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Boerum cobble hill studio ii final report

Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill and Boerum Hill Neighborhoods

Erica Avrami, Ward Dennis, Belmont Freeman, William Raynolds

Student Authors
Tania Alam, Cameron Robertson, Valentina Angelucci, Allison Semrad, Jessica Betz, Andrea Sforza, Elizabeth Canon, Teresa Spears, Marisa Kefalidis, Fei Teng, Mayssa Jallad, Stacy Tomczyk, Sarah Menegus, Laura Weinstein, Nicole Mezydlo, Katrina Virbitsky, Ariane Prache, Mengjie Zhang, Alexander Ray, Qi Zhang, Sara Reddan, Yuanyi Zhang

The purpose of this study was to investigate the rarely researched long-term impacts of designation on historic districts; specifically on form and aesthetics of the neighborhood, materials and conditions of structures, and socioeconomic conditions of the community.

Based on this investigation and subsequent analysis, we developed design interventions for infill development and adaptive reuse projects, conservation strategies and recommendations for the neighborhood.

With the recent anniversary of the New York City Landmarks Law, we have the opportunity to evaluate the effects of our current preservation tools, in order to assess whether these are the best possible tools for the job. This study is a preliminary attempt to evaluate the effectiveness and unintended impacts of historic districts in particular. Additionally, rapid new development is currently taking place around our study area – larger towers are being erected only a few blocks away, making this a timely study on the role of historic districts, as this development has not yet spread through our study area.

It is important to note that this study was not driven by a pre-determined goal, such as additional landmark designation. The outcomes and recommendations of this study came directly out of the data that was collected and analyzed.