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Arch matsipa kwongtsztung fa23 communitybreathingbubbles

The Filtration Station - Breathing Bubbles

In Harlem, the bus depot stands as a symbol of air segregation, where low-income communities endure the brunt of pollution from vehicles. The “Breathing Bubbles” initiative targets this depot, employing algae-infused cells to purify the air, converting harmful pollutants like PM2.5 and carbon dioxide into clean oxygen. By transforming the polluted space into a green oasis, the intervention not only aims to improve air quality but also address the broader issue of environmental justice. Through this innovative approach, the project seeks to dismantle the barriers of air segregation, ensuring that all residents, regardless of socioeconomic status, have access to clean and breathable air. As the Bubbles expand beyond the depot, they carry with them the promise of a more equitable future, where everyone can enjoy the fundamental right to a healthy environment.