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Coreii zeifman sz2950 sp21 4 theinsurgentschool sm

The Insurgent School - 1987

This project is centered around four stories regarding the P.S. 64 building and the systems of education it is embedded within. The first is concerned with the history of the school as a disciplinary institution; the second studies the Post-War legacy of the school within the framework of Deleuze’s Societies of Control; the third is concerned with the occupation of the school by self-organized community groups on the Lower East Side after being abandoned in 1977. The fourth story is told as a retrospective science fiction imagined in the style of speculative fiction. On an autumn day in 1987, time traveler “A” experiences imagination, care, and desire over 32 lived years at P.S. 64.

The development of this fourth story was supported by the design of a card game for collectively reconfiguring and imagining new layouts for the P.S. 64 building. Architectural models engaged readymade objects including metal ties and PVC. Building staircases were critically plagiarized from Richard Rogers Centre Pompidou and Lloyd’s Building.