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Arch bates yong yeob kim sp22 01 main perspective

Adaptable Archive : Activism Toward Land

The first goal of the project was to build an Art organization center for artists in employment and financial trouble. From this goal, I sought spatial inspiration from artists or works of art with methodologies and ideas that can be used for Architecture. Gabriel Orozco was the artist I chose, and his understanding of trees with diverse-sized circles inspired the creation of this center of Art organization.

While researching to pick a site for the center and thinking about how the center can play a better role for people also having a hard time during and after Covid-19, I found an article explaining that art education for kids had gotten worse because of poverty and uncertified teachers in the South Bronx and also it showed the benefits of appropriate art education for kids. This is the reason why the site in the poorest part of South Bronx was chosen. The keyword ambiguity came from both the goals and definitions of Art and education to create educational spaces for kids to have better experiences, even while they are not taking classes.

Lastly, recycling construction material from demolition is one of the hottest topics among artists to warn society and the government. Therefore the ways to reuse abandoned plastics were used for the construction, which also helps solve the problem of pollution in South Bronx and the thing is that plastics remind of playful things and kids which is also parallel to the program.