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Coreii zeifman wt2321 sp21 1 frontview

Rebuild Corridors

Rethinking the relationship between classrooms, corridors, and playground, the new P.S. 64 School aims to break through the traditional school pedagogy and create a transparent atmosphere throughout the building. The traditional layout is structural, without spatial qualities that cater to children. Children at a young age will be hesitant to join or communicate with others when they see a group is already formed, as they easily lose their sense of security and privacy under the traditional layout. The project starts by stacking the classrooms in an offset pattern to create a stronger vertical connection between students. The original brick walls of the classrooms are deconstructed to rows of brick columns on a grid that create porous connections between the spaces inside and outside of the classrooms. The translucent polycarbonate panels serve as secondary walls that also blur the boundaries of the classrooms. The new classrooms––varied in size––generate unevenly spaced areas that are merged into flexible corridors, offering different experiences for the students. The vertical misalignment of floors with glass curtain walls also create opportunities to bring natural light and elements inside the building and classrooms.