Each student/group project participating in a studio/course should be represented with 1-5 files.
Each student/group may submit a brief project description directly via this Google form.
Still Images
Animated GIFs
Video Files
PDFS (multi-page documents only)
Program CriticLastName StudentName1 StudentName2 SemesterYear ImageNumber
Example: ARCH Doe KenBohen JamieSmith SP23 01.jpg
Program Abbreviations:
ARCH: Architecture Studio
BST: Building Science and Technology
CDP: Computational Design Practices
CCCP: Critical, Curatorial and Conceptual Practices
HP: Historic Preservation Studio
HT: History/Theory
NYP: New York/Paris
UD: Architecture and Urban Design
UP: Urban Planning
VS: Visual Studies
Term Abbreviations:
SU: Summer
FA: Fall
SP: Spring
If the work was executed by a group, please include the names of all of the participants. Students’ names should be listed exactly how they should appear in the End of Year Show.