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Green it, Clean it!

Around 130,000 acres of land in the Hudson Valley have been contaminated by the direct and indirect influence of industries. Our project proposes to transform these wastelands into community assets that can tackle contamination, while improving soil health, sequestering carbon and restoring the productivity of the land. This process enables us to open up the site to the people and develop further relationships with the surroundings, providing recreational and economic benefits for the community.
The programs generate a wide range of jobs in research and manufacturing sectors, as well as low skilled maintenance jobs, supporting the low income and deindustrialized communities and strengthening the local economy. These sites become places for continued research and education about nature as an enabling infrastructure.
Ud kühl anai perez danwei pan prathiba singh zixuan zhang fa19 02
Ud kühl anai perez danwei pan prathiba singh zixuan zhang fa19 03