Reset: Climate Change, Material Ecosystems, and Artifical Intelligence
Are Icebergs Free? Rethinking Ownership, Borders and Movement in the Arctic Circle
Dispatches: Unsettling Architecture and the Instabilities of Modernity
Extreme Scale: Social Infrastructure for the Kingsbridge Armory
Plein Air
Extreme Scale: Social Infrastructure for the Kingsbridge Armory
Maison Studio
The Coming Community
Climatic Feudalism: Architecture, Ecology and the Crisis of the Democratic Governance Models
Industry of Waste
NYCDMX: Local Transgressions Global Transmissions on 116th Street
Enacting our Environmental Entanglements: Museum of Water / Museo dell'acqua
Mountain Aven House
Adaptive Capacity: materials and assemblies for an uncertain future
Constructive Entropy: Impermanence, Biogenic Materials, and Regeneration in the Edgelands
Adaptive Capacity: materials and assemblies for an uncertain future
Data Mourning
The Art of Poetic Environmental Architecture
Site arch adv v
Reset: Climate Change, Material Ecosystems, and Artifical Intelligence
Transformation of Transparency

Constructing a new city amid the global environmental crisis, could be seen as a reckless deci...

Slow Transformation
The question of two kinds of states coexisting is a political one that is laced with intricacies ...
Materializing Transition
Patterns of transience emerge around new material economies, spurred by adaptation to changing so...
Resetting Concrete Ecologies

Its 2040. As old infrastructures begin to fail, within the cracks we find opportunity to resti...

New New York Rising
The Decarbon Air Rights came into effect in New York City as a solution to climate and housing cr...
La Nueva Revolución (The New Revolution)

Title: La Nueva Revolución (The New Revolution)

Site: Vieques, Puerto Rico. 2050

Transforming Agricultural Waste into Sustainable Educational Infrastructure in India
India, the second largest agro-based economy with year-round crop cultivation, generates a large ...

In 2053, the current site of Spring Studios has transformed into a bustling hub where native b...

Tribeca Bazaar
Tribeca Bazaar seeks to bring informal street food into Springs Studios that previously provided ...
Plaza by the Water
The looming threat of rising sea levels inevitably jeopardizes existing urban plazas and public s...
Are Icebergs Free? Rethinking Ownership, Borders and Movement in the Arctic Circle
Collecting Landscapes
The initial research for this project investigated the depiction of landscape and material cultur...
Education Center for the Sami
The Sami people, indigenous to Northern Europe, have a population of about 80,000 Sami language s...
Arctic Tourism’s Last Frontier
Greenland is an arctic nation with seafood, subsidies from Denmark and mining making up the vast ...
Arctic Apothecary

Situated amidst the Aleut Islands, a historic haven for over 25,000 indigenous Aleut people, o...

Prudhoe Bay, AK is home to the nation’s largest oilfield as well as a large bird population, part...
Dispatches: Unsettling Architecture and the Instabilities of Modernity
An Emergent Ecology of Situated Simultaneities

“The medium of sound is one of change-over-time. Even a sustained tone consists in alter...

Haunted Interval
A hidden gap in the interstices of Columbia University’s military-disciplinary programs off...
Echoes of Capital

The Citicorp Plaza serves as a testament to the intertwined narratives of religion and finance...

Memory Ground
Impermeable streets, rising groundwater levels, aging sewers, and increasing cloudbursts have led...
Extreme Scale: Social Infrastructure for the Kingsbridge Armory
What if the armory transcends its physical boundaries and becomes an urban condenser, a local cul...
KINGS-BRIDGE: Cradle to Career

What if circulation and movement could transform our social and educational landscape? Picture...

The Living Armory
What if the armory could bring the outside in? Imagine a sanctuary where the boundary between ext...
Park Kingsbridge

What if there was a park in the Armory that could weave the gap between parts of the neighborh...

Plein Air
Air Stewardship in the Andes
Our focus is on the San Isidro region in Ecuador’s Cotopaxi province, situated on the edge ...
Monsanto Land
This project investigates the ways in which the obsession with modernism and chemicals in the mid...
Arctic Bridge
Our topics focus on the intersection of ship emission, air pollution in arctic area, and their im...
Shadow Gallery for AMNH
In our project, we aim to question the notions of ‘Natural History’ and whether air is a thing th...
Designing for Wildlife and Fire Safety

The Dixie Fire, igniting on July 13, 2021, stands out as one of the state’s largest wild...

Extreme Scale: Social Infrastructure for the Kingsbridge Armory
Renovation of The Kingsbridge Armory

What if we were to think about the armory typology in relation to its original architectural i...

Extreme Scale - Wander City
What if the Kingsbridge Armory itself became a city? What kind of city could it be? How could thi...
Maison Studio
Earth-Based Green Wall

Our research focuses on advancing sustainable architecture through earth materials for future ...

Re-defining Anthropocene
Project was a module design looking at different materiality’s in the water. Designed with ...
Maison Serrago
Since buildings contribute around 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, it is critica...
Temporal Permanence
Permanence, often equated with enduring materials like concrete, undergoes critical examination i...
The Coming Community
Meta Museum House
Museums have evolved from their ancient origins as private collections to their transformation in...
Via Negativa
The project’s intervention in the Guggenheim Museum is inspired by Nassim Taleb’s con...
Chance by Choice
The circulation of the Guggenheim is too forced and singular. Although appearing continuous, ther...
Reviving Intimacy
For a long time, architecture’s infatuation with tabula rasa and newness – new forms, new media, ...
Public Spiral

Reinterpreting the iconic spiral structure and urban context of the Guggenheim Museum, the pro...

The proposal involves constructing a new street through Cooper Hewitt, linking bustling 5th Avenu...
Climatic Feudalism: Architecture, Ecology and the Crisis of the Democratic Governance Models
Industry of Waste

Corktopia harnesses an intersection of production and play to create a new form of societal co...

More Death, More Life: The Industry of Immortality

Wood waste often exists longer as waste compared to its product state or even original form. T...

NYCDMX: Local Transgressions Global Transmissions on 116th Street
Capas del Taco
Layers of the taco relate to layers of culture, layers of history and generational layers of coll...
Fluid Sanctity
Fluid Sanctity is a church intervention project that aims to recognize different approaches to sp...
Enacting our Environmental Entanglements: Museum of Water / Museo dell'acqua
Museum of Water
I used the existing swimming pool to create an exhibition on a drainage system currently in use i...
Re-collecting Water Histories
The adaptive reuse project encapsulates Venice’s unique water collection history, specifica...
The Lab Exhibit: Material Deterioration in Venice
Located on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, this existing pool building has been con...
Museo de Acqua Alta

‘Museo de Acqua Alta,’ celebrates water’s central role in Venice’s cul...

Leveraging Craft
This project studies water through the Venetian cultural practice of rowing. Individual to Venice...
Museo of Water : Who owns the water
Museo of Water is a museum project that talks about ownership of water depends on the gender in V...
Mountain Aven House
Glacial Nexus Gallery : SubterraArctic Hub
“Glacial Nexus Gallery: SubterraArctic Hub” nestled beneath the heart of Columbia Universit...
Greenhouse 45
The granite and steel gatehouse on West 119th Street was built during the cholera outbreak of the...
Climatic Wetland

The Ephemeral Sanctuary: A Biodegradable Ode to Rewilding

The permanence often ascribe...

Wind Boulevard
The Wind Boulevard, part of this project, creates a continuous cool house regulated by wind speed...
Adaptive Capacity: materials and assemblies for an uncertain future
Constructive Entropy: Impermanence, Biogenic Materials, and Regeneration in the Edgelands
Return to Rikers

As an alternative proposal to the projected plans of Riker’s Island post-decommission, t...

Dead Horse Bay Historic Landfill Rehabilitation
Dead Horse Bay becomes an archeological site to extract historic artifacts from a landfill by lev...
Density and Weaving

Our project introduces bamboo as an affordable, easy-to-grow, and sustainable building materia...

Aviation Assassins

The design proposal aims to draw attention to the bird strike issue at JFK Airport, particular...

Adaptive Capacity: materials and assemblies for an uncertain future
Thermal Layering
Thermal Layering is about rethinking the layers of the interior, creating a spatial-prototype thr...
We are dealing with a large building stock, an increasing demand for residential space, and the a...
Living Vertical: Reimagining Office Towers as Community Hubs and Housing
Given the pressing housing crisis in New York, the project envisions a transformation of 1411 Bro...
Data Mourning
Land in Cans: Pacific Flavors of Adaptation and Resilience
The global temperature continues to increase and cause further sea level rise in the years to com...
Coral Urbanism
‘The Coral Parliament’ proposes a framework where Corals and Humans discuss common concerns and c...
Embassy for a disappearing state

The Embassy for a Disappearing State is positioned within the context of Tuvalu’s submer...

Town Hall for Recording Intangible Heritage
Tuvalu’s ambition to upload themselves to the metaverse follows the preservation of its memories ...
The Art of Poetic Environmental Architecture