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New York Sea Level Rise Projections

Mon, Mar 20, 2017    7pm

As required by a 2014 state statute, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has just issued official sea level rise projections. They reflect a range of possible scenarios; at the high end, sea level in the New York City area could rise 75 inches (6.2 feet) by the year 2100. This program will explore how these projections, now that they are embodied in a formal regulation, will affect a broad range of decisions in building and infrastructure siting, design, construction and materials; insurance and financing; environmental impact review; and securities disclosure.

Michael B. Gerrard
Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice and Director, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School

Kate Orff
Associate Professor & Director, Urban Design Program, Columbia GSAPP
Mark Lowery
Office of Climate Change, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (tentative)
Pippa Brashear
Director of Planning and Resilience, SCAPE Landscape Architecture DPC; Columbia GSAPP Urban Design
Thaddeus Pawlowski
Senior Urban Designer, New York City Department of City Planning; Columbia GSAPP Urban Design