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Coreii cadena dy2422 sp21 5 4years

Rescue P.S. 64: The Plan of Attack

P.S. 64 is ultimately political. Stuck in between multiple interweaved layers of an interest/power network, it is the rotting meat hanging on spider webs. Despite its deliciousness, for almost over 30 years it is still hanging there. Not because there are no predators, but because there are too many of them threatening each other. As enemies of each other, what is common between Gregg and Lopez is that for decades, they are both still waiting. In a way, both of them are victims of time. There is no winner, everyone loses. Lopez still lives in the building opposite the school, staring at the unfinished work every day from her window. To rescue P.S. 64 from its current situation, I argue that an architectural disruptor should be introduced to the site immediately, tomorrow, to break the dilemma of infinite waiting.