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Master of Architecture Prerequisites

All Master of Architecture students must complete prerequisites before the start of the program. Students who have not already completed these at the time of admission must register for summer courses at an accredited college or university prior to matriculation at Columbia GSAPP in the fall semester.

Official documentation of completed prerequisites must be received by September 1 in the first year of enrollment.

  1. All applicants must have an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university by the time they start the M.ARCH program.
  2. All applicants must have fulfilled a minimum of 45 credit hours of general studies in the arts, humanities and/or science at their undergraduate institution.
  3. History/Theory Course Sequence: All applicants must have completed a 3-point survey course in Architectural History at an accredited college or university dealing with any of the following periods: classical to Renaissance, Renaissance to modern, or modern.
  4. Building Technologies Course Sequence: All applicants must have completed the following:
    • One 3-point course in General Physics or Two 3-point Calculus courses (Calculus I and II) at an accredited college or university.
      • Successful high-school Advanced-Placement (AP) Physics exam or Calculus I and Calculus II exams may be accepted in lieu of equivalent college coursework.
      • Successful Advanced Level (A-Level) coursework in Physics or Calculus I and II may be accepted in lieu of equivalent college coursework.
      • Please note, the Physics or Calculus courses should not be interdisciplinary in nature or designed for liberal arts majors.
  5. Studio Prerequisite: Applicants who have no prior background in architecture must complete a course in architectural graphic presentation (this could be one term of architectural studio or a studio in the visual arts such as drawing, painting, or sculpture) as a prerequisite for the Core Studio Sequence, before registering in the M.ARCH program.
    • Students can apply to fulfill this option through GSAPP’s 3-credit Intro to Architecture course held in the summer.
    • Successful high-school Advanced-Placement (AP) Studio Art exam may be accepted in lieu of equivalent college coursework.
    • Successful Advanced Level (A-Level) exams in Studio Art may be accepted in lieu of equivalent college coursework.
Please note:
  • Prerequisites must be completed by the time of matriculation to GSAPP.
  • Prerequisites must be undergraduate coursework and can be taken at any accredited college or university. Letter grades of B- or higher are required to fulfill the prerequisite.
  • Coursework must be taken for credit in order to fulfill the requirements.
  • Successfully completed AP Exams and Advanced Level exams can be accepted in some cases as listed above. Scores of 4 or higher are eligible for credit.

Students entering the M.ARCH program are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites to prevent potential registration complications and/or issues during the licensure process following graduation.