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Arch cadena xinyanhe hunterwolff f23 unit study


What if housing and greenspace were not separated?
What if housing became 100% greenspace?
We propose a mountain in the city inspired by pre-existing landscapes in our environment.
A mountain is a building. A building is a mountain.
The site becomes a 560 ft long traversable greenspace + housing.
What else can housing do?
We propose housing as a full service wellness center: physical, mental, and nutritional.
Amenities: a fitness gym, a meditation space, a cafe, a library, and an educational space.
Wellness begins with nutrition and how we fuel our bodies.
An existing building on site is reimagined unearthed: a hydroponic farm serves the site.

Our project is about bringing immersive landscapes to the city. Our project is about the therapeutic nature of landscapes and their connection to wellness. Our project is about making wellness resources accessible to the residents of Harlem. Our project is about creating hyper-local systems of production and consumption through farming and food to cultivate a self-sufficient community.