Kate Allen is the President and principal shareholder of
Allen Architectural Metals, Inc. a nationally recognized
and award-winning architectural metal restoration
firm. During her sixteen-year career, she has directed
historically significant restoration and redevelopment
projects for AAM including: the Woolworth Building, the
Waldorf Astoria, Carnegie Hall, the US Capitol Dome,
Michigan Central Station, Cadillac Book Tower, and the
Lincoln Memorial. Prior to Allen, Kate gained valuable
experience in the fields of architecture, construction,
and real estate development.
Kate is a Guest Lecturer at Pratt Institute of Technology,
School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation in
Brooklyn, New York. She is also an active member of the
Association of Preservation Technology and currently
serves as Vice President of the Eastern Great Lakes
Chapter. She has lectured at both the New York City
Landmarks Commission and the Historic Districts
Council on her firm’s technical expertise. She has given
multiple presentations on “The Carbon Impact of
Reglazing vs. Replacing Windows” with NSG Pilkington
highlighting her work in Detroit for the restoration of
the Albert Kahn Office Building.
Her educational background includes a Master of
Science in Historic Preservation from Columbia
University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History
from University of Alabama, Birmingham.