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Epic Architecture Salon Presents Stanislava Pinchuk In “Borders”

Fri, Jun 21, 2019    6:30pm

Epic Architecture Salon
Stanislava Pinchuk
In “Borders”

Introduced by
Cristina Goberna Pesudo
in conversation with
Nerea Calvillo and Marco Ferrari

Please join us for the official launching of the Epic Architecture Salon at the GSAPP Incubator this coming Friday at 18:30. We have as special guest the artist Stanislava Pinchuk who will fly from Australia just for the occasion and will delight us with an illustration of her work Borders, a piece she made after gathering objects found at the French refugee and immigration camp Calais Jungle at the frontier between France and the UK. Introduced and moderated by Cristina Goberna Pesudo, the evening will follow with a conversation with Nerea Calvillo, head of C+Architectas (Spain and UK), and Marco Ferrari, partner of Studio Folder (Milano), both visiting professors at Columbia University GSAPP.

Epic Architecture is a venture founded by Cristina Goberna Pesudo that takes Bertolt Brecht’s Epic Theatre as inspiration in its aim to directly involve the public in current issues that deal with the architecture, the city, art politics and beyond using atypical formats like theatre (through Epic Architecture Theatre Company) and now a Salon. Epic Architecture Salon revives the idea of the historical Artists Salons, that is, of gatherings held partly to amuse, refine the taste, and increase the knowledge of its participants through conversation.