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Arch solomonoff zachbundy yasminbenltaifa fa19 08 dynamic dwelling

Dynamic Dwelling

Our team utilizes a new definition of efficiency, which is measured not by rentable space, but by common space. In order to embrace this paradigm, this project utilizes curves to provide dynamic (expanding and contracting) corridors in between units. Residents rent private square footage by-the-bedroom rather than by the traditional rental-by-unit, thereby increasing affordability. Most domestic activities are incorporated into the common areas (the dynamic corridor) including laundry, T.V. watching, gaming, gardening, etc. As much furniture as possible is built into custom casework which follows the perimeter of each level, further reducing move-in cost.

The form is created parametrically with goals of increasing daylight, maintaining the continuity of remaining buildings and streets, providing small street-side plazas, and clearly defining entries/exits. Brick facades are used at the avenues, while zinc panels are used at the streets, further maintaining continuity with the neighborhood.