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Notes from Within IV

Sat, Mar 30, 2024    2pm

In this fourth annual installment, “Notes from Within IV” invites prospective and admitted students to once again sit in fellowship and exchange with members of the Black Student Alliance at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation at Columbia University [BSA+GSAPP]. With representation from a host of GSAPP programs, we look forward to a candid conversation, sharing insight, experiences, and various tales of the lives by students who identify as black and study at GSAPP and in allied fields whose work engages the built domain, interrogating space, geography, urbanity, identity, and domesticity.

Foremost, we aim to respond to questions from students, who with eyes wide open, seek to enter or are considering entry into this particular space of the academy.

This panel will be hosted by Jennah Jones, ‘24 M.ARCH and Allon Morgan '24 M.ARCH & MSRED.

Participants are encouraged to submit any specific questions, comments, or musings in advance of the event with their registration to aid BSA+GSAPP members in their preparation, or to email them in advance to bsagsapp@gmail.com.

This event will be presented virtually. Register for Zoom Meeting.

Organized by BSA+GSAPP
Black Student Alliance at Columbia GSAPP
Instagram: @bsa_gsapp