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Pedro Rivera

Pedro Rivera is an architect and urbanist whose work flows between design and research, with concentration in the relations among architecture, art and urban inequality. He is a co-founder of RUA Arquitetos, in Rio de Janeiro, and was director and curator at GSAPP’s Studio-X Rio from 2011-17, which became the city’s most relevant venue dedicated to architecture. Rivera had works exhibited at MoMA (New York, 2014), MAK (Wien, 2015), Carnegie Museum of Art (Pittsburgh, 2016), Het Nieuwe Instituut (Rotterdam, 2016) and MAM São Paulo (2017); as well as in the architecture biennials of Hong Kong / Shenzen (2014), Chicago (2015), Venice (2016) and São Paulo (2017).

At Studio-X Rio, he organized more than 300 events such as lectures, exhibitions and workshops, as well as conducted the researches Fight, Squat, Resist (2015-16) and Housing Project (2017), both on housing issues. He also coordinated the collective project Ciclo Rotas Centro (2013), a defined network of bike paths for the downtown of Rio – in collaboration with ITDP Brazil and Transporte Ativo.

At Rua Arquitetos, his design work ranges from the Rio 2016 Olympic Golf Course Clubhouse to art galleries and cultural spaces for NGOs in the favelas of Rio.

Rivera holds a Master in Urbanism at Rio de Janeiro Federal University and was an assistant professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (2010-13). He is a constant presence as a critic and lecturer in several international institutions, including GSAPP, ETH Zurich, Princeton, Nieuwe Instituut, among others.


Course Semester Title Student Work Instructor Syllabus Requirements & Sequence Location & Time Session & Points Call No.
A4104‑8 Spring 2023
Architecture Studio IV, Dual Planning Studio
ARCH UP_Rivera Escalante-Chris Kumaradjaja SP23 03.JPG
Arch up rivera escalante emilypadilla chicas kaylaparsons sp23 04.jpg
Arch up rivera escalante erichagerman soichiroharada dhwaniladdha sp23 05
Pedro Rivera, Ubaldo Escalante
0 Points
Pla6911‑5 Spring 2023
Joint Architecture Planning Studio
Pedro Rivera, Ubaldo Escalante
M + TH 1:30 PM - 6:30 PM
9 Points
A4104‑8 Spring 2022
Architecture Studio IV
Arch rivera escalante polinastepanova elizadekker gabriellecoleman sp22 rendering
Arch rivera escalante weixiao ruonandu sp22 02 perspective section
Arch rivera escalante isaackhouzam xuliu ruiqi zhu sp22 01 site map
Pedro Rivera, Ubaldo Escalante
0 Points