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Adaptive Reuse of CHARAS / PS 64

The proposed project for the adaptive reuse of the CHARAS Community Center in NYC’s East Village honors its rich history of community activism and artistic expression. Formerly a school turned into a hub for preserving neighborhood identity and advocating for affordable housing, CHARAS stood as a beacon against gentrification. The project seeks to continue this legacy by transforming CHARAS into a school/factory focused on building homes, particularly Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) for affordability and shelters for the homeless. Through comprehensive workshops, residents will receive training in homesteading and repair skills, empowering them to revitalize both buildings and the community. Moreover, the project addresses the prevalent issue of storefront vacancies by incorporating maintenance training to enhance cleanliness and neighborhood aesthetics. By engaging residents in hands-on activities that simultaneously address housing needs and neighborhood upkeep, the project fosters a sense of ownership and pride in the community’s future. It embodies the ethos of reclaiming neglected spaces, preserving local identity, and empowering residents to actively participate in shaping their environment while combating the challenges of gentrification and homelessness.