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Arch cadena lucas gonzalez sp23  [w9] concept model

Navy Yard Riviera

My project examines the Brooklyn Navy Yard as a primary example of our obsession with Industry and the Tech solution. The new 2020 master plan for the yard is sprawled with vertical manufacturing for a modern office campus that would further what I believe is a lifestyle unsustainable and negligent of the proper quality of life lacking today in America.

The Brooklyn Riviera is a proposed master plan for the Navy yard edge that is based on principles of happiness, slowness, warmth, and water. My narrative for a new Brooklyn Navy Yard is centered on improving the quality of life for the everyday New Yorker through a reimagining of the yard as a new public space and social center of piers, cliffs, harbor baths, steam chambers, maritime activities, and floating landscapes with small architectures populated around the yard to hold these programs.

This intervention will not simply reignite the yard from a spatial and functional point of view but welcome it back into the public realm with a new identity, typology, and sense of place.