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Arch jamaleddine santiagomartinez fa22 09 research

Olive Trading Center: (re) Constructing the obsolete

The proposal aims to (re) construct what is perceived as non-desirable from the western perspective by looking into the Olive Oil Network to find new responses for the commercial change in Tunisia’s market since the 19th century. The shift from a local exchange relationship to a global trade economy is perceived in the production line of commodities, the country’s landscape, and the obsolete infrastructure from 1900, which no longer serves its initial use. The project constructs a new network for olive oil which aligns the production line with the seasonality of olive trees alongside reusing and upcycling the waste of its production for new products developed on-site to give back to the local community. Each season, the projects intertwine with the seasonality through active programs (Educate-Harvest, Produce-Create, Celebrate-Taste) to create a complete cycle for local products. Further, the re-valorization of local Olive Oil has the potential to positively impact the national economy of Tunisia.