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Arch cadena seong hyun leem danielle min fa23 10 structure synthesis


The proposal aims to create an artist community that seamlessly integrates their creative process with daily life, to foster the balance of art and life. This artist’s residence provides various platforms through implementing the artist’s communal programs which encourage countless impromptu-interactions between artist residents for their eternal thoughts and communication to be possible.

This platform explores transformative potentials of architectural depth.. On the urban scale, the project deviates from the perpendicular urban grid, fostering activated alleyway-like spatial connections that blend with the surrounding streetscape. This connection will invite and accommodate diverse activities, catalyzing social interactions. On the building scale, artist residents can actively shape their own community through outdoor social spaces and interconnected circulation journeys that promote impromptu interactions. The inner life is framed to accommodate the unique work-life balance of artists, emphasizing autonomy and adaptability.

Collectively, the multifaceted protrusions and intrusions of architectural depths invites various activities on different scales which creates a vibrant environment, encouraging residents to thrive, possess, and realize the performative prospects of depth, shaped by the users.