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Global Circuit:
Biennials and Triennials

Fri, Feb 21, 2020    1pm

Global Circuit: Biennials and Triennials
Presentations by Columbia GSAPP Faculty on their projects for design exhibitions around the world in 2019-20; moderated by Andrés Jaque, Associate Professor of Professional Practice, Director of the Advanced Architectural Design program at Columbia GSAPP, and the Curator of the 2020 Shanghai Art Biennale.

The roundtable will include presentations and conversation to include:

Laura Kurgan, Nahyun Hwang, Anna Puigjaner, Hilary Sample, Ziad Jamaleddine, Mark Wasiuta, Felicity Scott, Farzin Lotfi-Jam, Christopher Leong and Dominic Leong, Ignacio G. Galán, Jesse McCormick ’18 M.Arch and Khoi Nguyen ’18 MSAAD, Nikolaus Hirsch and Andrés Jaque.

The event will examine the role that biennials and triennials play now, as a medium for architectural practices to engage critically, to produce reality, and to problematize and expand the capacities of the field. Four decades after the opening of the first architecture biennale in Venice, the multiplication of the annual calendar of international convenings, and the exponential growth of their online circulation has both raised voices claiming the exhaustion of the model, and others praising its capacity to expand architecture’s agency.

Global Circuit will bring together some of the most relevant voices curating and contributing to biennales now to inspect, the challenges and potential of biennales now.

Free and open to the Public. Please note this lecture will not be live-streamed and will not be made available in the online media archive.
Organized by Columbia GSAPP.