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Posting and Posing: Social media, activism and the contemporary practice

Wed, Jul 8, 2020    11am

Faculty Bika Rebek leads the workshop Posting and Posing: Social Media, Activism and the Contemporary Practice an introduction to the basic of creation images, videos, and gifs for the web, with an emphasis on experimental image-making.

How is contemporary architectural practice shaped by social media and online formats, particularly in times of social distancing? How is it different to create media for print vs. to be used on the web? Starting from these questions, this workshop and discussion will dive into questions of representation and engagement on the web, from self-promotion to political activism. Topics covered include the basics of creating images, videos, gifs, memes, and AR content for the web. Special focus will be given to the upload of 3d models to the web to display virtual spaces online. A lecture showcasing examples and discussing best practices for online publishing will accompany the workshop. Tools discussed in the workshop will include Rhino, Adobe, Cargo, basic HTML, and Photoshop.

Image Credit: “A Pandemic Move” by Bassam Kaddoura ‘20 MSAAD completed during the Spring 2020 course Tools for Show led by Bika Rebek.