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Walls as Rooms?

In redefining the poache of the thick-walled castle plans (initially collaged from existing plans), the new intervention is a double skin project where the poache becomes an indoor/outdoor space open to the public. The ground floor is made of volumes, accessible from both 9th and 10th Street, and it is stripped of the façade. It is always open to the public. The façade wraps the volumes in the typical floor plan. In translating from the ready-made plans, the corners chip away or add to the existing building and provide circulation. The classrooms float, leaving the residual space as a terrace to allow for light in the building. The classrooms allow for conventional modes of learning, but in those with terrace spaces, there can be more experiential modes where the public occupancy can offer more for the child than in a traditional setting. In defining their own route through this space, the child interacts with the building, environment, and the public.