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Re : Wild

Indigenous communities have persevered in a way of life that is sustainable and attuned to the earth’s cycles despite a continual barrage of cultural and environmental threats leveled at their communities. Drawing on Indigenous insight and environmental consciousness as a catalyst for ecological respect, these communities live in opposition to the Western-centric attitude of untempered and incredibly destructive patterns of consumption. Even with a low-impact approach to their environmental surroundings, Indigenous communities are often forced to rely on erratic systems of food and energy resources designed to maximize profit rather than fulfill the needs of people. These infrastructures often shift resources that should be benefiting those who produce this capital towards major metropolitan centers, skirting the needs of Indigenous populations in rural areas.

Our project seeks to aid in establishing an alternative path forward for Indigenous communities through the installation of infrastructure and sustainable strategies that can enable these populations to become self-reliant, producing food and resources needed on-site through innovative and ecological strategies. By replacing destabilized supply chains that are already crumbling in the face of climate change with locally produced and sourced resources, a sustainable blueprint is formed which can filter into the general population, re-indigenizing the general population and our shared environment back to its original state. New possibilities in a future that has been “re-wilded” are endless, with the potential for micro-trade networks of locally sourced goods between communities, ecological territories dedicated to the benefit of wildlife, and designed agroforestry zones protecting this newly restored world from the destructive mistakes of our past while forging a new way forward.