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Feminist Architectural Histories of Migration

Mon, Mar 20, 2023    6:30pm

Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi (Barnard College, Columbia University), Armaghan Ziaee (California State University, San Marcos), Eunice Seng (The University of Hong Kong), Ross Exo Adams (Bard College), and S.E. Eisterer (Princeton University), with a response by Ateya Khorakiwala, Bryony Roberts, and GSAPPX+ (Anaïs Halftermeyer, Rebecca Siqueiros, and Sophia Strabo).

Feminist Architectural Histories of Migration, co-edited by Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi and Rachel Lee, is a collection of articles and media published in three phases from 2019–2022 in the open-access online journals ABE Journal: Architecture Beyond Europe, Canadian Centre for Architecture, and Aggregate. It takes migration as the central concept and historical event behind feminist narratives of constructed environments and spatial and material practices, testing migration as a method of writing antipatriarchal, antiracist, anticasteist, and antiformalist architectural histories. In historiographical solidarity with people in the past and present deterritorialized and dispossessed of land and home, collaborators on this project undertake a feminist practice of history writing and make a space for migrant narratives of built environments. Both, by necessity, are based in collaboration.

Co-presented with the Barnard Center for Research on Women. This event is open to the Columbia University community. The general public must register in advance and confirm COVID-19 vaccination status in compliance with current Columbia University health requirements using this online form. This event will also be live-streamed on the GSAPP YouTube Channel.

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