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Coreii roy aes2344 sp21 3 spatialprototype

Transmissions from Spaceship Earth

This proposal seeks to unearth P.S. 64 as the locus for an architectural and historical project of care, expressed in the diverse ideologies of Buckminster Fuller, Charles B.J. Snyder, and the CHARAS group––entities implicated within the school’s history. I specifically take up Fuller’s concept of “synergetics,” which approaches the universe holistically as interconnected systems composed of interdependent components, as the model for a new interdisciplinary mode of practice that challenges the disciplinary silos reinforced by the current paradigm of architectural education. The project seeks to cultivate a spirit of care through exploring architecture’s capacity to improve our internal, intersubjective, and universal relations, restoring the structure to these figures’ radical utopian and cross-disciplinary legacies. I conceive of “school” broadly, as a multivalent “laboratory of laboratories,” emphasizing community learning through doing and experimentation regardless of age or identity, helping these individuals to “be” more consciously within our synergetic universe.