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Atlanta and its communities have fallen victim to the city’s decision to prioritize cars, embedding a divide throughout the city. Thus, car routes are controlled and land remains vacant to accommodate the convenience of the few over the lives and relations of the many. Our site, downtown Atlanta, stands as a testimony to the state’s misplaced priorities. We recognize the parking lines as state enforced direction, control and isolation. Our critiques center around these marked methodologies that implement ownership for capital endeavors. These endeavors reserve land temporarily for the car owner, while also hoarding land, as parking lots, for future profit and speculation for land owners. Through this critique, of a carcentered downtown, we begin imagining a world after property. A world that is not subservient to the interests of the individual, thus we begin to imagine a world without cars. We remove the urban systems that dictate the landscape. We first removed the roads and redefined what we know as the street. Then we manipulated the parking lines that populate the vast landscape. We created strategies for removal and reorientation. How can the lines that have divided us be reimagined to create coherent communal systems that encourage growth. How do we wash away years of directional divide and marginalization?