York City Housing Authority

Michael Andrew Phillips

The Repercussions of Minimum Parking Requirements on the Economic Viability and Historic Character of Traditional Downtowns

Mehak Sachdeva

Urban Resilience and Urban Sustainability

Jeongwon Seo

Impact of a Home Sharing Platform on the Rental Housing Market in New York City

Anjali Singhvi

Social Mobility through Rural-Urban Migration: A case of ‘Manganiyar’ and ‘Langa’ desert tribes of Rajasthan, India

George Todorovic

Commingled Recycling Policies: Can the Introduction of Single Stream Recycling Co-exist with the New York State Bottle Bill and the Operation of New York City’s Redemption Centers?

Frances Irene Uy

Energy Pricing in the Philippines and its Effect on Economic Growth

Jialei Wu

Is “Rail plus Property” in Hong Kong a Scalable Strategy for Funding Public Transit? Based on Case Studies of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and New York City

Xinchi Yu

The Role of Neighborhood Space in Fostering Sense of Community In Affordable Housing Communities In Shanghai

Zhipeng Zeng

An Analysis of Power Relations in the Redevelopment of Urban Villages – Three Case Studies in Guangzhou, China

Yuting Zhang

Employment Policy and Sustainable Livelihoods of Landless Peasants in China: A Study in Zhengdong New Area

Shasha Zhu

How Uneven Elementary School Education Quality Leads to Social Stratification in Beijing, China


Meagan Aaron

Public Private Partnerships: An Off Balance Experience

Jawaher Al Sudairy

Implications of Religious Tourism Planning on Makkah Residents: A Critical Analysis of the Land Expropriation Process

Alexander Altskan

Public Housing Redevelopment and Crime Displacement: The New Communities Initiative, Washington, DC

Philip Betheil

Community Involvement and the Reuse of Rail Rights-Of-Way

Eric Blair-Joannou

Designing for Disconnection: Changing Intentions and Uses of the Waterfront in Post-Erie Canal New York City

Ariana Branchini

Tourism and its Economic Impact in Italy: A Study of Industry Concentration and Quality of Life

Yuheng Cai

Redevelopment of Industrial Land: Interaction Between Policy and Private Development

Junda Chen

Quality or Quantity? Factory Outlet Center Planning and Development as a Retail Innovation in Beijing

Shuran Chen

Ekibiru (Station Building) and its Relation with Surrounding Land Value

Olga Chernomorets

Walkability: Implementation Challenges in the Suburbs of North Central Texas

Yung Chun

Gentrification of New York City after Hurricane Sandy

Matthew Do

Making Room for Change: Community School Space and Shifting the Educational Paradigm

Bingruo Duan

Impact of Social Media Marketing on the Popularity of Museum Programs in China

Ola El Hariri

The Role of Institutions in Responding to the Syrian Refugees Crisis in Lebanon: The Humanitarian Aid Framework of Saida

Sarah Ellmore

Transforming Long Island City: Examining the Impacts of Rezoning

Peter Erwin

Visualizing Affordability: Testing Whether Low-Income Housing Tax Credits Produce the Housing Architecture that Planners Desire, and Envisioning a Better Future

Alexandria Fiorini

Accommodating Airbnb: Managing the Presence of Peer-to-Peer Accommodations Companies in New York City

Hannah Fleisher

Spreading the ‘Wealth’ in the Far North of Ontario, at What Cost?

Jessica George

The Cost of Global Competitiveness: Assessing the Impacts of Special Economic Zone Policy on the Working Class in Bangalore

Franziska Grimm

Peak Car and the Future of Urban Mobility. Exploring 21st Century Urban Trends and their Implications for the Automotive Industry

Laura Groves

Is There a Role for Preservation Planning in a Favela?

Wei Guo

What Affects Theme Park Performance: A Comparative Case Study of Disney Theme Parks in East Asia

Mengxun Han

Localization of Transit-Oriented Development Concept around China’s High-Speed Rail Stations: The Case of Jinan

Daniel Hewes

Community Led Disaster Planning: Lessons Learned in Red Hook, Brooklyn Post Superstorm Sandy

Maxwell Holdhusen

Good Governance and Equity: Analyzing Saint Paul, Minnesota’s Capital Improvement Budget Process

Kyle Innes

Delocalization of Expenditures: The Role of Foreign Actors in Infrastructural Public Private Partnerships

Patrick Jalasco

The Importance of Political Empowerment in Urban Planning: A Case Study Analysis on the Passage of Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 in the Philippines

Ji-Hyeon Jeong

Mayoral Political Ideology and Affordable Housing: A Comparative Analysis of the Koch and Bloomberg Administrations in the City of New York

Olivia Maria Jovine

Improving Recycling: An Analysis of Formal and Informal Recycling in New York City

Jordanna Lacoste

Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings and Transferable Development Rights: An Exploratory Analysis

Rachel Levy

Contextual Zoning as a Preservation Planning Tool in New York City

Qihan Li

Design and Planning of Commercial Streets in Beijing with Cultural Attraction Theme

Serena Li

Beneficiaries of New York City’s 421a Tax Exemption Program

Ying Li

Impacts of High Speed Railway Station on Small Cities in China: A Case Study of Wuhan-Guangzhou Line

Chang Liu

Collaborative Planning in Environmental Policy in China: A Case Study of the New Jiangwan Wetland Redevelopment Project

Kirk Logan

Houston: Planning for Urban Life without Zoning

Aleksey Martynyuk

Measuring Impact of Increase in High-Skilled Workers on the Livelihoods of Medium- and Low-Skilled Workers

Erica Mollon

Measuring the Social Impacts of Preservation on Disadvantaged Communities

Sharon Moskovits

Ferry Service in New York City: Analyzing the East River Ferry as a Model for Ferry Expansion

Anna Oursler

Mining Urban Heat

David Perlmutter

Privatizing the Metro Card: Transportation Equity in an Open-Loop Smartcard Fare Payment System

Xiaomin Qian

Planning Senior Living Homes for the Satisfaction of Active Elderly

Kellie Radnis

Chicago’s Lakefront Park System: A Study of the Burnham Plan and Its Implementation

Jet Richardson

Toward Regional Urban Planning Support in Post-Conflict Environments West Africa

Houman Saberi

Urban Digital Divides and Community WiFi: A Case Study of Red Hook, Brooklyn

Xiaotian Sun

Chinese FDI: A Study of the Impact of Chinese Infrastructure Investments in Kenya, Africa

Xin Tan

A Study of Mixed Income Housing Projects in New York City: The Effects of Inclusionary Housing Program on Residents Living in Affordable Units and Neighbors’ Interaction

Ushma Thakrar

Back to the City, the Kitchen and the Suburbs: Trends in Residential Settlement, Food Culture, and Domestic Labor Practices since WWII

Yinan Tong

How New Yorkers Prefer to Take Public Transport: A Comprehensive Analysis Based on 2010-2011 Regional Household Travel Survey

Yesmín Vega

Service Provisions in the Slums: The Case of La Perla in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Crystal Wang

Does the Great Streets Initiative in Los Angeles Serve the Goals of Urban Planning from the Implementation Side?

Qihao Wang

Does Government Favor High End Housing Development around a Representative TOD Project Instead of Improving Transit Access for Residents Nearby? An Exploration of Transit Equity, Institutional Issues and TOD in Shenzhen, China

Xuzheng Wang

Electronic Commerce Platform, Logistics and Local Economic Development: A Case Study of Global Innovation Center in Qingdao City

Chunxiao Xu

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Urban Land Use Evolution: Did the 2008 Olympics Benefit Local Communities?

Juting Xu

Rural Migrant Workers’ Integration into City under the Reform of Household Registration (Hukou) System in China–A Case Study of Zhenjiang City

Yidan Xu

Under What Circumstances Will Land Value Capture Work to Finance Public Transit? Based on Case Studies of Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York City


Sarah Almukhtar

The Effects of Urban Conflict and the Role of Community-Based Initiatives in Baghdad

*Fatema Alzeera

The Implications of Planning Failure: Evaluating the Impacts of Land Reclamation Policies on Fishermen Communities in Bahrain

Lissa Barrows

Planning with Character: Gotouchi Kyara and Place Branding in Japan

Lingjun Bu

The Impact of the Congestion Charging Scheme on Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutants Emissions in London

Tiancheng Cai

Exploring the Impact Factors on Frequency of Applications for Zoning Amendment in the City of New York

Ellis Calvin

Small Scale/Global Ambition: Strategies of Architectural Production and Global Urban Competitiveness in Medellín, Colombia

Long Chen

Beijing Parking Issue – A Case Study in Lama Temple Area

Yiwen Chen

Real-name Registration System as a Way to Improve Social Service Security: A Case Study of Migrant Construction Workers in Nanjing

*Peter Chung

Living Globally: Exploring the Need for Foreign Enclaves in Shanghai

Yan Chu

Sustaining Art Ecosystem: Social Diversity and NGO-­‐Government Cooperation in Song Zhuang Art Village

Benjamin Engle

The Changing Values of Planning: Comprehensive Planning in White Plains and Westchester County, NY

Aleena Farishta

The Impact of Syrian Refugees on Jordan’s Water Resources and Water Management Planning

Emily Gordon

Pittsburgh School Closures: The Impact on Physical and Social Neighborhood Dynamics

Peiqin Gu

Governance and Gentrification in Creative Industry Clusters - A Case Study of Three Creative Clusters in Beijing

Emily Heard

Evaluating the Effect Urban Rail Expansion on Regional Density Distribution in Portland, OR

Jean Heo

Demolition and the Shrinking City: Philadelphia and Camden

Hui Jiang

The Impact of Informal Network on Rural-Based Creative Sectors in China

Anne Krassner

Where do Political Will and Community Needs Meet? The case of the Aerial Cable Cars in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Taylor Miller

Vacant Space + Temporary Use: Understanding Development Cycles in Berlin’s Neighborhoods of Friedrichshain + Kreuzberg

Matthew Mueller

Equity of Transit in the Twin Cities: A Benefit-Based Study of the Racial Equity of Access to Transit

Callie New

Planning for Resource-Rich Communities: Learning through Comparisons of Energy Booms and Busts in the American West

Wenting Pang

The Effects of Land Use Right Transaction Approaches on Residential Property Price – A Case Study of Beijing, China

Natalie Quinn

From Rhetoric to Reality: A Look at the Implementation of Transit-Oriented Development Plans Along the Gold Line in Los Angeles County

Shraddha Ramani

Investigating the Impact of Smart Growth Policies on Floodplain Development

Sarah Shannon

Are Resiliency Plans Addressing Climate Change in an Equitable Way?

Justine Shapiro-Kline

The Impact of the Public Process in Rebuild by Design

Heidi Smith

Changing Retail Composition in Greenwich, CT 2000-2013

Gillian Sollenberger

Patient Accessibility to Primary Healthcare in Brooklyn, New York

Julie Sophonpanich

Embracing Water: A Study on How Cities Have Planned for Floods in the Past

Yifu Sun

Business Composition Change in the 798 Art District of Beijing, and Reasons Behind It

Ella Ver

Teens and Improvised Spaces: a Study of Appropriation of Outdoor Places

Sherrie Waller

Positive Youth and Community Development in Brownsville, Brooklyn

Christine Wen

State vs. Local Management of Groundwater: The cases of California and Nevada

Chuanxi Xiong

What Type of Neighborhoods into Which the Chinese Tend to Move: A Study of the Chinese Americans in the City of New York, 1970-2010

Amy Yang

The 2009 Health Care Reform and Insurance Coverage for Migrant Construction Workers in Beijing, China

Max Yeston

Neighborhood Conservation Districts: An Assessment of Typologies, Effectiveness, and Community Response

Ji Yeun Yu

Carbon Finance Opportunities in Transportation and Clean Development Mechanism in Developing Countries– Examining The Interplay Of Investment, Emission Reduction, and Carbon Credit Revenue

*Xiaowan Zhang

The Making of Public Open Space Accessible to Underserved Populations in Urban Village

Chi Zhang

Social Capital, Entrepreneur Network and Small City Development in Central and Western China: A Case Study of Xixia City

Shichen Zhang

Location Analysis of 3D Printer Manufacturing Industry

Zhewu Zhuang

Correlation between Land Use and Metro Rail Ridership in Los Angeles

Biying Zhu

After Losing Land: Reemployment Opportunity for Landless Peasants in China, A Case Study of Yangguanzhai Village

Linghong Zou

Addressing Declining Bicycle Use in China: Factors Associated with Bicycle Ownership and Use


Sean Ansanelli

Development Beyond Growth: Exploring the Potential of Alternative Community Development Strategies in Detroit

Cassandra Bellew

Superfund Remediation: Ingredients for Improving Feasibility of Site Reuse

Danielle Berger

A GIS Suitability Analysis of The Potential for Rooftop Agriculture in New York City

Rosemary Bolich

Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: How Does the MTA Compare?

Nicole Buchholz

Low-Impact Development and Green Infrastructure Implementation: Creating a Replicable GIS Suitability Model for Stormwater Management and the Urban Heat Island Effect in Dallas, Texas

Francesca Camillo

Are Green Roofs an Answer to New York City’s Combined Sewer Overflow Problem?: Using Stormwater Utility Fees to Incentivize Green Roofs

Clara Chung

Rural Educational NGOs and Urban Aspirations: Lessons on Skill Planning in Cambodia

Leslie Deacon

Planning Sidewalks: Implications of Regulating Sidewalk Space in the East Village

Naomi Delphin

The Role that Off-Street Parking and Curb Cuts play in the Urban Environment

Danielle Dowler

Local Booze and Brews: An Examination of the Microbrewery and Craft Distillery Industries in New York City

Violeta Duncan

ICT, Lost in Translation: How Western Development Epistemoplogy Constrains the Growth of the Kenyan knowledge Society

Daniel Dykema

Land Value and the Financing of Urban Rapid Transit Infrastructure

Lola Feiger

New York Hearts Tech: Tech in the City Under Bloomberg

Katherine Gilmore

A Process Evaluation of New York City’s Zoning Resolution (ZR) § 74-79: Why Is It Being Used So Infrequently?

*Norabelle Greenberger

Changing Retail Dynamics in Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Simone Greenbaum Gross

Legal Constraints on Neighbors’ Use of Community Benefits Agreements in New York City

Peter Harrison

Alone, Together: An Examination of the Organizational Capacity of the Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association

Isabelle Hazlewood

Barriers to Utility-­‐Scale Wind Development in New York State

Lauren Hoogkamer

Assessing and Managing Cruise Ship Tourism in Historic Port Cities: Case Study Charleston, South Carolina

Jinny Khanduja

Shared Tastes: Economic Development, Local Food, and Kitchen Incubators in New York City

Millay Kogan

Planning for Social-Mix Housing Policies in Paris, France and its Implications on Community Cohesion

Sarah Koos

A Renaissance City: Analyzing the Role of Arts and Cultural Infrastructure in the Revitalization of Cleveland

Steven Loehr

Mixed-Use, Mixed Impact: Re-Examining the Relationship between Non-Residential Land Uses and Residential Property Values

Jimmy Lu

The Geographic Distribution of Pedestrian Safety Projects In New York City: What Social Equity Implications?

Alley Lyles

In Case of Emergency, Tweet This: A Case Study of Emergency Response Methods During Hurricane Sandy

Meg MacIver

The Logic of Place Promotion: Constituting the Unique in the City of Lancaster, PA

Luke McGeehan

Throwing Out the Trash: Waste to Energy in New York City an Analysis of Environmental Justice and NIMBY Concerns

*Sara Elisa Miller

Policy and Politics: The Effects of Facility Regulation on Abortion Access in Virginia

Greg Mirza-Avakyan

Adaptive Reuse of Historic Churches in New York City: The Opportunities and Challenges for Community Development

Lucrecia Montemayor

Shifting power and Institutional Relationships: The role of Stakeholders in Shaping Cananea, Mexico

Dianne O'Brien

Measuring the Full Economic Impacts of Local Historic District Designations

Cuthbert A. Onikute

Low-Tech Approaches to Infrastructure Development: Anaerobic Digestion and Waste Management in Sub-Saharan West Africa

Max Podemski

The New-New York: Upzoning Neighborhoods in the Era of Bloomberg

Lucy Robson

Gold Without the Games: Analyzing Unsuccessful Olympic Bids as Policy Windows

Daleen Saah

Surreal Estate: A Historical Case Study of Manhattan’s East Village + Lower East Side Squatter History, 1970-2000

Joshua Saal

The Changing Dynamics of Non-Primary Housing in New York City and its Implications on Housing and Planning Policy

Kazuki Sakamoto

Participatory Planning: Gaining a Voice in The Digital Divide

Jordan Salinger

Economic Development Policies Through Business Incubation and Co-working: A Study of San Francisco and New York City

Ranjani Sarode

The Housing Landscape in Los Angeles: Studying Financial Resiliency of Neighborhoods in the Aftermath of the Foreclosure Crisis

Abby Scattergood

La Marqueta: Examining the Retail Landscape of East Harlem

Amewusika Sedzro

Harnessing Indigenous Institutions in Decentralized Governance of Public Services: An Examination of Household Solid Waste Collection in Accra

*Stephanie Shellooe

Wheels When Who Wants Them: Assessing Social Equity and Access Implications of Carsharing in NYC

*Rajlaxmi Teli

Welfare through Skills Development : A Case of Tradtional and Modern Construction Workers in Pune, India

Baiyue Tian

Rental Price Adjustment, Volatility and Clustering

Christopher Velasco

From Rural to Urban: The Creation of Water Markets, Agriculture and Farmworkers in California’s Imperial Valley

Qian Wang

Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment in China: Legal and Regulatory Frameworks, Processes, and Actions

Marla Weinstein

From Waste to Plate: Examining the Role of Urban Biosolids in Recycling Phosphorus

Sarah Welton

Over-Leveraged: An Analysis of the Impact of Fringe Banking Establishments on Suicide Rates in New York City

John Benjamin Woodward

“Last-Mile” Deliveries in High-Density Urban Residential Areas of Manhattan

Qiwen Wu

Chongqing’s Technology Assets and Opportunities in the Context of National Industrial Reconstruction

Nannan Xu

Why Chinatown has Gentrified Later than Other Communities in Downtown Manhattan: A Planning History

Di May Yu

Protecting Local Livelihoods in Urban Sustainable Development: Environment - Employment Tradeoffs of Jardim Gramacho in Rio de Janierio, Brazil


Bhyar Abdullah

Foreclosure Crisis and Its Socio-Economic Impacts on Evicted Renters Who Have Been Helped by Legal Aids and Legal Services in New York City

Heather Anderson

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round: Transportation for Homeless Students in Los Angeles County

Caroline H. Bauer

Gypsum Recycling in PlaNYC 2030: Spaces for Government Intervention

Josie Baum

Institutionalizing Citizenship Participation: The Role of NGOs in Democratizing Land Security in Phnom Penh

Yasmin Bijani

Putting the Citizen at the Heart of Water Management: A Study of Water in Bangalore

Lisa Blake

The Effectiveness of Using Incentives in Spatial Zones to Promote Renewable Energy: A Case Study: New York City’s Solar Empowerment Zone Program

Judy Chang

Examining the Completeness of Six Los Angeles Cities

Xia Chen

Varying Significance of Influencing Factors in Development High-Tech Clusters – Using Cities of the U.S. and China as an Example

Michael Curley

Response of Residential Property Values to the Replacement of Limited-Stop Bus Service with Bus Rapid Transit: An Analysis of New York City’s Bx12 Select Bus Service

Alioune B. Dia

African Immigrants’ Views of Gentrification in Central Harlem

Julian L. Ferraldo

Zoning For Exchange: Creative-Industrial Incubators In North Brooklyn And The Formalization Of Innovation

Caitlin Laura Fitzpatrick

Do Public Private Partnerships Create Sustainable Economic Development in the State of Connecticut?

Caitlin Hackett

Coordinating Planners’ Perceptions of Neighborhood in De-Industrialized Detroit

Patrick Timothy Hoffman

Brick by Brick: Self-Interest and Real Estate Investment at Four Universities

Claudia Huerta

Transit Funding; Why the Politics? A Comparative Study of Public Transportation Infrastructure Funding in New York City and Los Angeles

Benjamin Huff

Analyzing the Effects of Industrial Retention Policy on New York City Neighborhoods

Priyanka Jain

Limited Right to City: The Changing Meaning of Public Space

Laura Jay

Eminent Domain Abuse: A Look at How to Address Eminent Domain Reform through Urban Planning Processes

Doneliza Joaquin

Olympic Transportation Planning: The Legacies of Barcelona and Beijing

Jacqueline Louise Keliiaa

AlterNATIVE Economic Development Models For Native American Tribes: A Case Study on the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California

*Kyle M. Kirschling

An economic analysis of rapid transit in New York, 1870-2010

Tsz Kiu Liu

San Francisco’s Sit/Lie Ordinance: Perceptions, Realities, and Desires

Erin Lavelle

A Local Approach to Emergency Management: Knowledge Dissemination and Household Preparedness in Central Massachusetts

*Megan Marini

Building Adaptive Capacity: An Analysis of Innovations in Information and Communication Technology in Post-Earthquake Haiti

Devin J. McDowall

Planning on Noise: The Implementation of Noise Compatibility Zoning in the Northeast United States

Alexander McQuilkin

Building Economies: Real Estate Investment and the Fnance Sector in Shanghai’s Pudong Special Economic Zone

Arvind Murthy

Protecting New York City from Homegrown Terrorism: The City’s Role in Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization

Jae Young Paek

Planning for Resettled Communities: A Study of International Regulations in the Extractive Industries in Ghana

Edgar Pedroza

Provincial Reconstruction Teams | Iraq: Effective Review, Planning and Standards of Practice

Charles-Antoine Perrault

Assessing Urban Density: a Multidimensional Model

Lauren A. Racusin

Locked in: The Silent Siege of Dubrovnik by the Tourism Industry

Jacob Schabas

Transit-Oriented Governance: A Comparison of the Impact of Regional Government Structures on Public Transit Use in Toronto and Vancouver

Stephanie Servetz

Improving Disaster Preparedness in NYC through Widespread Education

Fred Sham

The Urban Political Ecologies of Vancouver: Sustainable Development and Affordability

Trevor Shanklin

The Balance of Affordable Housing in New York City: A Spatial Analysis of the City’s Assisted Affordable Housing Landscape and Whether the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program Compromises the Potential to Achieve a Balance

Susana T. Siman

Bridging the Communication Gap; Real Estate Developers and the Local Community: A Look at Online Platforms used for Community Engagement in Real Estate Development

Vanessa Monique Smith

Social Networks Matter: A new Approach to Assess Clusters, Cultural Vitality, and Their Implications for Planning Processes in Rio de Janeiro’s Historic District, Praça Tiradentes

*Michael Snidal

Suburbs of their Own: African-American Outmigration and Persistent Segregation in Chicago

Maxwell L. Sokol

Theorizing Planning Practice: Collaborative Planning for Smart Growth on Long Island, New York

Diana Switaj

An Examination of Neighborhood Retail and Small Businesses in Post- 9/11 Lower Manhattan

Joyce Tam

Alternative Transportation Modes: How to Create More Options in Los Angeles

Victor S. Teglasi

Why Transportation Mega-Projects (Often) Fail? Case Studies of Selected Transportation Mega-Projects in the New York City Metropolitan Area

Alex J. Wallach

Understanding Park Usership: An Examination of the Role of User Studies in Park Planning

Anqi Yang

Dispersal Consistency of Subsidized Affordable Housing and Low-income Households in Santa Clara County, California

Jeffrey Yuen

Hybrid Vigor: An Analysis of Land Tenure Arrangements in Addressing Land Security for Urban Community Gardens

Michelle Young

Community-based Approaches to the Implementation of the New York State Electronic Waste Recycling Law in New York City

Mi Zhou

Public Space Use in New York City, its Relationship to Space Design Character, Surrounding Context and User’s Perception of Publicness through Space Management and Control


Youngji Bae

Shelter from the Storm: Questioning the State’s Role in Embracing Informal Residents in East Berlin

Georgia Bullen

Communicating through the Cloud: Civic involvement in planning via New Media & Technology

Jennifer Shin-Yi Chung

Are Cities in Los Angeles County Planning for Sustainable Development? An Evaluation of City Comprehensive Plans

Jorge U. Colin Pescina

Neighborhood Characteristics’ Effects On Academic Performance And Potential Policy Implications: The Case Of Mexico City’s High Schools

*Boshu Cui

Planning for Coming Land Changes: From the First Generation to the Second Generation Biofuel

Emilie C. Evans

Historic Preservation in Shrinking Cities: Neighborhood Strategies for Buffalo and Cleveland

James Finegan

Turning Value into Revenue: New York’s MTA

Tanya Fonseca

Increasing Food Sovereignty: Opportunities and Barriers in New York City for Regional Farmers

Christina Ghan

The Role of Climate Change Adaptation in Municipal Coastal Planning in New York City

Benjamin Hedrick

The Girard Avenue-Route 15 Streetcar Project: An Analysis of the Relationship between Public Transit and Economic Development in Philadelphia

Susana Isabel Mira

City marketing: A state tool for planning within the market rules

*Heidi M. Gen Kuong

The Community Benefits Agreement Movement and its Implications for Development Practices in California

Milagros Lecuona

Effects of a national policy on local communities: The Westchester Affordable Housing Pact

Kye Joon Lee

Housing Bubble: A Risk to The Korean Economy

Eugenia Manwelyan

Good Food for All: Understanding Nutritional Insecurity and the Potential Role of Food Cooperatives in the ‘Food Deserts’ of New York City

Julia Melzer

Examining New York City’s Inclusionary Housing Program: Part and Parcel of the Rezoning Process

Jimin Park

Dynamic Tug of War between State and Market planning: Investigating South and North Korean Industrial Development Strategies and the Consequent Urban and Regional Planning

*Amelia Pears

Holding Back the Sustainable City: NYC’s Minimum Parking Requirements vs. PlaNYC2030

Francis Tan

Evaluating the Unified New Orleans Planning process in light of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2

Nathan Tinclair

Should Cities Fund Public Art? An Analysis of Percent for Art Funding Mechanisms


Pixie Ann Alexander

Quinnipiac Terrace: Networked Financing Streams And New Urbanist Planning Ideals Pitch A Dream On An Old Public Housing Site

Christopher R. Bauman

LEED as a Sustainability Regulatory Mechanism: The Promises and Pitfalls of the Green Building Rating System

Audra Brecher

Spaces for Art: Appropriation and Bricolage in Brooklyn, New York

Lindsay Casper

Negotiating Community: Assisted Living in the Aging Experience

Gillian Connell

Preserving Early 20th Century Lakefront Communities: Impetus and Strategy

Caitlin R. Dourmashkin

Interactive Mapmaking and Public Participation in Planning: Engaging Citizens Through Web-Based Communication

Renata Dermengi Dragland

Green Line. Bus Rapid Transit System Toward a Sustainable Future, Curitiba, Brazil

Louise Dreier

Urban Onanists, Flashers, Gropers and Other Perverts: Street Harassment and the Built Environment in New York City

*John M. Dulac

The Road to Sustainable Urban Transportation: Understanding the relationship between urban transport sector emissions, household travel behavior and land use development

Jesse Farb

The Ontario Municipal Board in the 21st Century: Still a Tribunal out of Time?

Vikram Gill

Investigating the Impact of Densification Zoning on Residential Affordability: The Vancouver Case

Michal Gross

Shifting Public Housing Demographics: A Statistical Analysis of the Hispanic Population in Public Housing

Christina Huan

Rebuilding Bushwick, Brooklyn After Foreclosure

Margaret Hudson

Planning for a Healthy and Sustainable Food System: Supplying New York City Bodegas Through Urban Agriculture

Sanggyun Kang

Deregulation of Urban Bus Transit and its Impact on Transportation Accessibility and Urban Structure: A Case Study of Bus Transit Deregulation in Gran Santiago de Chile

Angela Kim

Airport Access to John F. Kennedy International Airport

David Krulewitch

A Portrait of Neighborhood Change: Analysis of Demographic Trends in 20 Manhattan Neighborhoods from 1950 to 2000

Sophia Lalani

Setting a Sustainable Agenda: Economic Development, the Built Environment and Water Resource Management in Amman, Jordan

Kevin Leichner

Public-Private Development and New Markets Tax Credits: Balancing Investor Returns and Community Benefits

Shaohua Li

Is Bus Rapid Transit Serving Existing Bus Riders Well? A Passenger Study of New York City’s BX 12 Select Bus Service

Yunjing Li

Chinese Land Banking in Urban Development: Long-Term Planning or Short-Term Expedient?

Alison Mayer

Rewarding High Performers? A Look at the Relationship Between Tenant Satisfaction and Funding Allocation for English Social Housing Providers

Leah Mosall

Institutionalized Intolerance: Understanding New York City’s Graffiti Policies

Victoria Okoye

Bringing the Community In: Expanding the Space for Community Planning in Water Provision in Lagos, Nigeria

Toru Onari

The Impact of Business Improvement Districts on Retail Establishments in New York City

Kristian Ongoco

Residential Locations of Asian Immigrants in Three Metropolitan Areas

Jennifer L. Pehr

Running the Risk: The co-location of urban planning and public health and the barriers created to high-risk, pregnant, and parenting teens’ ability to access educational and support services in New York City

Brendan Shera

Cyclist Preference for Bicycle Facilities and Parking in New York City

James Simmons

Urban Poverty and New Markets Tax Credits: Implications for the Planning Profession

Yihong Song

Connectivity between Local Transit Systems and Intercity Rail Terminals: Assessing the Potential for Increasing Railway Mode Share

Itir Sonuparlak

The Impacts of Socio-Economic Factors on Recycling Diversion Rates in New York City

Gita Subramony

Community Food Assessment for Recipients of Nutritional Assistance in Brooklyn

Josef Szende

Improving Walking and Transit Use for Senior Citizens

*Kevin Thurman

The Zoning and Rezoning of Dutch Kills, Queens: Narratives From Local Residents and Business Property Owners and Lesson in New York City Land Use Policy

Matthew Viggiano

Development and the Planner’s Role in Real Estate Development Negotiations

Casey Wang

The Creative City Strategy: An Analysis of the Michigan Cool Cities Initiative

Andrew Watanabe

The Social and Spatial Imperatives of Contextual Zoning during in New York during the Bloomberg Administration

Mengxi Wu

Demographic, Travel and Spatial Patterns of Carpool Behaviors in Beijing, China

Hun-Hwoi Yoo

Impact of Baby Boomers on the Housing Market in South Korea: Was the Baby Boom Generation a Critical Factor to Housing Market?

David Zyck

Can Retrofitting Suburban Shopping Centers Realize Smart Growth Objectives


Catherine Barnes-Dömötör

Water Ways: The Politics of Planning the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative in Washington, D.C.

Thomas Bassett

Globalized Space: Creating New Centralities in São Paulo, Brazil

*James Cocks

Preserving Racism

Kyle Daniels

Funding Sources for Fixed Guideway Transit Projects: A Comparison of Federal New Starts Funding to Local Funding

Therese Diede

Modal shift to VÉLIB’: A Cognitive Mapping Approach

Tyler Fairbairn

Rethinking Public Investment: Professional Sports Stadiums and Arenas as Drivers for Downtown Revitalization

Stefannie Lynn Garry

How Can Information Communication Technologies Address Socioeconomic Inequalities?

Chelsea Gleis

The Decentralization of Passenger Train Stations in the United States

Karolina Grebowiec-Hall

Contextual Zoning in New York City: Measuring the Effects on Adjacent Neighborhoods

Jessica Van Houten

Barriers to Green Building: The Perspective of the Contractor in the Hudson Valley

Catherine Kim

Customer Relationship Management in the Public Sector: A Study of New York City’s 311 Service and Its Implications for Shaping the Urban Landscape

Inbar Kishoni

New Urbanism: Remedy or Malady? An Investigation into the Reality of the Goals of New Urbanism

Anna Lan

Stakeholders Involvement and Public Input on the Park 101 Project: A Highway Cap in Los Angeles

Stephanie Lim

How can information communication technologies (ICT) address socioeconomic inequalities? Closing the Digital Divide in The Bronx

Kathryn Lipiecki

Achieving Sustainability through Community Sustainability Plans: Two New Jersey Case Studies

Jiyuan Liu

Access Fee and Reform Options for Chinese Railways

*Andrea Marpillero-Colomina

Planning for Chain Retail: Case Studies from New York

Matthew E. Schwartz

Do Transit Oriented Developments Change Travel Behavior? A Case Study of the Rahway and South Orange New Jersey Transit Villages

*Qianqi Shen

Guanxi and the ‘Non-Miracle’ in China: Tacit Relationships and Impacts on Local Economic Development

Preeti Sodhi

The City is a Skatepark: How can planning best respond to skateboarding in New York City?

Patrick Streeter

Thinking Inside the Box: An Assessment of the Multimodal Waste Containerization and its Effects on New York’s Environmental Landscape

Yuan Tang

Exploring Politics of Government Action: An Evaluation of Plan NYC 2030

Lin Zhang

Do Empowerment Zones Really Work? A Case Study of the Harlem Empowerment Zone in New York City


Leslie Alba

Community Group Effect on Neighborhood Based Commercial Corridor Revitalization

Rimma Ashkinadze

Wireless Broadband Networks for Municipal Use

Marc Bleyer

Implementation Barriers for Energy Efficiency Policy in New York City Buildings

Amy Boyle

Does President Bush’s Mortgage Foreclosure Mitigation Plan Meet the Needs of America’s Cities?

*Devanne Brookins

Integrated Development Planning: Creating Housing Sustainability for the Urban Poor in Johannesburg

Gavin Browning

Defense and Dispersal: Highlighting Anti-Urban Federal City Planning Recommendations in New York City in the 1950s

Basha S. Estroff

Section 74-711’s Effect on Landmarks: Ladies’ Mile Historic District Applications

Jennifer Ewing

Green Public Procurement and Intercity Collaboration: Assessing the Impacts of the European Local Environmental Management Systems and Procurement (LEAP) Project on Organizational and Policy Co-Evolution

*Ann Foss

Municipal Environmental Sustainability Planning: Motivations, Implementations, Documents, and Impacts in Highland Park, New Jersey

*Marguerite Grady

The FreshDirect Effect: How Does Food Choice Affect a Neighborhood’s Appeal?

Julie Greenwalt

Community Participation in Post-disaster Recovery: The Cases of New Orleans and Sri Lanka

*Yoav Hagler

Back on Track: An Examination of Current Transportation Networks and Potential High-Speed Rail Systems in Three U.S. Megaregions

Christopher S Hayner

Escaping the Dutch Disease: A Comparison of Diversification Strategies for the Oil Economies of Houston and Edmonton

Nasozi Kakembo

Fortifying Institutional Gaps in Rural Participation: The Role of the Citizen in Uganda’s Industrial Development

*Alison Laichter

Reentry and the Roles of Bridge Programming: Reconnecting Former Prisoners and Their Communities

Sara Levenson

The Disposition of Public Property: Firehouses in New York City

Alex Maisuradze

Equitable Financing Options for the Revitalization of Old Tbilisi

Shane Muchow

Paying For Parks: An Analysis of Alternative Park Financing Mechanisms in New York City

Minna V. Ninova

Urban Development and Manipulation of Cultural Infrastructure: Vienna’s Museums Quartier Project

Hye Jung Park

Public Participation and the State in South Korean Democracy and Development

Matthew J. Roe

Naked Streets for the Naked City: Planning and Design of Shared Space on Commercial Streets in New York City

Seth Ruggiero

Synthetic Landscapes and Artificial Nature in New York City Parks and Public Spaces: An Analysis of Environmental Justice and Risk Assessment Related to Synthetic Turf

Humberto René Salinas

Habitat Program in Ciudad Victoria: Opportunities for Improvement by Community Participation

Sonal Shah

Public Space and Planning for Informal Workers: The Case of Street Vendors in Mumbai, India

Robert J. Viola Jr.

Construction and Demolition Waste in New York City: Overcoming the Barriers to Increased Recycling

Dana Waits

The Rehabilitation of Public Facilities and Spaces in New Orleans through the Application of a Civic Works Program

Caitlin Warbelow

Air Pollution, Health, and Environmental Justice in Harlem: Particulate Matter Monitoring, GIS, and Spatial Data Analysis for Policy and Planning

William Pepper Watkins

Are Historic Access Corridors an Effective Tool for Promoting Historic Preservation in Virginia