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CITY 1.5

City 1.5 merges emergency reception solutions for displaced populations with the recreational revitalization of Floyd Bennett Field national park. Informed by our initial flood risk analysis, our design accommodates living requirements for incoming refugees while ensuring safety and sustainability. Comprising three communal Hubs, the project seamlessly integrates permanent public programs within a recreational park environment, fostering community interaction and repurposing underutilized spaces. Hub One serves as the main reception area, accommodating both incoming tourists and arriving refugees, complete with education and clinic facilities. Hub Two offers recreational amenities for residents and refugees alike, promoting community engagement and well-being. Positioned by the shore, Hub Three provides water-related activities and ferry access. Housing accommodation is built on top of the former airport runways as a preliminary foundation with elevated platforms to offer flood-resistant housing equipped with prefabricated modular units tailored to various family sizes. By intertwining emergency response with community engagement and park revitalization, City 1.5 represents a holistic approach to addressing displacement while enhancing social cohesion and urban resilience.

City 1.5 is a reception complex that addresses emergency reception for displaced populations while revitalizing Floyd Bennett Field national park with daily life programs. The initial phase of our research involves a thorough analysis of flood risks and flood mitigation, directly informing the design to ensure safety and sustainability.