Advancing Infrastructure Equity in São Paulo
Gabriella Carolini is an associate professor of urban planning and international development in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she leads the City Infrastructure Equity Lab. Her teaching and research center on equity in the governance and planning of infrastructure development across urban communities in the Americas and Africa, particularly in the water and sanitation arena. Her work on urban infrastructure and international development has been published as a book, Equity, Evaluation, and International Cooperation, with Oxford University Press (2022), and her articles can be found in leading journals, including Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Urban Studies, Journal of the American Planning Association, The Lancet, and the American Journal of Public Health, among others.
Light refreshments will be served. This event is open to Columbia University affiliates with a valid university ID. Any questions on the events can be directed Diana Guo,; Vinita Govindarajan,; Mauricio Enrique Rada Orellana,
The Lecture in Planning Series (LiPS) is co-organized by the Urban Planning program Office and second year PhD students in Urban Planning: Vinita Govindarajan, Diana Guo, and Mauricio Rada Orellana.