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Ms.aud orff saakshisawant xinyucao shaoyangdu mining area vision

Punta Cana: Mending Landscapes From Mine to Coast

Our project tries to engage people with the ecological value of the place. Our project advances this vision by making use of the lagoon on our site and making it available for public use, as well as restoring the degraded mining land on our site through mangrove restoration. We envision our site to have a coral as well as mangrove restoration and training center that will help train people to practice these techniques in other parts of the Dominican Republic which are prone to climate risks. Our project visualizes a new ecological trail leading up to our site and making it more accessible to the rest of the communities. Not many people and tourists know about our site Playa Bonita and also of the lagoon that exists here. Hence, we want to make our site an ecological edge with light touch amenities for public use such that it becomes an attraction for the local people and tourists. We want to preserve the ecological value of our site and we imagine the transformation of our site through our project will help in dealing with climate change towards 2100 and also help in generating revenue from this ecology.