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Entertaining Morphology Model by Abhinav Gupta

Entertaining Morphology Model

Understanding the extreme density of Neo-Classical buildings on Broadway from W87 to W120, Abhinav was set on distorting and disempowering the painful iconography of the Neo-Classical by designing a way for people to find more of the premium which these buildings exclude—and always excluded—specific communities from: space—living and public—in NYC. As Pre-War building windows are mostly standardized, he uses them to hack—and let people hack—façades by defining forms using ergonomics, common non-ergonomic motions, and a perception-based parallax projection system, projecting a user’s perception activity 360° within the interface while maintaining transparency. With these ‘morphologies’, people may actually cut into or transform existing programs, or form new programs entirely. With their transparency, these ‘morphologies’ distort Neo-Classical notions of sublimity and generate a new hyperreal public space, whereby people experience new sets of performative and intimate interactions—both between inhabitants, and between inhabitants and city-dwellers below.