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March wikstrom claire chen yucehn qiu sp21 4 work

Carbon Island

The monetary value system has long reigned the way the world has operated. This project aims to explore other forms of value systems that could address the environmental value that has been neglected in the traditional monetary system. The proposed value system on this island is based on carbon footprint and uses this project as an experiment. The Davids Island is selected as our site because we think it serves as an accurate geographic metaphor of a testbed outside of the mainstream. The programs will be divided into two parts––labor and leisure. The labor part will include activities of agroforestry, which aims to reduce tension between agricultural land and forest land. The participants will earn ”carbon coins” that they can use on the island by working in the labor programs. To enjoy the leisure programs such as a spa, pool, or upgrade to a better room/food, they have to use the carbon coin to pay for the leisure. For example, the person working in the mushroom farm in the drawing earns carbon coins to upgrade the meal. The price of leisure activities will be based on the equivalent carbon emission. Imagine that as you work to reduce your carbon footprint, you’re able to level up and unlock better leisure. No matter the existing economic status of the participants, once they step on this island, their wealth will depend on their carbon offset. Through these experiences, the intention is to subconsciously educate the visitors with the proposed value system with a focus on environmental value. In the long term, we hope to transform people’s activities by this immersive experience.