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Aad foguã© santhosh narayanan su2024   santhosh narayanan sridhar

New Logistical Pacts - New Affiliations

Neoliberalism, a complex and multifaceted system, relies heavily on logistics, with Amazon as a prime example. This corporate entity capitalizes on crises, converting them into standardized, exchangeable units, thereby fostering asymmetric exchanges and destabilizing established systems. To challenge this dominance, we need New Logistical Pacts to disrupt the existing order and heal fractured networks through New Affiliations.

These pacts will operate as double agents, subverting the current system to enable “performing” possible futures. Focused on surface containers and conduits as well as data/media, the pacts will embrace ambivalence and proliferate overlapping narratives and actions. They aim to reconfigure existing networks, infiltrate algorithmic codes, and reinvigorate dismembered components, creating a subverted network of convergent collectives that challenge dominant narratives.

By dismantling the current one-way supply chain, these new assemblages will facilitate reciprocal exchanges and integrate with existing structures in a symbiotic manner, addressing local contexts and needs. They will expose hidden elements, reconnect the dislocated, and counteract systemic toxicity.

The logistical pact’s final medium is the media itself. By making the dislocated visible, it promotes circularity, replacing relentless consumerism. Perhaps infrastructure holds more potential than architecture, and the pact restores the agency of architects to articulate infrastructure.