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From Golf Ball To Weeds

Ferry Point Park, located in the Bronx, is split in two by the Whitestone Bridge. However, due to the different sizes and the obstruction of the highway bridge, the two sides have become functionally separate. The west side conforms to the original city plan and has existed as a public park, whilst the east was turned into a golf course run by Trump until recently. Considering the uneven differences between the two, we aim to redistribute their materials and resources. We do so by facilitating the spread of weeds to “take over” the golf course. As weeds are wind pollinated, we use the wind as our main seed dispersal method. Eventually the area will be transformed into a vast and rich grassland, holding huge amounts of species, within the grass swaying in the wind. Ultimately, the project is a green revolt against the power of capital and over-urbanization, to democratize public areas for humans and more humans.