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Arch solomonoff jamonmok chriskumaradjaja fa22 waterfrontrender

Glaciers on Harlem River

1) Homes are where people spend most of their time, where they derive stability and use as a base to build a better life. 2) In NYC alone 560,000 units are needed to alleviate the housing crisis. record amounts of funds have been injected into housing authorities, but 3) Conditions of public housing are well known and well documented. with many living without heat, moldy interiors and spaces ill designed for daily routine such as running micro businesses.

In our view, housing is the single most impactful item to reduce poverty.

Therefore we are proposing a new kind of co-op where residents get a dividend from the programmatic spaces designed within the complex, allowing them to make no payment monthly while servicing the loan, and deriving a true Universal Basic Income once the loan is paid off.

In summary, our idea of affordable housing is: ICONIC With sky parks on glacial volumes, dynamic waterfront, and suburban townhome experiences. FLEXIBLE With open plans, mass-customized flexible units, and dynamic streetscapes PERFORMATIVE Climatically optimized with passive heating/cooling, integrated solar porches, sustainable materials, and climate change ready UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME By fostering micro-entrepreneurship, partitionable apartments, and dividends from the co-op.